"I'm back!" |
The episode begins six months ago during a Flashback and it is revealed that The Count escaped during The Undertaking (even setting The Dollmaker free), it then goes to the present and Moira's trial has begun. In a Flashback Oliver, Sara, Ivo and some of the pirates are now on the island and Slade and Shado prepare to rescue Oliver, in the present Oliver sends Diggle home because he looks ill and later collapses in front of Felicity. The Count, now renamed Count Vertigo, is back to selling Vertigo but has bigger plans meanwhile Oliver and Felicity find out Diggle has trace amounts of Vertigo in his system though they don't know how it got there. At the trial things aren't looking too good for Moira, especially since Laurel's boss says he has a trump card, however he suddenly collapses as well, in a Flashback Shado and Slade arrive to help Oliver. Later Oliver knows that Moira is still keeping secrets however soon a video is posted on the internet of Count Vertigo who has kidnapped Laurel's boss and says that he has infected numerous people with Vertigo already. Laurel is then put in charge of prosecuting Moira and Roy helps Thea vent her frustration with boxing.
Laurel then begs Moira to accept the plea bargain because she doesn't want to use the trump card meanwhile Arrow tracks down Count Vertigo but he escapes, taking advantage that Arrow doesn't kill now. Moira then tells Oliver and Thea that she once had an affair with Malcolm much to their disgust and this goes against her in court; Laurel stating that she was never in any true danger from Malcolm. In a Flashback Slade and Shado successfully rescues Oliver and Sara, in the present Felicity figures out immunization vans infected people with Vertigo so Count Vertigo can create supply and demand however she is kidnapped while investigating a van. Oliver then gets a call from Count Vertigo who has figured out he is Arrow but is killed by him when he threatens Felicity. In a Flashback Slade is still not doing too well from his wounds so Sara suggests the Mirakuru on the sub, in the present Moira is found not guilty much to the surprise of everyone. It is then revealed that Brother Blood was the one backing Count Vertigo however a man named Cyrus Gold (Graham Shiels) has survived his injection. The episode ends with the reveal the Malcolm Merlyn is still alive; admitting that he rigged the trial to get Moira free and that Thea is actually his daughter.
"And I'm back too" |
Got the return of two great Arrow villains in this and I guess I will first start off with the main one and that is Count Vertigo. I have read other reviews that people don't like him too much because he is like a Joker copy (I admit that video was a copy from The Dark Knight) however I have always liked him because despite him not having any powers it was smart that they turned it into a drug. Like his overall plan in this episode was really great as well and I liked the two action scenes when Arrow tracked him down and it was cool that he figured out Arrow's identity. Plus Count Vertigo brought up Oliver's vow of no killing again and in such a big way because of kidnapping Felicity; it was a really great moment when Arrow shot him out the window and I guess Oliver is going to have to live with the fact he killed after his vow now. Shame that Count Vertigo is dead now but I think he had a real impact on the story in this episode.
"Just a little taste Felicity, you'll love it" |
The other major event in this episode was Moira's trial and I liked how that was handled as well because it had so many twists like the fact Moira had an affair with Malcolm and I liked the moments Oliver and Thea went through wen dealing with the whole thing. I seriously thought Moira would be found guilty and I was really surprised when she wasn't but that was explained with the return of Malcolm Merlyn. Really glad he is back because he was such an awesome villain and played by such a great actor who definitely has more to give to the series. He has some explaining about how he faked his death but that was overshadowed with the reveal that Thea is his daughter! I wonder how long it would take for Oliver and Thea to find this out and how much conflict it would create but until then I'm sure Malcolm will use this as leverage of Moira.
"Finally we got one and it only took 500 tries" |
As for the rest of the episode I did really like the Flashbacks (cool how Slade has one side of his face covered like Deathstroke) but there was so little of it. I wanted to see more and learn even more of this Mirakuru and if they will inject Slade with it. Also I liked seeing Brother Blood once again and I think after seeing these Flashbacks it is obvious now that he is injecting Mirakuru into his victims and it looks like now he has a super - solider. Lastly Laurel is once again a let down in this because the writers are just making her out to be really unlikeable; I know she warned Moira but maybe she could have done more and her being the prosecutor really is a conflict of interest and really would not have happened in real life.
Funny that it's kind of shaped like a V |
Overall this was a really great episode with the return of two great villains and such great reveals.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Return of Count Vertigo
Return on Malcolm Merlyn
All of Moira's trial
Let - Downs: Laurel
Wanted longer Flashbacks
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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