Deathstroke vs. Deathstroke |
This episode begins straight after the last one however The Hood gets nothing out of Moira and when he lets down his guard she manages to fire some shots at The Hood; injuring him and leaving blood at the scene. In the Queen Consolidated parking garage Oliver sneaks in the back of Felicity's car and asks for help, even revealing his identity to her! She agrees and takes him to the Arrowcave where she and Diggle treat the wound, we then have a Flashback and Slade is teaching Oliver hand to hand combat. He then says that a cargo plane that comes once every three months is their best bet off and they set off however Oliver steps on a land mine. Luckily Slade fixes the problem when he kills several commandos and places one on the mine, elsewhere on the island Fyers wants Yao Fei to train his troops in archery. That night Oliver tells Slade how he cheated on Laurel while Slade tells him more about Wintergreen, they then both arrive at the airstrip.
"You better not bleed all over my seats" |
In the present day Felicity is taking the situation really well but Oliver takes a turn for the worst and they have to use a defibrillator. It then cuts to a Flashback and Slade has taken out several guards and then helps Oliver who runs into trouble. They then manage to call the cargo plane but Oliver refuses to leave Yao Fei and Slade only gives him 3 hours to find him. In the present Felicity wonders why Diggle joined Oliver who answers that his darkest moment was protecting a drug lord in the military and hated himself for it but working with Oliver makes him feel like a good man again. In a Flashback Oliver is captured and beaten up by Wintergreen but Slade arrives and, after an awesome fight, kills his former friend; they then both manage to escape but the cargo plane leaves. Though Slade is disappointed the plane has left he is impressed with Oliver's progress and it is then revealed Fyers has Yao Fei daughter hostage. In the present Felicity agrees to work with them to help find Walter and Oliver is still in denial about his mother. The episode ends with Moira telling Oliver The Hood attacked her and him saying it will never happen again.
"Place your bets folks!" |
Two really great things happened in this episode; Felicity is finally a part of Team Arrow and the majority of the events took place in a Flashback. Firstly Felicity took the news really well but then again she is really smart so she had to expect something was up (her line "I'm blond but not that blond" was funny) and she is already proving her usefulness with upgrade the Arrowcave's software and removing Oliver's blood from SCPD. Felicity is such a great character and now she will most likely get a lot more screen time which is what she deserves. Plus I think the whole team compliments each other well; Oliver as The Hood, Diggle as backup and can do more stuff in his normal life to help and Felicity as their computer expert. Overall I am glad that Oliver has a team to work with him rather than just be all by himself.
Rookies, am I right Slade |
Then there was the great Flashbacks and I am glad that at least one episode this season is mainly set in the past. It was awesome seeing Oliver and Slade sneaking into the airstrip and taking out all those guards and of course Slade proves just how much of a one man army he really is. The guy is a complete badass; when he sliced those soldiers around the mine in one swing and when he said to Oliver; "You worry about your one, I'll worry about my then.". The highlight of course was the show down with Wintergreen which was beyond epic! Shame that Wintergreen is now dead (he could have been a lot more fleshed out) but that was a sad backstory between him and Slade which did clear up a lot of things. Later I really love so far about Arrow is that even if it might be too realistic with it's characters and villains, it's fight scenes are some of the best I have seen. Also now we have the reason why Yao Fei is working with Fyers and it is down to classic blackmail, I guess Oliver and Slade will have to rescue his daughter if Yao Fei is to truly be free. Finally Oliver has really shown progression since he was on the island because even though he failed to kill his one guy he had two awesome scenes. First was remembering the quote from the Odyssey, that was an intense scene because you wonder if he got it right or not and then there was his speech to Slade about what a spoiled brat he was. It took being stranded on a dangerous island but Oliver finally admits how much of a jerk he was in his old life and missing the plane to rescue Yao Fei was cool because he is caring about others now.
"I can so picture myself using this" |
Overall this is definitely one of the best episodes of the season along with the Dark Archer episode.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Felicity joins the team
Deathstroke vs. Deathstroke
Let - Downs: Oliver still in constant denial about Moira
Wintergreen could have been a bit more fleshed out before being killed
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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