"I want your head Arrow" |
The episode begins with a truck heist by China White, Roy attempts to stop it but is instead arrested by the police. At the SCPD Laurel, Thea and Oliver try to talk him out of his vigilantism but Roy says the Glades hospital's medical supplies are being stolen, in a Flashback Slade finds a map on the men they killed. Oliver visits the hospital where he meets Sebastian Blood (Kevin Alejandro), an alderman for the Glades, who insult's Oliver's family for The Undertaking on TV. Felicity meanwhile is not happy with her new job as Oliver's secretary and we have a Flashback and Oliver and Shado are getting intimate. Oliver then suits up as Arrow to stop another heist but China White has backup in the form of Ben Turner AKA Bronze Tiger (Michael Jai White) who uses his claw weapons to put up quite the fight however they are interrupted by the police and they flee. Thea later tells Roy that she wants him to chose her or the Arrow and Sebastian later visits Oliver to apologise for earlier and two agree to hold a charity event.
Blood for Mayor!! |
In a Flashback Slade, Oliver and Shado follow the map while in the present Arrow visits Laurel for help on the heists but she refuses because she blames him for Tommy's death. Oliver is later forced to abandon the charity event because of a report of a new heist which causes Sebastian to slander him. Arrow and Diggle arrive at the heist where Arrow holds back and defeats Bronze Tiger, made difficult again by the interference of the police. Diggle drives the truck away but his attacked by China White but Arrow arrives in time to pin her to a post and later employs Roy's help to be his "eyes and ears" in the Glades. In a Flashback the group arrive at a cave where they find many deformed skeletons and Oliver finds the stone he would later give to Thea. The episode ends with Arrow trying to convince Laurel he is not a criminal but she has set him up and is surrounded by the police.
Awesome! |
Season two looks like it is not going to hold anything back with episode two bringing back China White (who also debuted in episode two of season one) and a new antagonist Bronze Tiger. China White was good in this because I have always liked the character but it was Bronze Tiger who stole the spotlight. We got some truly awesome fight scenes from him, with a great use of martial arts, combined with those cool claws and the fact he swatted away the arrows. This is the kind of villain I wanted to see more of in season one; someone who could psychically stand up to Arrow so much it didn't faze him being shot by an arrow and took an electric shock to put him down . I liked his personality as well; they way he taunted Arrow to fight better and mocking him for his choice not to kill, it was like he cared more for a great battle. Also I did like the team up of China White and Bronze Tiger because whether it's comics, TV or films I just really like villain team ups and they had a great two vs. one fight against Arrow.
"Things just got weird" |
Another great new character was Sebastian Blood who was really charismatic in every scene he was in and I just liked his character straight away. With the introduction of Sebastian it again shows that they are not abandoning the Glades and will play an even larger in this season. I'm sure Sebastian will continue to play a large role as well and from the looks of it in this episode he will be more of an enemy to Oliver, though that was largely Oliver's fault lol.
"I was just in a car crash, show a little compassion?" |
As for the rest of the episode I did like that Arrow has employed the help of Roy because it is one more step for him becoming his side kick. I was annoyed however with Thea, Laurel and Oliver constantly trying to dissuade him from his vigilantism because to be fair in Roy's mind he is the only one protecting the Glades right now. Speaking of Laurel she again proves to be the bad thing about the episode because again her turning on the Arrow just doesn't work because it was such a sudden change in her attitude. Not to mention she betrayed him at the end and was probably the one who made the police keep interfering and why did she go with them as well? she has just become really unlikable so far. Lastly there is the Flashbacks and I know I didn't mention them last review and that is because I don't really think much has happened in them yet. Them finding the skeletons was pretty interesting but other than that it hasn't been too exciting.
"How to get out of this one?" |
Overall we have got some great new characters in this episode along with some awesome fight scenes.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Bronze Tiger kicking ass!
Strong introduction for Blood
Awesome fight scenes
Let - Downs: Laurel once again
Flashbacks haven't been that exciting
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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