"Just wait till you see my costume boy" |
The episode begins with Barry successfully treating Oliver however Oliver is angry with Felicity and Diggle revealing his identity to someone else and leaves however at Queen Manor he finds that Thea has brought home the injured Roy and helps treat his leg. Oliver then has an hallucination of Shado and then has a Flashback and Ivo's men have taken Oliver, Sara and Shado outside and forces Oliver to chose who will die, in the present he later asks Barry to take more samples of his blood to see if there is more wrong with him. Thea then asks Laurel for help in investigating Sebastian's blood drive meanwhile Felicity finds out more information on Gold however his apartment is empty when Arrow and Diggle search it so Arrow has no choice but to ask Quentin for help. In a Flashback Oliver choses to guard Sara at the last second so Ivo kills Shado instead, in the present Barry and Felicity watch as the particle accelerator in Central City is getting a lot of media coverage and Sebastian is informed by his police insider that they are hunting Gold. Oliver then has to deal with hallucinations of Slade meanwhile Quentin and his squad are ambushed by Gold leaving him severely injured and the rest dead.
"Just a little bit of fun Oliver" |
Laurel visits Quentin in the hospital and seems to bond more with Sebastian and Quentin gives Arrow a key he took from Gold. Oliver is still unsure of fighting Gold but the rest of the team try to reassure him and Barry even says his hallucinations are psychological not from anything else. Later Roy steals files on all the blood drive participates but is captured by Gold and injected with Mirakuru by Brother Blood however Arrow arrives soon after from examining the key. Gold beats him quickly but with encouragement from an hallucination of Tommy, Arrow gets back up and puts up a better fight against Gold. He then destroys the centrifuge which spills harmful chemicals on Gold's face seemingly killing him, Arrow then helps Roy to a hospital (since Brother Blood escaped) where he has survived the injection but doesn't remember much. It is then revealed that Slade Wilson (who has a patch over his right eye) is indeed alive and backing Sebastian who is running for Mayor and in a Flashback Slade has survived his injection and kills all of Ivo's men with his new speed and strength and mourns over the loss of Shado (Sara covers for Oliver saying it was all Ivo's fault). The episode ends with Oliver receiving a green domino mask from Barry who has returned to Central City but soon struck by lightning after the particle accelerator exploded.
Super epic reveal! |
Now this was an awesome episode because of the reveal that Slade is now in the present day story, is the one backing Brother Blood's experiments and that the present day Mirakuru is made from his blood. He defiantly looks more like his comic counterpart now with his patch and grey streaks in his hair and it makes me even more excited for the Flashbacks to find out why he is wants to destroy Oliver so much. Obviously it must have something to do with Shado's death but I hope we also find out how he lost his right eye and how he made it off the island. He was really epic in the Flashbacks where he used his new powers to kill Ivo's men so I hoe soon we get to see him more as Deathstroke and fight Oliver.
Say it before and I'll say it again; that is one creepy mask |
Continuing on from Slade we also had a great story this episode revolving around Mirakuru and Brother Blood such as the awesome fights with Gold killing all those cops and his final showdown with Oliver; they where both done really well and made Gold out to be an unstoppable force. Though I usually don't like ghosts appearing to help out protagonists (mentioned in an earlier review) they handled the ghost of Tommy really well and that he gives encouragement to Oliver. It was almost like Oliver finally got some closure with his best friend's death and it may even help him become a better Arrow (as the ending of this episode sort of implied). As before Sebastian is really creepy when he puts on his skull mask and becomes Brother Blood and I like how Roy is now more involved in the story of Mirakuru. Since he survived the injection I guess it will only be a matter of time before he may become Red Arrow/Arsenal because he is one of my favourite Arrow characters.
Yay Tommy cameo |
As for the rest of the episode I am again liking Quentin more and more in this season than in the last one because of how he accepts Arrow and even helped him. Barry continued to be a great guest character and the scene where he got struck by lightning was so awesome because it was at that moment that I knew there was finally going to exist real super powers in the Arrow universe. Plus I am glad that Arrow finally has his domino mask because I think it would work better to hide his identity than green paint. Laurel was ok in this episode mainly because at the very least they didn't show her drug and drink addiction again (just cannot stand that) and maybe her investigating Sebastian will give her a better storyline. As for what I didn't like as I mentioned above they handled the ghost of Tommy well but I just still don't like it that much and I did like the majority of the Flashbacks but I think Oliver did a really dick move saving Sara. Don't get me wrong she is an awesome character but after everything Shado and Oliver went through on the island (and the stuff involving Yao Fei) I can't believe Oliver didn't save Shado! I just think it was a bit of a selfish move and even though he was forced to make a decision I just thought he would have felt more of a pull towards Shado.
The Flash is born |
Overall this was a great episode with some awesome fight scenes and the reveal of Slade alive in the present. Did anyone know that Cyrus Gold was the name of Solomon Grundy when he was still alive? I didn't say it last review because I thought they where just using the name but after hearing Diggle mention the rhyme, who knows maybe he might come back as the zombie lol.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Slade revealed as main villain
Arrow vs. Gold/Gold vs. the police
Barry being struck by lightning at the end
Let - Downs: Don't like it when ghosts/hallucination of dead characters return
Though Sara had to live I still kind of hate that Oliver didn't choose Shado
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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