You shouldn't have done that officer |
The episode begins at the Arrowcave and Diggle and Felicity are surprised at there is no news on Isabel's death however Roy then wakes up and escapes, so they call Oliver and Sara who are in a hotel together. Thea and Moira argue over her campaign and we then get a Flashback and Oliver says to Moira that he got another girl pregnant while he is seeing Laurel. In the present Roy has been making numerous attacks on people, even on Sin who runs into him and who later tells Sara about it meanwhile Moira tells Sebastian she is dropping out of the running (since she now wants to focus on her family). Arrow and Black Canary find Roy in the clock tower who easily overpowers them (even catching an arrow) before he escapes and kills a police officer. Sara is forced to bring Arrow to a doctor, who actually thanks him for the things he has done, and Thea sees a report on the rampaging Roy while with Diggle. Sara and Oliver later aruge about Roy because Sara thinks they need to kill him and Roy begins to have hallucinations about Thea who wants him to kill her.
"Just remember; no questions doctor" |
Oliver asks Moira why she is dropping out of the running and thinks her running for Mayor will be good for Thea and Moira admits she knows Oliver is Arrow and that he does good, in a Flashback Moira bribes the pregnant girl to leave and never tell Oliver, possibly believing he is not ready. Thea then uses Moira's speech at The Verdant to draw out Roy which works and Sara shoots him in the leg but Oiver knocks him out with viper venom. Sara then leaves Team Arrow and Oliver because she thinks she is just a killer and Oliver deserves better and while the Queen Family is in a limo Moira says to Thea that their will be no more lies but before she can say something about Malcolm the limo crashes with another car. Slade then makes Oliver chose who lives between Moira and Thea however Moira steps up, something Slade admits is brave of her, before killing her and leaving. The episode ends in a Flashback where Oliver is told the girl lost then baby but says he wasn't ready to be a father however Moira says she will always be there for him.
"Bet this situation feels familiar, doesn't it boy?" |
We got the death of a major character in the series again and unlike Tommy this wasn't saved until the finale. Moira really has come such a long was from season one, she definitely the strongest and most interesting of all the female characters, so it is sad to see her go. I almost kind of thought this was her punishment for all the secrets and lies but despite that everything she has done is for her family, especially in season one and it was nice seeing her do good (running for Mayor) this season. Her death was also handled really well because it forced Oliver to make a choice like he did on the island and I am sure her demise is going to have a lot of repercussions. I am glad Oliver made his peace with her before she was killed (she even knew his secret!) but I wish Thea wasn't still so hostile towards her. The Flashbacks where also a change; it does show Moira's motherly side but it also puts her in a bad light for handling Oliver's child the way she did in my opinion. For those who don't know Oliver does have a son in the comics named Connor Hawke so he might be the child if we ever do see it.
Get through to him Thea! |
As for the rest of the episode I really didn't like the finding Roy plot because it felt like filler to me, just to stretch out the episode, which is a shame because he is one of m favourite characters. Plus since he is back in a coma at the end, which was how he started, it almost felt like there wasn't much point in all of it. I also really didn't like Sara in this episode (again a shame because she is one of my favourite characters) because of her willingness to kill Roy and her admitting she is a killer. I just didn't believe any of that because ever since she joined Team Arrow she has become a good vigilante and even spared The Huntress so I just wondered what the hell she was going on about. Speaking of The Huntress, Sara using a gun was a stupid move because we never saw her with them before, now that was acting too much like that Huntress b***h for my liking. I guess that is it for this episode, there just didn't seem like much to talk about because the Roy and Sara moments where just filler.
Goodbye Moira |
Overall I will give this episode I higher score than I might have usually given it because of Moira and her death scene.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Moira
Roy vs. Arrow and Black Canary was good
Let - Downs: Roy subplot felt like filler
Sara just didn't make sense in saying she is always a killer when she has proven she isn't
Thea could have been less hostile to Moira
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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