"Soon you won't be the only hero" |
The episode begins with a masked thief (Gold) with super human strength stealing a centrifuge from Queen Consolidate d's Applied Sciences Division meanwhile at Queen's Consolidated Isabel is not happy Moira is getting involved in the company because of her recent trial. Oliver, Diggle and Felicity head to the science division to investigate along with Quentin and the police and are soon joined by Central City forensic specialist Barry Allen (Grant Gustin); he says that Central City had a similar incident and also expresses admiration for the Arrow. In a Flashback the group are still trying to find the sub while in the present Oliver observes video of Gold stealing the centrifuge and Barry and Felicity work together on the scene. Sin then later contacts Roy and Thea for help in finding her missing friend who was part of Sebastian's blood drive and Malcolm pressures Moira to reveal to Thea his is her father. Arrow then later tries to stop Gold from stealing a blood van but is easily overpowered which leads him to realize it is Mirakuru, in a Flashback the group find the sub. While Barry and Felicity do more investigating Sin, Roy and Thea are doing the same but are observed by one of Sebastian's men. Oliver and Diggle later confront Barry because Central City did not send him or have a similar case and Barry admits his mother was killed in a vortex of yellow lightning so he investigates anything to do with super powers when he can.
"Fine with my bike the way it is, don't need to pimp it up like Batman" |
Moira later holds a party but barely anyone attends (however she speaks to a mysterious man there) and we get a Flashback and the group prepare to inject a dying Slade with Mirakuru but there is a chance it will kill him. Sin and Barry later arrive at the crime scene of her friend who lays dead and Felicity predicts where Gold will strike next because Mirakuru's need for sedatives. Roy then contacts Arrow about Sin's friend but is shot in the leg when he refuses to just stand by anymore meanwhile Moira warns Malcolm to stay away from her family because she has contacted Ra's Al Ghul about him who is angry with The Undertaking, Malcolm promises to leave for now. Arrow arrives at an A.R.G.U.S bunker to stop Gold but is easily beaten and injected with an unknown substance, in a Flashback Slade seemingly dies after being injected with Mirakuru (after telling Shado he loves her) but Ivo's men soon arrive. The episode ends with Barry being kidnapped by Diggle and Felicity because they need help in curing Oliver of the unknown substance.
Cool mask but it looks hard to see through |
Finally we get to see a Mirakuru solider in action and the action did not disappoint! Those two clashes that Arrow had with Gold where just awesome, the fighting was just gripping to watch. This also gives us a new phrase with the Arrow series with the arrival of people with powers; the first being Mirakuru, the other one I will talk in the next paragraph. It is really refreshing to see another villain (besides the Dark Archer) who can not only stand up to Arrow but actually defeat him. I am really interested in more of Mirakuru now and I hope it doesn't just stop with Gold, which is why I am looking forward to the next Flashbacks because they seem to deal with origins of Mirakuru. The Flashbacks continue to be entertaining and I liked the scene where the group is dealing with whether or not to inject Slade with Mirakuru; they really left it on a cliff-hanger on if his survives!
At least you guys have a lot of fond memories together |
The other big thing to talk about this episode was the arrival of Barry Allen who is The Flash and the mention of Central City, the place he protects. When I first heard that Barry Allen was in the episode I didn't get my hopes up much because even though I knew he was The Flash I didn't think he would actually become The Flash. However this all changed when Barry mentioned his mother's murder and I thought "They are really going to introduce superpowers in this?". This, along with Mirakuru as I mentioned above, is again proof that this season wants to improve over the first one and not feel as grounded which was my biggest complaint season one. I also liked the ending where he finds out Arrow's identity because that was so unexpected but nothing to worry about Barry obviously comes across as someone they can trust. Plus I think Grant Gustin was just a perfect choice for Barry Allen and I think him and Felicity work great together in their scenes, I mention him more in my Flash reviews.
You meddling kids! |
As for the rest of the episode I really enjoyed Thea, Roy and Sin working together on the murder because it gets them more involved in the main story but in their own way. It makes me think that their are two groups fighting crime right now; Team Arrow and Thea, Roy and Sin. I hope the three of them continue to work together more but maybe that won't happen because I really didn't expect Arrow to shoot Roy in the leg, wonder if that will lower Roy's opinion of Arrow now? I also liked seeing the conflict between Moira and Malcolm again and it was great how Moira actually contacted Ra's Al Ghul to get Malcolm off her back. Obviously Malcolm must be a wanted man by the League and I definitely want to know more about that however I am a bit disappoint that Malcolm has to leave now already. Lastly I am still annoyed that Isabel still has nothing to do in the series; sure there was a little tension between her and Moira but that is it, I feel that everyone in the episode had something great to do except her.
Moira vs. Merlyn |
Overall great episode with the possibility that we can see even more superpowers in the Arrow series as we get more seasons. Plus I'm glad there was no Laurel this episode, need a break from the stupid things she does.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Debut of Barry Allen and him learning Arrow's identity
Mirakuru continues to be great this season
Thea, Roy and Sin's investigation
The conflict between Moira and Malcolm
Let - Downs: At this point I wonder what the point of even having Isabel in the series
Malcolm has left again too soon
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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