Such a badass!!!! |
The episode begins with Team Arrow discovering Sara is dead and Laurel wanting to help track down her killer however Oliver refuses to let her, in a Flashback Oliver is ordered to kill Tommy who has arrived in Hong Kong because of his attempted email last episode. Arrow investigates the murder scene and then gets information from Quentin that another archer is in town while in the Arrowcave Roy and Felicity deals with Sara's death and Roy tells her about the night Thea left. Ray has successfully became CEO of Queen Consolidated and offers Felicity a job meanwhile after going over possible archer suspects (Oliver actually knows ten in the world) Arrow goes to a crime scene and saves one of the victims, Diggle then confirms the archer is Simon Lacroix AKA Komodo (Matt Ward). Arrow and Komodo fight with their bows and on bikes but Komodo gets the upper hand and escapes. Laurel then attempts to find out more by harshly questioning Kelso (the man Arrow saved) and learns that it all involved the construction of a new pipeline however Kelso is soon killed by Komodo, In a Flashback Oliver and Maseo kidnap Tommy.
"No one trashes my bike!" |
Later Laurel struggles of telling Quentin what happened when she meets him and Roy tells Oliver about the reason Thea left Starling. Ray then holds a charity event at Queen Consolidated where Komodo attacks because his next target is there however Arrow and Red Arrow arrive to fight him and pin him to the wall. Laurel then arrives to shot Komodo however he says he was at Bludhaven at the time of the murder which Oliver then later confirms. Laurel then decides not to tell Quentin the truth (believing the news would kill him) and she and Team Arrow bury Sara secretly. Laurel thinks it is unfair no one will ever know what Sara did and that her killer is still free however Diggle tells her he will name his daughter Sara and Oliver says they will keep looking. In a Flashback Oliver poses as the kidnapper and convinces Tommy he is still dead by saying he hacked Oliver's emails to get money but Tommy is then saved by Maseo who poses as a cop. Oliver then says he wants Thea back in the wake of losing Sara and Felicity accepts the job for Ray. The episode ends in the country of Corto Maltese where it is revealed Thea is training to fight by Malcolm.
This moment was done so well |
A great follow up to the ending of last episode and quite the emotional one as well but that is expected with the death of a major character. Everyone had their own way of dealing it and it was all acted really well from the characters like Oliver, Felicity and Laurel in particular. I liked the argument that Felicity and Oliver had over his lack of emotion and then Oliver's realization that he "doesn't want to die down here". The scene in the cemetery was so well done with Laurel tearing up again and saying how the heroic things Sara has done will never be known. She also had a great moment with her father when deciding whether or not to tell him what happened (though I think her decision to tell him will be bad in the long run), however I hated it when she pulled the trigger on Komodo despite the gun being empty because it annoyed me how easily she did it and how she ignored Oliver that Komodo is not the one. Speaking of Komodo he was an badass new villain and such an awesome archer! That bike fight he had with Arrow was epic because the stunt work was just great; I like that we have another new archer and I hope he appears in more episodes and we learn more about him.
Always great to see Tommy |
As for everything else Ray continues to be the strongest addition to season three so far and he is such a damn nice guy! You can't help but like the scenes he is in and he has a lot of light hearted humour that compliments Felicity's humour in the scenes they are in. As for the Flashbacks they where a lot better this time because we got a chance to see good old Tommy again and the plan of kidnapped him was so smart that I really enjoyed watching it. It showed how much Oliver has come from being just a playboy in his old life and it showed how much Tommy really cared for his best friend; going all the way to Hong Kong just on a little tip. Lastly I didn't like the reveal of Thea at the end because even though it is good to see Malcolm I didn't like that Thea is that good of a fighter in that short of time, it was just too fast. Even if I did like it I think it is way too soon for her to be in the season again, I think it might have been more effective if they left her out for a while; let to audience get used to her being gone then surprise us with her return. It was just like the return of Sara last episode; if you are just bringing them back straight away then what was the point of them leaving at the end of last season?
"I will save this city!" |
Overall a great episode with an awesome knew villain and a great send off for Sara.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Komodo and the awesome fight scenes with Arrow
Ray Palmer continues to be great
Tommy and the Flashbacks
A great emotional episode
Let - Downs: Thea being that good of a fighter and bringing her back too soon.
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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