"The League is here b***hes!" |
The episode begins with a Flashback of Oliver and Sara on the Queen's Gambit sinking while in the present Sara is staying with Oliver. Moira is then given a plea agreement for life in prison and Laurel is one of the lawyers against her because of her boss, much to Oliver's shock. In a Flashback Sara is a drift but stops the Amazo in the distance, in the present Oliver and Sara are attacked by a League of Assassins member, Al - Owal, but manage to hold him off. Oliver then takes Sara to the Arrowcave where she explains that she has left the League, in a Flashback Sara is put in a cage by the Amazo pirates. Arrow and Black Canary track the League members down to an old factory and fight them to a stalemate however Al - Owal threatens Sara's family, in a Flashback Sara meets someone named Dr Anthony Ivo.
"These guys are weird" |
Felicity then vaguely warns Quentin of the League however he does not take her seriously which forces Sara to reveal that she is alive to him. In a Flashback Ivo asks Sara for help in his experiments and in the present Oliver makes sure Laurel is safe but sees a dagger in her wall but he removes it discreetly. Quentin and Sara's happy reunion is cut short at the clock tower by the arrival of Al - Owal and two others however they fight them off, along with Arrow who arrives, and Sara kills Al - Owal. Realizing her family will be in danger Sara decides to leave Starling City much to Quentin's dismay and Moira decides to fight the death penalty with the support of Oliver and Thea. The episode ends with Oliver admitting to Diggle he wasn't always on the island and we get the same Flashback as last episode where Oliver is thrown at Sara's feet.
Awwwwwww |
What an awesome episode because we finally have the League of Assassins involving themselves more in the series. I know that this is only the fifth episode in but it has so far proved to be better than season one because of the inclusion of better villains like Bronze Tiger, Brother Blood and The Dollmaker and now the League of Assassins. We had some awesome fight scenes from them, I mean who doesn't like seeing ninjas fighting each, and their outfits are awesome because I already liked the Dark Archer costume. Sara had the spotlight once again and again I am glad because she is definitely one of the best characters now on Arrow and even if she left I doubt she will be gone for long. Her Flashbacks where also interesting as well though it is a shame they skipped the year she spent with Ivo before seeing Oliver again, even a small montage will do.
"Only losers use the front door!" |
Quentin was great in this episode as well, in fact he has been great this season, and I really liked that emotional goodbye he had with Sara at the end. Also despite not being a ninja he still kicked some ass against those League members and it seems he is going to have to live with a big secret for a while now as well. However once again the real weak point of this episode was Laurel because I am really just not liking her, she may have stayed off the drink and drugs this episode but I hated her damn attitude with Oliver and Quentin. However it seems the writers want to make us hate her even more by being against Moira in her trial, even if it was because of her boss she still shouldn't be against her friend's mom and she doesn't even seem bothered.
"You better not catch this!" |
Overall this was a great episode for the League of Assassins and I want to see more of them but I also want to see more of Diggle who hasn't had a large role lately.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Arrow and Black Canary still kick ass together!
Quentin was great in this episode
League of Assassins
Let - Downs: Laurel once again
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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