"I'm watching you" |
The episode begins with a training montage with Oliver and Roy, Thea and Malcolm, Laurel and Ted and then we see Felicity doing exercises in her house until she gets a visit from Ray and soon after her mother Donna (Charlotte Ross) who Ray gives a new watch too. In a Flashback five years ago when Felicity was at M.I.T (and looking really different) she was part of a "Hackavism" group with her boyfriend Cooper Sheldon and roommate Myron where she created a super virus however she stopped Cooper from using it to hack into the Department of Education to erase university loans. Oliver is later angry because Thea is using the remains of Malcolm's estate to buy a new apartment however later the whole city is blacked out and a transmission some someone calling himself Brother Eye says he will bring the city to it's knees. In a Flashback it is revealed Cooper is arrested by the F.B.I and in the present Brother Eye says he will erase all records in Starling National Bank so Arrow and Red Arrow go down there to quell the riots which happened when Laurel sent in SWAT, to which Quentin later tells her was a stupid move.
Felicity sure was different back in those days |
Felicity later finds out that the virus Brother Eye is using is the one she made at M.I.T so Arrow tracks down Myron who swears he wasn't behind it, when Arrow returns to the Arrowcave Felicity swears it couldn't be Cooper because he hung himself while awaiting trial. When Felicity storms off to have time to herself she gets into an argument with her mother because the two have always had a rocky relationship, she later returns to the Arrowcave to run a trace but Oliver says she should make amends with Donna. While talking Felicity and Donna are kidnapped by Brother Eye who is revealed to be Cooper who fakes his suicide because the NSA recruited him in jail however now he wants Felicity's hacking skills to steal armoured trucks loaded with money. Felicity doesn't however and uses Ray's watch to send a signal to Arrow to come and rescue them which he does and Cooper is knocked out by Felicity. Felicity then thanks Oliver for the advice and Oliver then patches things up with Thea but they are watched by Malcolm. The episodes ends with Roy having a dream of throwing arrows into Sara and killing her.
Was it Roy?????????????? |
Here is another episode that I have been waiting for ages to see; an episode dedicated to the background of Felicity and it didn't disappoint in that regard. Really liked all the Flashbacks because we got to see what Felicity used to be like and look like, got to admit she doesn't look half bad in all that black and it really was quite the transformation. It is also no surprise why she works so well with Oliver and Diggle and that is because she used to be a bit of a vigilante as well, being apart of that hacker group and designing viruses. I really enjoyed watching the comparison between M.I.T Felicity and present day Felicity, they where almost like to different people. We also got to see another member of the Smoak Family and I really loved watching Donna and how different she is from her daughter. It was funny how she acted around the other characters and how embarrassed Felicity is of her however we did get some touching moments from her such as when she pleaded with Brother Eye to kill her instead of Felicity and the ending. This also raised the question of Felicity's father because Donna said she got her brains from him, maybe he could be an important character in the future?
As for the rest of the episode the identity of Brother Eye was obvious and his plan to rob money bland in the end but I liked how he was an enemy for Felicity to take down with her hacking skills like with Clock King. We also got more interaction between Oliver and Thea involving Malcolm's money but I got to say I really don't know where the writers are going with Malcolm/Thea; is she going to side with him or not? give us some more hints already! Then there is Laurel and I do like her character a lot now but she does end up doing really stupid things these past few episodes like how she sent out SWAT when it was the wrong move. I know she is consumed by anger over Sara's death but she is still the one of the least likeable characters in the series, don't make us despise her even more. Finally there is the reveal Roy could have killed Sara and that is quite the twist! I am really interested to see how Team Arrow and Laurel react to this.
Felicity's mom should appear on the show more often! |
Overall this was a great origin episode for everyone's favourite hacker.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: A Felicity focused episode
Donna Smoak
Roy may have killed Sara
Let - Downs: Where are they going with the Malcolm/Thea subplot?
Brother Eyes master plan could have been better
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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