The city needs you Oliver! |
The episode begins with Diggle and Felicity going to the island to get Oliver who had returned following the destruction of the Glades five months ago because he feels he failed the city however they convince him to return saying it still needs Oliver Queen. In a Flashback Oliver and Shado continue to train and in the present Oliver has returned to find the Glades in ruins. Thea has taken over the Verdant and Roy is her bartender however he frequently goes out to protect the city with the absence of The Hood. Later at an events held by the Mayor, which Laurel attends, it is attacked by a masked group of four men calling themselves "The Hoods" who killed the Mayor and several other; Quentin arrives but his boss reminds him he was demoted for his previous contact with The Hood. Oliver arrives to see Laurel who tells him she regrets cheating on Tommy and blames The Hood for his death. Meanwhile The Hoods are angry that the news care more about the return of Oliver than their actions. At Queen Consolidated Oliver meets with Isabel Rochev (Summer Glau) who wants to buy the company but Oliver of course wants it himself. The Hoods then attack and Oliver gets Isabel and Felicity out but the latter is angry that he didn't even fight back but Oliver says he still feels too much regret for Tommy's death.
"We are the ultimate Hood fanboys!" |
Oliver then later visits his mother in prison who believes she deserves to be there because of The Undertaking meanwhile The Hoods kidnap Thea. Oliver realizes he must be The Hood once again and Felicity takes him to the Arrowcave; showing him the improves and giving him a new bow, we then have a Flashback and the group are attacked by another group. Oliver tracks down The Hoods and takes them all alive to Quentin (now a regular beat cop) and says this is his new way to stop crime, even swearing on Tommy's grave to be a better person. Thea then reconciles with Moira (having been angry with her since The Undertaking) and Oliver successfully buys enough Queen Consolidated stock to be partners with Isabel with the help of Walter. In a Flashback the group kill all the men and wonder where they came from as we see a ship in the distance, in the present Roy tries to prevent a mugging but a blond, female vigilante (Black Canary) wearing all black beats him to it. The episode ends with Oliver wanting to be more than a vigilante and needs a new name for The Hood as he looks at one of his arrows.
It's about time! |
This was a real strong start to the new season and if I am honest this is an even better season premiere than the one for the first season. When I first watched this episode I really liked that they are addressing some of the problems the first season had already such as Oliver's lack of a proper hero name and that he used to kill. I don't know about anyone else but I don't like heroes who kill and it looks like Oliver isn't going to do that anymore and wants to be a real hero. Following on from that while crossing off names from the list was interesting I'm glad that Oliver says he wants to do more and really save the city. Plus I liked how Oliver exiled himself to the island because he failed the city in the previous season; it was a surprising twist and that Diggle and Felicity had to go and convince him to come back.
"I'm the new character, pleased to meet you" |
What I also liked was how much things have changed in the past five months such as the destruction of the Glades and I am glad that area looks like it will still play a large part and not being ignored. Thea also runs the Verdant now which is good because it gives her character something good to do and I liked how Roy is taking a one man stand against crime in the Glades. I also thought to myself that I am going to like Quentin a lot better this season because he is now a regular beat cop and seems to actually support the vigilante. Isabel seems like she will be an interesting character though when I first saw her I could just tell by the way she acted she will be some kind of antagonist to Oliver however at this point I thought just rival in business. Then there is Moira who, like the Glades, they haven't just ignored and she is suffering from the consequences of last season. Lastly there is the awesome reveal of Black Canary who I was so looking forward to because she is a major Arrow character, like her costume because she wore a domino mask though it did look a bit simple.
"Now this makes my job easy" |
As for what I didn't like I will start off with The Hoods and that is because they are just the obvious villain of the week that we will never see or hear from again. Season one suffered a lot from this and even though I know they have to have some of these kind of villains every now and again it didn't help that The Hoods felt underdeveloped. Then there is Laurel who the writers seem to want to have a bad start to the season. I hate that she blames The Hood for what has happened and wants to track him down because after helping him so much this came completely out of no where and felt really forced. The second I heard her say that to Oliver I just knew this is going to create some unnecessary problems for Oliver that frankly the show could do without just like in season one.
Bet that was fun |
Overall this is a great to start to the new season and there was a lot to mention but I think I went over all the important points.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Already addressing issues and flaws from season one
I like the changes to the city and characters in the five month gap
let - Downs: The Hoods
Laurel once again
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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