"Go right ahead, prove your no better than I am" |
The episode begins with a young woman dying just outside the Verdant (Oliver's club) and when Quentin questions Oliver and Tommy about it they find out she died from Vertigo. Quentin and The Hood both go visit The Count however he is in no fit state for questioning since he is still suffering from the affects of a over dose of Vertigo. In a Flashback Slade and Yao Fei's daughter Shado (Celina Jade) are sparing but Oliver still can't get over his deal with Fyers not working meanwhile in the present Diggle is upset that Deadshot is still at large. It is later revealed that The Count has escaped from the mental hospital and that a new stronger Vertigo is hitting the streets meanwhile Quentin questions Tommy because he received a text from the victim before she died. In a Flashback Shado begins to train Oliver while in the present he stops a Vertigo deal while Diggle asks A.R.G.U.S agent Lyla Michaels (Audrey Marie Anderson) for information on Deadshot. Tommy is later still followed by Quentin who then gets a warrant for the Verdant, luckily all the stuff in the Arrowcave was moved ahead of time however Tommy later quits because of how Oliver suspected him of selling Vertigo.
They are fighting right? |
The Hood then tracks down where the new Vertigo is being made and finds The Count strapped to a chair and is soon knocked out by a Dr Wells who worked a the mental hospital. It is revealed Wells created the new Vertigo and faked The Count's escape because he knew the police would suspect him. He then forces The Hood to drink the Vertigo who then activates an explosive arrow and then Diggle arrives to help out. The Hood then kills Wells by firing three arrows in to his chest but has to be talked out of killing The Count by Diggle. In a Flashback Shado begins to teach Oliver how to use a bow while in the present Quentin admits to Laurel he owes Tommy and Oliver an apology. The episode ends with Diggle wanting Oliver's help to take down Deadshot while Tommy asks his father for a job at Merlyn Global Group, which Malcolm agrees to while embracing him.
Nothing to be ashamed of Oliver, from what I have read in comics every hero gets captured at least once in their career |
Looks like we got the return of Vertigo but I knew it couldn't stay away for long since it is named after a villain, we also go the return of The Count in a way. I did really like the twist that they pulled at the end of this episode that The Count was only being used by Wells but I didn't really like Wells because he was nothing more than a throwaway villain. I still liked almost everything else to do with Vertigo such as a stronger one being made, The Hood stopping the drug deal and the showdown at the end where Diggle came and helped. However one thing I didn't like was Quentin thinking Tommy was behind the overdose of the victim; now that his ex wife is gone he is back to his overzealous police work and I admit it does get annoying some times. For example when he was trying to catch The Hood by bugging the phone, then being a hypocrite and asking The Hood for help or kind of when he was so convinced it was Oliver he didn't listen to no one else to the point that even Laurel gets angry with him like this episode.
"Wells The Count's cell mate Myers didn't tell us anything" |
Tommy however still continues to be a great character because I liked the conflict he had with both Quentin and Oliver. As I said above Quentin can be an ass but at least Tommy never backed down from him of allowed himself to be intimidated. It is also interesting now that Tommy has ended his friendship with Oliver but it kind of felt like the right thing to do since Oliver didn't fully trust him over the Vertigo incident and he just can't take his best friend being The Hood anymore. Tommy always seems to have some great material to work with and proves that he is a better person than Oliver or Quentin but now that he is working for his father I wonder if he will become involved in The Undertaking?
"I guess my dad's the only good person in Starling City" |
As for everything else the Flashbacks are still going strong and we probably have seen the beginning of Oliver being a master archer and the water pressing technique was interesting. It also seems that Diggle will be getting more of a subplot because of Deadshot and I got the feeling these two are going to be connected for a while. Plus I really liked the mention of A.R.G.U.S in this episode because when I first heard that I thought of Amanda Waller and when I think of her I think of the Suicide Squad! I know that this is still early but if we get to see more of A.R.G.U.S and then opens the possibility of the characters and villains that are associated with it.
"Why don't they do their deals in the day? Doing this s**t is dangerous at night!" |
Overall this was a good episode but felt really short because of the absence of such characters like Moira, Thea and Roy.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: The return of Vertigo and The Count
Tommy's subplot
A.R.G.U.S exists in the tv series
Let - Downs: Quentin was a tad annoying again
Felt like a really short episode
The "real villain in this was lacklustre
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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