I hope this is the last time we ever see you |
The episode begins with Arrow and Black Canary watching over Quentin busting a drug dealer; he is shot so Black Canary throws the dealer out of the window which Quentin reprimands her for. At the Arrowcave Felicity has been tracking Helena who has been killing numerous mobsters for her father's location, in a Flashback Slade is torturing Oliver but then finds out the boat's engines aren't working. Laurel then gets a call from her old boss because he wants her to prosecute Frank meanwhile Arrow, Diggle and Roy track Helena's car but it is a decoy and Roy almost kills the man who shot him in the hand. In a Flashback Slade contacts Sara over the radio and wants the mechanic who is with her for Oliver and in the present The Huntress takes over the court house and says she will execute hostages if her father isn't returned; Oliver having got him out earlier. Oliver is almost found out as Arrow when Quentin uses the phone but is able to come up with an excuse, Black Canary shows up and saves Laurel by defeating several of Huntress's men and they hold up in a room.
"Calm down Speedy.....or Red Arrow or Arsenal, whichever you prefer" |
Roy then breaks up with Thea because of his increased worry about Mirakuru, in a Flashback Slade threatens to kill Oliver but the mechanic refuses to go back. In the present Huntress and Black Canary fight however Huntress gets the upper hand but Arrow stops her from killing Black Canary but then Huntress takes Laurel hostage. Huntress then escapes with Laurel by dressing as a cop and then meets with Arrow and Black Canary to trade for her father; the police show up, Quentin saves Arrow from being shot, Laurel talks Black Canary out of killing Huntress and Frank is killed in the confusion much to Huntress's shock. Helena, in police custody and allowed to see Oliver, admits that he was right all along and that her father's death didn't change anything, in a Flashback Slade inks the same tattoo Shado had on Oliver's back and Sara says they will make the exchange. The episode ends with Laurel getting her job back by blackmailing the district attorney for her being used by them all along and Thea, still upset over Roy, is offered a lift by Slade.
Really wished she just killed her then there is no possibility she could come back |
I really hoped never to see The Huntress ever again because as I have mentioned in my reviews in the episodes in season one she is in; they have completely ruined her character and she isn't any better now. She is just so much of a one - note character and when I first saw this episode I couldn't believe that she is still after her father, I mean can't they think of anything else for her to do!? As before Jessica De Gouw was a terrible choice for Huntress; she is not believable as her, she is really unlikable and her acting is just pathetic. I like the Huntress in the comics because she is similar to Arrow in how she works as a vigilante but I hate her in this. Taking hostages, going on a murder spree and just all the other stuff she has done has ruined her character and even after all that she admits she was wrong in the end. I hope this version of Huntress never appears again and that Arrow finds a new female protégé and gives her The Huntress costume and says something like "Maybe you can redeem this name and do good by it" now that would be awesome!
Oliver sure managed to talk his way out of this one |
Laurel was really good in this episode because she is beginning to be more like how she was in season one, which I actually liked better. I liked the moment she had with Black Canary when her resolve was weakening for a drink but I wonder why she can't easily tell that it's Sara? Also she was cool at the end with how she blackmailed the district attorney to get her job back. Quentin continues to be a great character as well and him saving Arrow just proves how much he sides with him now but I wonder if there will be repercussions for him attacking another officer next episode? Sara was also great because besides having some great fight scenes with Huntress and her men, she was more of a main focus than Arrow and that always good because she is a badass. Finally the Flashbacks where not really that exciting and I wouldn't have minded if this was an episode that didn't have them, like the previous Huntress episode in season one.
"Wish I can fly like a canary right now!" |
Overall this was a decent episode but I just really hate The Huntress and Diggle and Felicity could have had more screen time instead of having using some for Flashbacks. Plus I do know that "Birds of Prey" is the name for a DC heroine group that consists of Black Canary, The Huntress and others so that was another reason this episode disappointed me; we didn't get a cool team up like that because The Huntress isn't going to work with any team.
SCORE: 5/10
Highlights: Strong moments from the Lance Family
Great fighting scenes
Let - Downs: Huntress (I freaking hate her!)
Not enough Diggle and Felicity
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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