DEATHSTROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
The episode begins with Slade kidnapping Thea and handing her over to Brother Blood meanwhile at the Arrowcave Oliver is teaching Roy how to be an archer and in a Flashback Sara wants to kill Slade during the trade for Oliver. At Queen Consolidated Moira asks Oliver if he will still show her his support for the election which he coldly answers he will but at a live debate with Sebastian a video of Thea held hostage is shown. Oliver then gives Isabel temporary CEO status so he can deal with Thea and in a Flashback Sara and the group still prepare for the trade with a rigged land mine. Arrow and Black Canary find and sedate Slade so they can hand him over to Quentin however things don't go as planned and Slade is released because he covered his tracks too well and then Team Arrow even loses his whereabouts. Slade then reveals to Thea he knows a secret her family has kept from her, meanwhile Oliver and Moria reconcile over the kidnapping and in a Flashback the trade doesn't go that well since Slade escapes with the mechanic and Ivo and Oliver are left behind.
"You can't hold me boy" |
Things are still bad when Roy leaves Team Arrow in frustration and Felicity finds out Isabel has made herself permanent CEO and when Oliver confronts her about it she reveals she is working for Slade so Oliver attacks her and gets Thea's location. Arrow goes to Thea's location however he finds out she has already entered SCPD on her own meanwhile Deathstroke frees a bunch of convicts on a bus. The Queen Family relationship is shattered when Thea reveals what Slade told her; that her father is Malcolm and Quentin is soon arrested for helping the vigilante. Sebastian is angry because of how much support Moira is getting for Mayor but Slade says he will handle it and Oliver doubts himself for letting Slade, Brother Blood and Isabel fool him so much however he declares Team Arrow will take the fight to them. The episode ends with Slade visiting Laurel and telling her that Oliver is Arrow.
"There are going to find out they f***ed with the work team" |
I just have to say it; DEATHSTROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is probably one of the best live action villains there have ever been and it is all thanks to how badass he is and to Manu Bennett of course. We finally get to see a significant amount of Slade not just in the Flashbacks but in the present and even when he isn't wearing is costume he is still great to watch; all suave as he taunts Oliver in the police station and how he torments Thea with the secret. However we also get to see how really unhinged he is in the Flashbacks as he is haunted by the ghost of Shado, I'm guessing he is still like that in the present he just hides it well now. We still got to see more of Slade as Deathstroke and I will say again that the costume is just so cool and the way he took out those guards on the bus was awesome. It is obvious that he is going to use those convicts as Mirakuru soldiers so it looks like Team Arrow are going to have their hands full soon.
One wrong move and BOOM! |
We also finally get to see Isabel do something useful for once and her true allegiance is revealed; I will stand by what I said in previous reviews and that is she had been a pointless character until now, maybe some more screen time should have been given to her instead of an addicted Laurel. It was cool how she took Queen Consolidated away from Oliver and that it was all according to her and Slade's plans. So glad we finally get to know more about her and she became significant, just wish they did it sooner, and I hope they keep it up. Another character who shined this episode was Oliver because Amell was just great showing us how desperate Oliver was to find Thea such as making Isabel CEO or just the more frantic way he was interacting with the other characters. He also had a nice moment with Moira, who always presents such a strong front, break down over Thea and Oliver decided that she needed him now. As for Thea it looks like that she has finally had enough of her family's lies (honestly who can kind of blame her?) and when I first saw this I thought we would see Malcolm at the end, taking advantage of the family quarrel to get Thea on his side. Unfortunately that didn't happen but I hope he appears again soon.
Don't do it Oliver! |
As for the rest of the episode the exchange Flashbacks was intense because I really didn't know what was going to go down but Ivo is with Oliver and Sara now so I wonder if they will just kill him. In the present the Lance Family also wasn't spared because Quentin was arrested for helping Arrow and I wonder if he will go to jail for this? I actually kind of liked this because he seemed to have gotten no punishment for stopping that cop shooting Arrow last episode so I am interested to see how he will get out of this. Then there was that big reveal to Laurel that Oliver is Arrow and it's a shame it left on a cliff hanger because now we have to wait until next episode until we see how she deals with it. However I doubt it will be anything bad because she defiantly owes the Arrow/Oliver many times over.
You fool, your no match for Deathstroke |
Overall this was an awesome episode and kind of dark as well because of how much the heroes suffer in this. We had a some action in this but that wasn't the most important thing because I just loved the drama revolving around Thea's kidnapping and Slade's constant manipulation. I am glad that Oliver mentions they will take the offensive this time because maybe that means more aggressive action on their part.
SCORE: 10/10
Highlights: Slade/Deathstroke
Isabel finally became significant
Great Oliver and Moira moments
Everything else
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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