The Head of the Demon vs. Arrow |
(Finally up to date with the Arrow episodes in the UK!!) The episode begins at Christmas with Arrow handing over a criminal to Quentin but is soon abducted by the League and Nyssa says he has 48 hours to hand over Sara's killer or the League will kill the citizens of Starling, Maseo is also there much to Arrow's surprise. Elsewhere Laurel tells Thea about Sara's death and Ray tells Felicity how his wife was killed in the Mirakuru army rampage which is why he felt guilty kissing her, in a Flashback Oliver tells Maseo the guy he tortured says an organization is making a virus called OMGEA. Felicity then finds out that the arrows which killed Sara has Oliver's DNA on them but Oliver thinks it is a plant by Malcolm however when Arrow and Arsenal find out he was in Starling the day Sara was killed they find out Thea was as well. Meanwhile Dinah arrives in Starling for Christmas and in a Flashback Maseo and Oliver find out OMEGA has already been stolen but when they question the thief finds out he doesn't remember stealing it. Ray then tells Felicity of his plans of shrinking technology and Dinah suspects Sara is dead which Laurel confirms but promises to avenge her. Ra's is then seen training meanwhile Arrow visits Thea to get answers but his shocked by her fighting skill and upset because more evidence points to her.
"Guess I should tell them both now..........or not" |
Oliver then meets with Malcolm who says he drugged Thea to kill Sara and that he wants Oliver to have a trial by combat against Ra's to save her; this is good for Malcolm because if Ra's dies he is then free from killers sent by the League but if Oliver dies then no more Arrow. In a Flashback Maseo and Oliver arrive home to discover Tatsu has been captured by China White, in the present Oliver meets with Ra's and says he killed Sara so he can have the trial by combat. Oliver then says his goodbyes to everyone including a distraught Felicity who begs him to come back, later Ray shows Felicity his ATOM exo - suit which he will use to help the city and wants Felicity's help. The episode ends when Oliver who travels to the mountains to fight Ra's while being watched by both Nyssa and Maseo. Oliver puts up a fight but is overpowered and stabbed in the chest, Ra's kicks him off the mountain seemingly to his death.
Damn! |
WOW! Now I really didn't expect the series to kill off the main character but it looks like they have and from what I have read on the internet since this episode aired Oliver really is dead. First off that was such an awesome fight between Oliver and Ra's because we really could use more sword fighting in Arrow and the sword play in this final fight was perfect; the way Ra's confidently says he will take Oliver's blades then killed him with them was epic. Next Ra's is such a great character now that we have seen more than two minutes of him and it is thanks to Matt Nable who does a awesome live action performance of him and I hope he appears again soon. Finally I am now positive that the Lazarus Pits exists because of Ra's comments that it has been 67 years since he last held a trial by combat and he doesn't look 67. I have really wanted to see the Lazarus Pits in live action and I hope they use it on Oliver to bring him back (and that he goes insane from it and becomes an antagonist for a while, haven't seen episodes past this one yet because they haven't aired in the UK) however I hope Arrow does not overuse it as well; use it once on the main character to bring him back is alright and letting Ra's use it repeatedly is alright because he does in the comics. However if they use it on every dead character it removes any fear of death in the series, for example even though Sara was a great character I think she needs to stay dead for Laurel to progress, plus her death had such an impact on the other characters and story.
Can't wait to see that suit |
Malcolm continues to be such a great manipulator in the way he had Thea kill Sara so he can have Oliver fight Ra's for him, it was just such an masterful plan! It makes me wonder what plans he has install next however I guess I don't like the whole drug induced Thea to kill Sara part of the plan because after all the trouble that Oliver went through in the episode 'The Magician' in proving Malcolm was innocent it turns out it was basically him anyway. I just think it might have been better if it was an original character that killed Sara in the end because Thea being the culprit just felt underwhelming. We also finally get a look at Ray ATOM suit and even if it was a hologram it sure looked awesome and Felicity's reaction was priceless lol. Unfortunately I don't think we will see it for a while but they sure are building up a lot of hype for it and maybe he will help Team Arrow out with the League.
Maseo how could you!? |
As for everything else the Flashbacks where really good with the inclusion of China White in the Flashback cast now and the threat of a virus super weapon. The sword fight from China White and Tatsu was also good however I hope that OMEGA doesn't appear in the present day because that would be too similar to Mirakuru. We also saw Maseo in the present which makes me think if Tatsu is dead (which I will be fine with) and even though he is part of the League he still seemed to show concern for Oliver, maybe he is the one to bring with back. Finally we got some good emotional moments from Dinah and Laurel however most of it was cheesy such as Dinah telling her to 'make them suffer' and that she 'had a feeling' something was wrong. Also now that Dinah and Thea know that Sara is dead that is basically almost all of the main cast so this whole keeping a secret from Quentin is just getting so stupid now and its barely a secret anymore.
"Been a while since I've been on the show" |
Overall it was an awesome way to end the mid season and with Oliver dead we will get more of a focus on other characters for a while.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Ra's vs. Oliver which resulting in Oliver's death!
Malcolm's master plan
Ray's ATOM suit is coming along nicely
Oliver's goodbyes to everyone
Let - Downs: Didn't like overall that a drugged Thea was the culprit
Dinah and Laurel's dialogue
Keeping Sara's death from Quentin now is just pointless
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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