Super epic shot!! |
The episode begins with Roy being cured but the clock tower is surrounded by Mirakuru soldiers however Lyla shows up to blow it up as Team Arrow escapes meanwhile Thea has shot Malcolm but he was wearing a vest and is proud she had the conviction to shoot him (something Tommy didn't have) however Thea leaves when she gets a call from Roy. At SCPD Laurel sees Sara talking to someone and is knocked out but it is revealed at the Arrowcave to be Nyssa and other League members who have agreed to help as long as Sara re-joins the League, Oliver agrees too but only if they use the cure. Team Arrow and the League fight Deathstroke and Ravager at Queen Consolidated; Nyssa kills Ravager however Deathstroke escapes, in a Flashback Slade is about to kill Oliver but Knyazev fires a torpedo at the boat before he is able to. At SCPD Laurel is kidnapped by a solider and when Team Arrow arrives Quentin says while he respects Arrow's no killing, Slade needs to die meanwhile Thea and Roy meet up and agree to runaway together but Roy gets a call from Arrow for help and decides to do that first. Oliver then hides Felcitiy at the Queen Manor because he says he loves her and doesn't want Slade to hurt her, elsewhere Diggle and Lyla free the Suicide Squad at A.R.G.U.S headquarters so they can stop Waller.
"Our last stand" |
The League, Black Canary, Roy (who, equipped with a mask and bow, is now Red Arrow) and Arrow confront the Mirkuru army and fight and cure many of them meanwhile however Thea has found spare arrows at Roy's place which upsets her. Arrow then gets a call from Deathstroke saying he has Felicity and Laurel and forces him to chose when he gets to the location however it is then revealed Oliver discovered the cameras and purposely lied to Felicity in front of them so he can slip her the cure which she now uses on Slade. Arrow and Deathstroke fight while Flashbacks also show them fighting on the sinking boat, Sara is dragged under water which makes Oliver believe she died again however Slade is trapped when debris falls on him. Slade then threatens to find Oliver's family and kill them which forces him to put an arrow through Slade's eye (seemingly killing him) while in the present Arrow ties up Deathstroke with a trick arrow and choses not to kill him, Waller stops the missiles (while revealing Lyla is pregnant with Diggle's child). Later when Sara says her goodbyes Quentin collapses and spits up blood and Roy finds Thea missing who has gone off with Malcolm. Slade is then imprisoned back on the island in an A.R.G.U.S cell where Oliver leaves him but thanks him for teaching him how to fight. The episode ends in a Flashback and Oliver finds himself in Hong Kong and greeted by Waller.
So awesome! |
Now this is a way to end the season!!! This episode was really action heavy to say the least which is how a hero series finale should be like. This was a fitting conclusion to the Arrow vs. Deathstroke arc and they had one of the most epic showdowns I have ever seen. Firstly Oliver's plan to cure Slade of Mirakuru was so damn smart because I really didn't expect it however super strength or not Deathstroke still proved to be quite the match for Arrow as they had their epic clash on the roof. The stunts, the fighting, the swordplay and arrows; it was all just what I wanted it to be but what was the best part about the showdown was the use of Flashbacks mirroring the fight in the present. That was so creative, so well done and Oliver stabbing Slade in the eye, now that was brutal! I also liked the trash talk between them at the beginning because Oliver did make a good point; Slade was mad and perverting Shado's memory. I am really glad that Oliver imprisoned Slade at the end because that means he could return in a future season which is a must, this series need Manu Bennett just as much as any of the other characters.
"So we're partners again Diggle old pal" |
Another great thing about this episode was the return of Nyssa and the League because it is always epic when the League show up and Nyssa is just a sexy badass. They had a awesome clash against the Mirakuru army (epic entrance for Team Arrow) and a fight against Ravager; Nyssa can be damn cold snapping her neck like that. Isabel may have been a worthless character in the beginning but these last few episode she really grew on me as Ravager and that was a brutal way for her character to go and kind of what she deserves. Roy was a stand out because I have been waiting for him to be become Red Arrow/Aresenal for ages now and he finally got his bow, mask and kicked some ass. I hope this means that he will be a permanent addition to Team Arrow now and it looks like it since Thea has left to go with Malcolm.
"Yeeesh" |
As for everything else while it was interesting Thea choosing to go with Malcolm, because this may really change her character, Malcolm himself was so underused again. He is one of my favourite characters, he was the only one to kill a Mirakuru solider without the cure, but he didn't play a large role in anything else. I also didn't like that it left on such anti - climatic moments such as Oliver being in Hong King and not really knowing how he got there, Sara going off with the League and most of all Quentin coughing up blood. Now that came completely out of nowhere and I wished it wasn't left so open ended mainly because this is the finale, I didn't want them to leave the results of that all the way until next season. Speaking of Sara she was way better in the episode than she than the last two but it is a shame that she is off with the League now because I would rather she remain a main character. Lastly I was great seeing Deadshot and the Suicide Squad again but they could have done more and Waller just continues to be an annoyance for me in the things she does and the way she acts. I mean she could have sent in the Suicide Squad to help Team Arrow (that would have been epic) but instead they are wasted because of her stupid missile plan.
"Miss me boys?" |
Overall this was an awesome episode and season two overall has improved on a lot of things from season one and has been truly epic.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Arrow vs. Deathstroke/Flashbacks
Return of Nyssa and the League
Roy as Red Arrow
So much action
Let - Downs: Malcolm again was underused
The Suicide Squad was underused and Waller was just stupid
The fate of Quentin left unknown
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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