The epic final showdown |
The episode begins with Oliver tied up by Malcolm who explains of his plan to destroy the Glades with an earthquake machine from Unidac, we then have a Flashback and Oliver, Slade and Shado have broken free of their bonds. Diggle then rescues Oliver because of a tracker in his boot and when Felicity is brought in for questioning by Quentin (having not covered her recent hacks properly) Oliver calls him as The Hood and tells him of The Undertaking; Quentin lets Felicity go and she does but not before telling him The Hood is a hero. Tommy then confronts Oliver but Oliver tells him of his father's plan but he doesn't believe him, in a Flashback Oliver, Slade and Shado have destroyed the missile launcher. Quentin then goes to his boss with what he knows but is suspended because of his contact with The Hood and Oliver confronts his mother and tells her she must finally take responsibility for the things she has done. Tommy then asks his father about Oliver's accusations but Malcolm simply confirms it; showing him the Dark Archer costume and a voice recording of his wife murdered in the Glades, believing that the Glades and everyone in it must die. Moira holds a press conference and tells everyone of The Undertaking but is arrested soon after meanwhile Tommy threatens to shoot Malcolm but can't bring himself to do it.
You might have left it a little too late Moira |
Though upset with his mother's arrest Oliver decides he must stop Malcolm and Diggle and Felicity want to help as well, Oliver then calls Quentin as The Hood to get even more help. While Roy witnesses the riots in the Glades, Diggle and The Hood go to stop Malcolm but find him already gone and Tommy apologies to Oliver, we then have a Flashback and Oliver has killed Fyers. The Hood and Diggle catch up to Malcolm (now the Dark Archer) but Diggle is injured forcing The Hood to face the Dark Archer alone. Felicity and Quentin (who apologies to Laurel over the phone if he should die tonight and to stay away from the Glades) find the earthquake device and disarm it meanwhile Thea has gone to the Glades to rescue Roy and the two help out as much people as they can. The Hood then beats the Dark Archer by stabbing him through the chest with an arrow but before the Dark Archer dies he tells him of a second earthquake machine which activates and begins to destroy the eastern part of the Glades. Laurel is trapped at her office but Tommy arrives in time to save her but is crushed by rubble, The Hood also gets there. Tommy tells Oliver that he is indeed a hero and asks if his father is still alive, Oliver lies and then mourns when Tommy dies.
"In the end Oliver, I'm the hero" |
What a finale, they sure held nothing back in this episode!! This was a great way to end the season because what is more like a comic book than the main villain wanting to destroy the city? There is a lot of stuff to go over but first I want to talk about the death of Tommy. I admit that it is now a damn shame that Tommy is the one to die but they handled his death so well; he died a hero while saving Laurel from a collapsing building and he finds it in him to forgive his best friend. The acting during that scene was just excellent as well especially when Oliver cries for his friend because you can just tell that even though he stopped Malcolm and saved part of the Glades, he realized that he lost at the end. Goodbye Tommy I think the series has lost one of it's best developed and likeable characters in my opinion.
"Forget getting out of here, lets all riot!!" |
Next who was a real standout was Malcolm and like I said the guy is the biggest badass in the series. The final fight he had with Oliver was just so great and an awesome way to end the season. What I really liked about him in this episode was the explanation he gave on why he wants to destroy the Glades and it kind of makes you sympathise with his character. He is not doing it because he is pure evil or a maniac he truly believes that what he is doing is the right thing; ridding Starling City of it's most poor and crime riddled area. The fight he had with Oliver and Diggle was great, from the arrow catching to Oliver stabbing himself with an arrow to beat him. In the end I guess we will have to see if Malcolm and even Tommy are really dead because in the world of comics no one stays dead.
Kick his ass Oliver! |
As for the rest of the episode also got some great Flashbacks which really picked up on the excitement from last episode and showed Oliver getting his first kill with a bow. It was really intense seeing the group fight to stop the missile launcher and we got some great action and explosions. The destruction of the Glades was also done really well; I think the effects they used to show it collapsing was great in those shots where it showed it from above and the destruction on the ground during the rioting was awesome as well. Two other characters that where good where Moira for finally doing the right thing and speaking out about The Undertaking and Quentin teaming up with Felicity and having that heart to heart with Laurel over the phone.
"Its time for us to save this city" |
As for the negatives (and this is really nit picking) is that again I didn't like the Roy and Thea moments because even though we got to see the cool riots them getting back together was just kind of predictable. Also I didn't like the role Laurel played in this because as I said earlier on in these reviews I don't like her character because she is just there for the sake of it most of the time. All she has done is just create conflict between Tommy and Oliver and sometimes even make the situation worse like how she ignored Quentin to be in the Glades. Honestly how damn stubborn can you be to stay in your office when you know an earthquake machine was going to destroy everything?
Great shot! |
Overall this was a great finale; it was so action packed with some also fight scenes along with the cool destruction of the Glades.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: The Hood vs. The Dark Archer
The death of Tommy was handled really well
The destruction of the Glades
Let - Downs: Roy and Thea subplot
Laurel was just in the way
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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