Why couldn't they kill her off? |
The episode opens at a strip club and Helena AKA The Huntress has killed her father's attorney Gus to find his whereabouts. In Starling Laurel has told Quentin that Dinah has returned and the evidence she has brought to suggest Sara is alive but he doesn't believe them meanwhile Thea runs in to Roy and offers him a job at Oliver's new club. After talking to Diggle about Gus's murder he returns home to find Helena who wants his help to kill her father; he refuses but Helena threatens his family. In a Flashback Slade thinks Fyers is going to use the missile launcher to start a war and in the present Laurel convinces Quentin to look at Dinah's evidence. At the opening of the club Tommy is still having a hard time dealing with Oliver but is soon threatened by Helena which forces Oliver to help her kill her father. Later Thea goes to Roy's place to find out why he didn't go to work but he says he doesn't need charity however he helps her later by beating up muggers but sustains a knife wound and she later accompanies him to the hospital. Helena and Oliver don their disguises and try to ambush the truck Frank is in however it is a set up by Quentin and McKenna who arrest The Huntress.
"Same plan as always kid; I do all the work" |
Oliver later frees Helena and gives her a ticket to leave the country and in a Flashback Slade plants explosives on the launcher after taking out the guards but Oliver thinks they just need to take out the circuit board. While Oliver is at McKenna's he gets a call from Felicity who has been tied up by The Huntress and forced to find her father's whereabouts. The Huntress gets to the safe house but runs into The Hood and the two fight it out however just when The Hood is about to finish her off McKenna arrives; this creates an opportunity for The Huntress to shoot her and escape. Later at the hospital McKenna says she needs a year off to heal and needs to move out of town, ending her relationship with Oliver, elsewhere Quentin is ready to listen to Dinah. The episode ends with Oliver admitting to Tommy he can't have a normal life and we then have a Flashback where Oliver wants to trade Fyers the circuit board for a way off the island.
"Ok, lets start our own investigation" |
Well looks like we have the return of the worst character in the Arrow series who I really wished didn't have to return so soon. I mean here we have to sit through again The Huntress's incredibly weak storyline of wanting to kill her father (it was almost a repeat of what she did before) and the poor acting of the one who plays her. She is just so poorly written and handled and after threatening Oliver's family and friend and killing those cops just doing their job I am completely unsympathetic to her cause, I just hated her superior attitude she had to Oliver in being like "I can tell on you or kill your love ones if you don't do as I say" or the way she injured Tommy. Why the hell can't Oliver see how much of a threat she is and just kill her? At least then maybe a new and better character can take up the mantle of The Huntress. The only good thing about her is that her costume is good and the final fight with The Hood at the end was alright too (I admit the arrow catching was cool).
At least your red hoodie doesn't show any blood |
Because she took up the majority of the episode there really isn't much else going for it besides a few others. I do like the Roy/Thea subplot and them looking to start a relationship makes more sense then any of the other ones that have been in this series and I still really like Roy because he did kick some ass and save Thea. I do still think Dinah's subplot is too forced in to the series but at the very least it gives Quentin something else to do then hunt the vigilante but I don't think it will last for too long. As always the Flashback is always good with some great action from Slade and Oliver coming up with the idea to make a deal with Fyers, seriously doubt that will end nicely for both of them. Lastly I knew Oliver's relationship with McKenna wasn't going to go anywhere and now that the writers have dropped her out of the series it seems like it was a waste of time these past few episodes.
You could have easily knifed her right in the head Oliver |
Overall it was a poor episode but that is because The Huntress brings it down because they have completely ruined her character. If they gave more screen time to Roy, Quentin/Dinah and the Flashbacks I would have given this a higher score.
SCORE: 4/10
Highlights: Roy/Thea
Quentin getting something else to do
Let - Downs: The Huntress who took up most of this episode
McKenna subplot wasted a lot of time these past few episodes
Can't they find The Huntress anything else to do besides kill her father?
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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