"Scream for me" |
The episode begins with Sebastian visiting his mother and learns that Laurel came to see her as well he leaves but reappears soon after wearing his skull mask and kills his mother, elsewhere Arrow is still unable to find leads on Brother Blood. Laurel (while trying to pop some pills) gets a call from the mental hospital about Maya's death and suspects Sebastian however her boss refuses to take her seriously so she calls Quentin meanwhile Oliver checks up on Roy. Laurel tells her suspicions to Arrow (after Quentin arranges a meeting) however he is reluctant to believe her because of his support for Sebastian, Roy then meets with Sin and shows her his new strength. Arrow and Laurel then break into the city's archives for information on Sebastian however the file is empty since Slade removed it earlier, this leads the rest of Team Arrow to think Laurel is paranoid and Sin later meets up with Roy to suggest catching a serial killer with his new powers. In several Flashbacks Oliver finally apologies to Sara for bringing her on the Queen's Gambit but Sara doesn't blame him and then talks more about Ivo.
"It's nice having our talks above ground once in a while" |
Roy and Sin later tracks down the serial killer however Roy nearly beats him to death and attacks Sin when he can't control his emotions, Slade then later tells Sebastian to deal with Laurel and her investigation. Sebastian then has one of his followers in the police called Daily to ransack Laurel's apartment and find the drugs she is addicted to and is arrested, this upsets both Quentin and Oliver who don't think they can trust her anymore and in a Flashback Sara talks with Ivo over the radio but refuses to believe him anymore. Laurel is kidnapped by Brother Blood and Oliver his knocked out however he finds her as Arrow, in the struggle Brother Blood is killed but it is revealed to be Daily under the skull mask who, unbeknownst to Laurel and Arrow, is diverting suspicion from Sebastian and it works for they believe Brother Blood is dead. Oliver now admits he can't rely on Laurel because of her problem since he could have hurt Sebastian and Laurel is later fired from her job, in a Flashback Sara tells Oliver that they should find Slade. The episode ends with Slade (now in full Deathstroke costume) killing several of Sebastian's followers for his failure and with Arrow visiting Roy and telling him he will train him to control the Mirakuru.
"Become my apprentice young Harper" |
Now this was quite the episode because we finally have Slade in his full Deathstroke costume; DEATHSTROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I'm going to talk about that first because it was just so epic, I mean the costume was everything I thought it would look; having it's signature mask and sword while carry other types of weaponry and Slade was just a badass killing those five as if they where nothing with his sword. Plus him threatening Sebastian is just another way to show that he is the main antagonist in this season and that Brother Blood, as cool as he is, is just a part of Slade overall master plan. Slade didn't appear in any of the Flashbacks which is a shame because they where a bit slow this episode and predictable because I didn't think Sara would help Ivo after what happened so they spent a whole episode of Flashbacks just to come to the conclusion to find Slade.
DEATHSTROKE!!!!!!!!!!!! You just got to shout out the name when you see him |
As for the meat of this episode it was really awesome because I just really like seeing Brother Blood and it was good that he was the main focus instead of a throwaway villain like last episode. Kevin Alejandro is such awesome choice for Sebastian because he can be damn menacing like at the beginning when he killed his mother but then showed his nervousness with Slade and facing Arrow. His plan to switch with one of his followers to fake Brother Blood's demise was a great one, I liked the confrontation between Arrow and Brother Blood near the end (even thought it wasn't him of course) and his plan to sabotage Laurel. Laurel was also the main focus of this episode and I did enjoy her character for once in a long while here because like in season one I do like it when she works with Arrow and she worked with him now. However once again I am not enjoying her drug and alcohol use but it looks like it is out in the open now so hopefully it is over (even though it is not *sigh*) but at the very least she gave a strong performance of someone who has hit rock bottom (and I mean that literally because she looks terrible). Finally I liked the side quest Roy had with Sin because it does show the madness that comes with Mirakuru (and I like seeing more of Sin and Roy, too bad Thea isn't getting involved much in their exploits now) and Arrow has now agreed to train him, might not be long before he Red Arrow/Arsenal!
Looking great there Sin |
Overall this was a really strong episode and we got a look at Deathstroke kick ass I again just wish that Laurel didn't have a drug/drink problem because it is ruining her character. I feels forced in anyway because she still could have investigated Sebastian and help Arrow without that problem and I would like her a lot better.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: DEATHSTROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sebastian is still great as Brother Blood
Despite the drugs Laurel was good in the episode
Roy and Sin teaming up
Let - Downs: The Flashbacks where a bit slow
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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