Enter Ravager |
The episode begins with Moira's funeral but Oliver is absent and Sebastian being sworn in as Mayor, later Walter attempts to comfort Thea who is mad Oliver never warned them of Slade and Isabel threatens Diggle and Felicity at the reception. In a Flashback the group go to the submarine in an effort to repair it, in the present Laurel brings up her mistrust of Sebastian again to Quentin and his possible connection to Slade. Diggle then gets help from Waller to track down Oliver and Isabel says to Thea she will shut down The Verdant since she owns it along with the company. Laurel then later plants a bug on Sebastian's desk and she and Quentin use it to hack his files and find a speech on Moira's passing written before her death. In a Flashback the group finds out someone will have to sacrifice themselves in a torpedo to free themselves, back in the present Diggle and Felicity find Oliver in a backup Arrowcave, one he kept secret. Oliver admits he should have cured Slade instead of killing him back on the island and says he will hand himself over to him, of course Diggle is against it and Felicity is distraught. Oliver meets with Thea who wants to leave Starling City which Oliver thinks is for the best and in a Flashback the priest named Peter offers to sacrifice himself because the radiation poisoning Ivo gave him is killing him anyway.
"I volunteer the one who isn't even in the present" |
Oliver is then captured by Diggle, Felicity and Laurel who talk him into being Arrow again and he gets more motivated when Laurel reveals Sebastian is working with Slade. In a Flashback Peter is successful freeing the sub and in the present Oliver and Sebastian have dinner where they both reveal their identities while Felicity gets the location of the Mirakuru army from one of Sebastian's bodyguards. Arrow infiltrates the sewers where Brother Blood is addressing the Mirakuru army while above ground Diggle and Felicity plant explosives. Laurel then helps Arrow take out one of the soldiers while Diggle deals with Isabel who wearing her altered costume and is now Ravager. Diggle holds Ravager off but has to get away before denoting the explosives and Arrow is forced to trap himself and Laurel in the tunnel when more soldiers approach them. Several soldiers are already causing havoc in the city; one infiltrated the police station and is massacring them while another is shooting up the train station where Thea is. The episode ends in a Flashback and Oliver hears Sara panic over the radio (because she was outside it) and in the present the Mirakuru army are making their way to the city.
Damn! |
The first part of the finale for Arrow Season Two (like season one I feel the finale is really spread over the last three episodes) and was it a hell of a great start. The first part of the episode deals with the aftermath of Moira's death and it was so good; we had Walter back, Thea decided to leave Starling City and Oliver was more distraught than ever. Oliver looked more defeated than he ever has before and it was just great seeing him deal with it, going to surrender himself and then finding his resolve again. Another stand out was Sebastian who is so convincing as a good guy despite being a bad guy but is so menacing when he dons his mask and becomes Brother Blood. Plus the dinner scene he had that Oliver was great as well because of the tension between the two, each one mocking the other, it was just so cool.
Arrow vs. Brother Blood |
Other standouts where Diggle and Felicity because they both some great moment of their own such as Felicity when she broke down after Oliver says he is surrendering but then later totally owned that bodyguard with her computer. Plus it was just great seeing Team Arrow give confidence to Oliver again because once again it proves how important they all are to Arrow. Of course Diggle proves he is just as capable as any costumed hero or villain by taking on Ravager and I will say again that Diggle deserves his own damn costume!! As for Isabel she continues to be a far more better character in these final episodes such as her awesome Ravager costume and the cool fight she had with Diggle.
"Too bad we don't have Felicity for this computer work" |
As for everything else we had some great fights like the one Ravager vs. Diggle and Arrow facing the solider and we got a look at how much destruction just two soldiers are causing already which make me excited for the next episode. Thea had a nice moment with Oliver as well because at least they reconciled at the end and it showed that Oliver is ready to just let his sister go now. Laurel, like Isabel, is better in these final episode such as following Arrow in the sewer or earlier when he helped the doubtful Oliver. The only things that felt out of place this episode was the Flashbacks because did it really need a situation where one had to sacrifice themselves? Since we know it wasn't going to be Oliver, Sara or even Knyazev so there was no tension or sense of dread.
"All bow before Brother Blood" |
Overall this was an awesome start to the finale and sets up a truly epic clash in the streets of Starling City.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Oliver and Sebastian
Great action like Ravager vs. Diggle
Such emotional moments from everyone in the aftermath of Moira's death
Let - Downs: Flashbacks
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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