"I should really enter Casino Royale" |
The episode begins with The Hood tracking down an accountant who works for a secret organization and stealing his laptop so he can transfer all his funds back to the people he stole from. However while decrypting it Felicity finds a money transfer to a casino owner for the kidnapping of Walter so they decide they most follow it. Moira then has a Flashback to when her husband Robert, Frank and Malcolm where discussing The Undertaking which involves levelling the Glades, killing thousands to remove the crime and rebuild however she is unaware of this at the time. The Flashback continues and Robert tries to talk Malcolm out of The Undertaking but is unsuccessful however he then tells Moira who thinks they should stop it, in the present Felicity tries to get Diggle to come back but he refuses until Oliver admits he was wrong. Felicity then poses as a card - shark at the casino however The Hood soon arrives and finds out Walter was killed shortly after his kidnapping.
"You know Frank I think we are in over are heads here" |
Oliver then tells this bad news to Moira and we then get another Flashback to Robert asking Frank for help to stop Malcolm and they agree to meet in China. The Hood then follows Moira as she confronts Malcolm who insists Walter is still alive, this confirms Oliver's suspicious that his mother is involved. Felicity then gets Walter's location by hacking Malcolm's phone and The Hood goes there to free him and he is then reunited with Moira and Thea. In a Flashback Robert is preparing to board the Queen's Gambit with Oliver and Sara however Malcolm has secretly planted a bomb on the yacht after Frank betrays Robert. Still at the hospital Oliver tries to hide is rage when talking with Malcolm and when Laurel asks Oliver to tell Tommy he has no feelings for her he says he can't because that would be lying. The episode ends with Oliver apologising to Diggle saying he was right about everything and asking for his help just as a truck from Unidac Industries.
"Just leave me, I can't survive outside these walls anymore" |
The first of the final three episodes where The Undertaking gets under way; I admit not too much happens in this episode however we did get a lot of interesting Flashbacks. They may not have involved the island but we got some background into The Undertaking and that Robert was truly part of it however his reasons for wanting to do it was really weak compared to Malcolm's who we all know who's wife was murdered in the Glades. It also sheds some light on how the Queen's Gambit was sunk and even though the reveal of Malcolm planting the bombs was obvious, it was Frank who sold Robert out after promising to help him. They also say that they are going to completely level the Glades which means Malcolm must have something big in mind and it might have something to do with the Unidac truck at the end. Also we did get a lot more on Malcolm's reasons behind the Undertaking and that is what makes him really dangerous; one of my favourite reviewers on YouTube, John Campea, said (and I have to agree) that the most dangerous villains are the ones who believe they are not evil. That really describes Malcolm well because he does not see what he is doing as evil and that gives him conviction to see it through to the end.
It's a shame, Felicity was on a roll! |
As for the present we got some great moments to such as Felicity once again out in the field (she is a great card player!) and she really shone and Walter finally being rescued, I missed Colin Salmon. We got some great action when The Hood crashed the casino and Walter's location in Bludhaven, hearing this city got me excited because that is where Nightwing operates one of my favourite DC heroes! Does this mean we will see him in the series? As for everything else I am glad Diggle is back on the team but it felt underwhelming because even though I said Oliver should apologies, in the end that was all it took? I didn't much care for Laurel's attempt with talking to Oliver and he revealing he still has feelings for her because I just don't think it will work between them after everything they have been through in the past. Lastly I can't believe there was no Roy in this episode because he is one of my favourite characters.
"They don't pay us enough for this!" |
Overall this was a great start to the revealing of Malcolm's master plan.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: The Flashbacks/More on Malcolm
Felicity back in the field
Great action scenes with The Hood
Let - Downs: Oliver and Diggle resolve was underwhelming
No Roy!
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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