"I'm the worlds greatest sniper kid, you haven't got a chance" |
The episode begins with Oliver training and finding out information on the next millionaire on his list, James Holden. He manages to track him down but Holden is killed soon after by a sniper and Oliver is injured as well. We then have a Flashback and Oliver has been brought into a cave by the hooded figure who shot him but the man then begins to treat Oliver's wound. The next day at the crime scene Quentin comes to the conclusion that The Hood wasn't the one who killed Holden.
"I guess this was my bad" |
Oliver uses his computer to find out that the sniper who killed Holden goes by the codename Deadshot by researching similar assassinations, it then cuts to a man tattooing Holden's name onto his body where we see the names of many others. Later Oliver talks to Tommy about turning the warehouse he showed him earlier into a club (unknown to Tommy it is above his hideout) and then goes back to Holden's assassination and retrieves a fragment of Deadshot's bullet. He then uses his contacts in Solntsevskaya Bratva to learn Deadshot's true identity which is Floyd Lawton (Michael Rowe). Quentin then arrives at Queen Mansion to try and convince Walter that the killer could be targeting potential stock buyers of Unidac Industries, something that he is involved with.
"This hitman can bring it on!" |
That night at a club Oliver runs into Thea who has sneaked out after being grounded and drunkenly tells him that Tommy and Laurel slept together when he was away. We then have another Flashback and Oliver has tried to escape from the hooded man but is soon caught in a wooden cage. Later while talking with Tommy, Oliver gets the location of Deadshot but is too late to stop him escaping however he finds a bullet riddled laptop and gives it to Queen Consolidated employee Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) to retrieve information out of it. Felicity does and gets blueprints of the building Walter is attempting to bid on Unidac Industries and even enlists the help of Quentin before going to attend the bidding. Oliver then suits up later in a stairwell and stops Deadshot by putting an arrow in his eye, we then have another Flashback of the hooded man helping Oliver out of the cage before commandos with guns arrive. The episode ends with Oliver revealing his identity to Diggle who he was forced to knock earlier when he followed him.
Now that's going to leave a mark |
Only the third episode yet we get the appearance of one of the most well known DC villains ever; Deadshot, the world greatest sniper. I think he was portrayed almost perfectly in this because firstly he has a great costume that looks similar to his comic counterpart, minus his mask, and he has he wrist mounted guns which is one of his most iconic weapons. Plus the fight between him and Oliver was just so awesome and done really well. I honestly don't think that he is dead (not just saying that because I have seen the rest of the series) because you can't just kill off a villain like Deadshot in his first appearance and you don't find out what happens to his body or if the police confirms he is dead. However whether he is alive or not I kind of wished they developed his character a bit more because we barely got to know him besides he tattoos his body with his victim's names and he barely spoke too.
"Spiderman's got nothing on me" |
I also liked the Flashback because we find out that the guy in the hood is a good guy and probably shot at Oliver by accident. We also get a look at some commandos as well that the hooded guy wanted to avoid; obviously this island isn't abandoned, might be used by a terrorist organization? Back in the present I was surprised that Oliver revealed his identity to Diggle but I guess he had to sooner or later, can't wait for Diggle's reaction in the next episode. Also I liked that Oliver is going to turn the warehouse in to a club, won't make it so suspicious that he keeps going there and I am interested in finding out how he got some foreign contacts? Lastly we get the introduction to Felicity; a great character for those who have read my Flash reviews and I'll talk about her more when she plays a bigger role because it was short in this episode.
Bet you didn't see this coming Diggle |
Overall this episode was better than the last one because the used a more well known comic villain but Thea really let it down because of the stupid things she continues to do; her attitude when brought in by cops, grounded but then going partying, telling Oliver about Tommy and Laurel while drunk etc. I just wished they came up with a better story for her that didn't just show her as an annoying teenager because who cares? Why do they feel the need to make her think her petty problems are more important than the fact her brother was lost for five years? Besides her all the rest of the side characters are great like Tommy, Quentin, Walter, Moira, I just wish Thea was better.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Deadshot
Arrow vs. Deadshot
Let - Downs: Thea (they should have her character do better things)
Deadshot was underdeveloped
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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