"Your in my world now Bruce" |
The episode begins with assassin Larissa Diaz AKA Copperhead (Lesley-Ann Brandt) infiltrating the Wayne Manor to kill Selina but Alfred holds them at bay long enough for her and Bruce to run. Gordon and Bullock are called in on this and Alfred says he will help meanwhile Cobblepot is called before Falcone because of the recent robbery of his money (last episode), he swears it was Fish not Maroni but Falcone says he wants evidence. Gordon confronts Dent saying that his plan has put Bruce and Selina in danger but Dent is still adamant that Lovecraft is behind everything, Bullock and Alfred then ask a street kid about where Selina would go. In the streets of Gotham Selina wants to leave Bruce however decides not to after he impresses her by jumping across a building and takes her to a hangout of the street kids.
You go Alfred! |
Bullock and Alfred then ask Fish for help, with Alfred being the one to persuade her and Selina introduces Bruce to Ivy Pepper (Clare Foley). Gordon then pays a visit to Lovecraft who swears Copperhead is after him as well and has nothing to do with the Wayne murders however Copperhead then shows up, chokes out Gordon and then kills Lovecraft with his gun. Selina and Bruce are then captured by a street dealer who wants to turn them over to Copperhead however Bullock, Alfred and Gordon soon arrive so Copperhead flees and Selina is able to escape. Later the Mayor is furious about the Lovecraft murder, so he blames Gordon for it (saying to the press he drove Lovecraft to suicide) and transfers Gordon to Arkham Asylum as a security guard. The episode ends with Selina visiting Bruce and thanking him with a kiss (because he refused to tell Copperhead anything) and Gordon arriving at Arkham.
Cheer up Gordon, it might be rather nice inside |
Took me a while to get round to this but that was because I was busy with my Arrow and Flash reviews but this was the mid season finale so I had time. Anyway this was a good follow up to the Harvey Dent episode and introduced another DC villain; Copperhead, however this one was based on the female Copperhead from Arkham: Origins game because the two from the comics are both men. I didn't like Copperhead in the game because she was practically a nobody when I wanted all the contract killers to be more well known however I liked this version of her. Maybe because its a re telling of Batman's villains featuring their younger versions so they can build up her character a bit more here. I like all of the scenes she was in and used her contortionist skills to choke out her victims like the snake she was named for. So well done with this character, like Zasaz it was a strong introduction for her.
"Why does it have to be kids?" |
I was also glad that this episode largely focused on Bruce and Selina in the streets of Gotham because like I have said before these two a great together. It was assuming seeing Bruce unsure of himself in the streets and it is Selina who has to watch out for him. However a real standout in this episode was Alfred and that is because he kicked all kinds of ass! The guy managed to hold off three assassins (also the only one to fend off Copperhead) and persuade Fish to help while bribing and beating up others for information. We also got a touching scene between him and Bruce when they where finally reunited and highlights the bond that they have between them.
"So we just eat with dead body?" |
As for the rest of the episode I actually think Fish was okay in this one for once, maybe that is because she was helpful to Alfred and didn't act like a b***h she usually is. I am also interested to see what is going to happen to Gordon's storyline now since he is at Arkham, I have read some people complain about this but I like it. He is obviously not going to be there forever and while he is there we might meet other characters like Hugo Strange or Scarecrow. However what I didn't like was how Dent was portrayed in this because it wasn't the mistake with Lovecraft that annoyed me because he is still young it is the fact he agreed with the corrupt Mayor. Maybe he has a plan but I just didn't like that he back off because of the Mayor's threat so easily.
"If only you had a cape to glide across when you jump" |
Overall I this was a good episode and Gotham has been a strong series so far so I can't wait for it to come back.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Copperhead was a great villain
Alfred was a scene stealer
Selina and Bruce
Let - Downs: Dent seems a bit out of character
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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