The episode begins with Fish finding out that Cobblepot is still alive and ordering her men to get Gordon, meanwhile at GCPD Gordon is punched by Bullock for letting Cobblepot live and refuses to help him against Falcone. He then goes to his apartment and knocks out two of Fish's men who held Barbara hostage and then makes sure she got on the next bus out of Gotham. Fish then expresses her displeasure at Falcone for Cobblepot still being alive and Gordon's betrayal but Falcone says he will let Victor Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) handle Gordon. Zsasz later arrives at the GCPD with two hitwomen and the other cops abandon Gordon, a shootout follows; Gordon is injured but is rescued by Montoya and Crispus however Zsasz then kills another cop and marks the kill on his body.
"Time for my debut" |
While Gordon gets treated for his wounds at a university Fish visits Maroni to convince him to hand Cobblepot over but is unsuccessful. In retaliation one of Fish's men block one of Maroni's shipments however Cobblepot says he knows how to hit back at Falcone, Gordon later visits Bruce to say sorry that he could die before finding his parent's murderer. Cobblepot later leads Maroni's men on a raid at one of Falcone's places (also killing one of Fish's allies) and then kills one of Maroni's men who never liked him much. Falcone and Maroni then meet and agree to stop the fighting and Falcone even allows Maroni to keep Cobblepot, Gordon is then preparing to arrest the Mayor and Falcone and Bullock even arrives to help.
Honestly why does Fish have to be there |
Gordon and Bullock apprehend the Mayor and then goes to Falcone's manor to arrest him however Falcone reveals that Zsasz has kidnapped Barbara. Bullock thinks he is lying but it turns out to be true but then, surprising everyone, Falcone allows the three of them to live believing Gordon will one day realize that he is right. The next day Cobblepot meets with Falcone who says everything has went as planned. In a Flashback it is revealed that on the day Cobblepot was to be shot by Gordon, he and Falcone made a plan for him to be a spy in Maroni's family after Cobblepot revealed Fish is making moves against him.
"It would be cool if I had a gun in this umbrella" |
Finally we have Cobblepot's master plan revealed, I just knew it was something more than siding with Maroni, and that he is working with Falcone all along. It was all really clever and shows just how smart Cobblepot is with people; how he knew Gordon would most likely let him live, the best ways to earn Maroni's trust and bribing Maroni's men to kill to one who hated him. I guess everyone saying that Falcone is getting weak has just been proven wrong since the reason he always acts so calm is because of his plan with Cobblepot. I hope that since Falcone is actually aware that Fish is plotting against him all along that he and Cobblepot will take her out soon. Speaking of Fish she was alright that past few episodes but this one really just made me hate her again. I don't know why she thinks she should be the next Don because in my opinion she just acts like a damn child with her outbursts and she isn't as smart as she thinks either when showing how eager she was to get Cobblepot. Plus her stupid voice and expressions are back during the part when she threatened Cobblepot; I really hope that they kill her off soon and that Cobblepot beats the hell out of her or stabs her a lot.
"If we are going to die I'm getting laid first" |
However the best part of the episode was the arrival of Victor Zsasz and the shootout that followed. Zsasz's introduction was by far the strongest out of all the comic characters and I am really liking the casting as well. Anthony Carrigan nailed the creepiness of Zsasz and he really, really looks like a younger version of him and I am glad they kept his habit of tallying his kills on his body. The shootout between him and Gordon was awesome too because it was so intense and he had Gordon on the ropes. I definitely want to see more of Zsasz in the series and his two hitwomen sidekicks as well, those two where a pretty cool addition.
Wow, there was a time Zsasz only killed twenty - eight people? |
Other quick mentions is that I am glad Montoya and Crispus have sided with Gordon and if they keep this up they could become alright characters. I also liked Gordon's determination in this to seek justice even though the odds are against him and the cops abandoned him (kind of shows how cowardly the police are in Gotham) and I'm glad that Bullock joined him; like I said I am sure that Gordon has grown on him. Barbara is getting to become a good character now because even though she was used against Gordon by Falcone I will say it was brave of her to try and pled with him however I just hope they just stay away now from the Barbara/Montoya because that was just stupid. The moments when Falcone said he had Barbara was done well because I honestly thought he was bluffing until he showed her. Despite kidnapping Barbara I keep hoping that Gordon will soon see that Falcone is the lesser evil in Gotham because unlike Fish and Maroni he honestly seems to care more for peace, order and business.
Yeah the Penguin rules these streets! |
Last thing to mention is that something that annoyed me (besides Fish) is that there is going to be no big mob war anytime soon. There was quite the build up to it for ages now but Falcone and Maroni seemed to have made peace and Gordon has now backed off. Gordon obviously isn't going to stop but I don't think he is going to try anything like this drastic for a while and Falcone isn't going to go to war when he has a mole with Maroni.
Overall this was a great episode and a real standout with the great arrival of another comic villain and that Cobblepot and Falcone seem to be playing everyone.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Reveal of Cobblepot and Falcone working together
Victor Zsasz
Some great shootouts
Let - Downs: Fish
Seems to be no gang war now after so much build up
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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