"You will never hold me" |
The episode begins with Barry chasing The Man in the Yellow Suit AKA Reverse Flash but then it jumps back a day earlier and Barry and Iris are exchanging early Christmas presents. Barry then later gives gifts to those at S.T.A.R labs and Eddies asks Iris to move in with him which she accepts. Caitlin then later runs into Ronnie but he gets away when he surrounds himself with fire meanwhile Mercury Labs (S.T.A.R. labs rival) is attacked by Reverse Flash who kills two guards. Barry and West investigate and Barry is stunned to learn Reverse Flash is back again but angry when West admits he knew Reverse Flash has been back for a while. Caitlin then asks Cisco for help in finding Ronnie and Barry and Wells asks Dr Tina McGee to use her taceion device to lure Reverse Flash (something they think he was looking for since Wells believes it would increase his power). Later Barry lies to Iris about having feelings for her but then sees Reverse Flash and chases after him to a stadium. Barry is no match for Reverse Flash who mentions having fought many times before leaving. Wells comes up with a plan to catch Reverse Flash in a force field while West and Barry get the taceion device from McGee however Barry is told to sit this one out because of the state he is in.
"Try to keep up Barry" |
Caitlin and Cisco find Ronnie but he says he isn't Ronnie but Firestorm before escaping again meanwhile Barry visits his father and apologises for not catching Reverse Flash however Henry says that Barry should finally stop living in the past and move on. Barry then tells Iris he loves her and at S.T.A.R labs the team have caught Reverse Flash in a force field, Eddie is also there since he demanded to be a part of it because of his Task Force. However Reverse Flash escapes, beats up Wells (while implying that he knows him), kills all the cops apart from Eddie but is stopped from killing West when Barry arrives as The Flash. The Flash is again no match for Reverse Flash but is saved by Firestorm; Reverse Flash decides to flee for now (having stolen the taceion device) and Firestorm tells Caitlin never to find him again before flying away. West then tells Eddie about the existence of Meta Humans, Wells swears to Caitlin that they will find Ronnie and West asks Barry to move back into his house after tearfully telling Barry how much he changed his and Iris's life. The episode ends with everyone at West's house for Christmas and Wells entering his secret room, uses a Flash Ring to opens a compartment that reveals the Reverse Flash costume before attaching the taceion device to it.
You have got some good timing Firestorm! |
Now this is a way to end a mid season with some great action, character development and a big reveal/mystery at the end. First I will talk about the most important thing in the episode; Reverse Flash and the reveal that it is possibly being Wells. I did not expect that at the end because it has been confirmed that he is an original character earlier but that could be a lie. Here is my thoughts on Wells; I believe he is the Hunter Zolomon Reverse Flash (because there are multiple ones and Hunter Zolomon is in a wheelchair) who sent himself back in time to change something big that happened in the future and helping Barry is part of it. I do not think he was the one who fought Barry in this episode but is working with him and him being beaten up was for show, I mean with how easily the Reverse Flash kills people why just beat up Wells? I do think however he was the one who killed Barry's mother or was apart of it to set Barry on the path to becoming The Flash (because from what we have seen so far Barry becoming The Flash is part of his plan) and the other person in the lightning trying to stop it was a future Barry who failed. Now as for my thoughts on who the Reverse Flash in this episode was (SPOILERS FROM THE COMICS INCOMING):
A future Eddie or son/grandson was the Reverse Flash because in the comics a man named Eobard Thawne becomes one of the Reverse Flashes (who actually called himself Professor Zoom) and is working with Wells. I think this is backed up by the fact Reverse Flash stared at Eddie before leaving him (he didn't want to kill himself or his progenitor) and the fact that Wells had the taceion device at the ends means he gave it to him. Another reason I think Eddie will become Reverse Flash is that I don't think he is going to stop the Task Force, he may obsess over The Flash to catch him and maybe finds out it is Barry and Iris leaves him for Barry may give him more reason. There you have it those are my theories however this is pure speculation at this point and I could be wrong about all of it.
What is your game Wells? |
For the other big thing in this episode was getting to see more of Ronnie as Firestorm and it was really cool that he could fly and attacked Reverse Flash! Those who have read the comics know that he is dealing with the other personality that is fused with himself and it is a shame they didn't touch that subject but hopefully it won't be too long before we see him again. One thing though, and I am not marking it down for this, is that this subplot while great felt forced into the episode; it could not have been in and I doubt it would have made much of a difference overall. I just think they should have waited until they can have Ronnie be the focus of an entire episode not just as a subplot.
"And after I gave you a warning" |
As for the rest of the episode it was all just awesome like the fight scenes between The Flash and Reverse Flash, those where just epic. Especially the stadium one and you see them running side by side or toward each other, I tell you that was film worthy fight scene. One thing I didn't expect was how emotional the entire episode was and how great the character did in it; Caitlin tearing up with Cisco, Barry talking to with is dad and then to West and telling Iris he loves her. It was all done really well and as for Barry confessing to Iris that is going to make things awkward in the future. Lastly I think it was great how they included a Flash Ring and for those who don't know The Flash uses it in the comics to activate his costume at anytime but it is also used by other speed users, it might be future technology that Wells brought with him.
Merry Christmas to all! |
Overall this was just a perfect episode and my most favourite in season one so far.
SCORE: 10/10
Highlights: Reverse Flash!
Truly epic fight scenes
Just about everything about the episode
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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