Didn't put much thought in to a costume |
The episode begins with Oliver meeting his mother outside Queen Consolidated who is turning down a building contract offer from a man named Paul Copani. Shortly after this a helmeted person on a motorcycle shoots and kills Copani and speeds off, Oliver tries to give chase but is unable to catch the shooter. Quentin later concludes that Moira is not in any danger from the shooter since Copani had mob connections, elsewhere Tommy wants to start a proper relationship with Laurel. Later in his hideout Oliver discovers that Copani worked for a man named Frank Bertinelli who is head of a major construction company but also is part of Starling City Mafia, Oliver wants to investigate him. Somewhere unknown a dark haired women, who was driving the motorcycle, crosses off Copani's picture on a board full of them.
"No one gets away from me!" |
Tommy then arrives at Queen Manor and tells Oliver he wants a relationship with Laurel, Oliver wishes the best for both of them. Thea takes her mother out and says she doesn't like Oliver's recent behaviour but Moira thinks they should be easier on Oliver because he spent 5 years on an island. Oliver then goes to Bertinelli manor to discuss business (while really investigating him) and meets his daughter Helena (Jessica De Gouw), Frank is busy however and asks Helena to take Oliver out to dinner. Frank then meets with the Chinese Triad enforcers Zhishan and China White to see if the Triad are responsible for several attacks on his people, they deny this but Frank does not believe them. Meanwhile Quentin has been listening in on this conversation and thinks that the Triad wasn't responsible for Copani's murder since it wasn't done by a pro.
"I knew me and my white hair would be back!" |
At dinner Oliver and Helena are hitting it off and Oliver finds out that Helena had a late fiancé named Michael Staton but the dinner is cut short when Oliver gets a call from Diggle, another dinner has not ended well when Tommy finds out his credit card is declined while out with Laurel. Oliver goes to stop one of Frank's enforcers named Nick who is violently attacking a family for information on the recent murders but both Oliver and Helena, dressed in their disguises, arrive at the same time and fight Nick and this men. Nick escapes and Oliver and Helena fight but Oliver manages to get her helmet off and is surprised it's Helena, he lets her go. At the hideout Oliver wants to know the reason Helena is targeting her family but Diggle isn't interested because she is just a killer. Quentin later warns Oliver at Queen Manor to stay away from Helena because her family is dangerous.
I'm sure Oliver was going easy on her |
Tommy later confronts his father about his being cut off and Malcolm, revealed as Tommy's father Malcolm Merlyn, says he is finally tired of his son's irresponsibility and laziness. At a cemetery Oliver and Helena are kidnapped by Nick shortly after Oliver meets Helena at Michael's grave. Nick has found out Helena is killing her father's men and her reason is because Michael was killed by Nick and her father for being an FBI informant. Oliver and Helena break free of their restraints and fight Nick and his men which ends with Helena snapping Nick's neck. Tommy then goes to see Laurel and admits he has no money and lost his apartment and car, Laurel says it will be alright. Walter has now come back to Starling City and Thea apologises to Oliver about her attitude earlier. The episode ends with Oliver visiting Helena's apartment, who has figured out he is The Hood based on his fighting style, and they kiss.
"Your wishing you made those restraints tighter, don't you b***h?" |
We have two comic book character introductions this episode with the first being Helena Bertinelli who is The Huntress and if I am honest I was not very impressed by her. I am a big fan of The Huntress in the comics (one of my favourite appearances of her was the Hush storyline) and I do not think they have done her justice here. In the comics she is rash and violent to the point that even Batman rarely relies on her but I still considered her a hero; I hate in this that she is an unlikable anti - hero with one of the stupidest back stories ever. In the comics she does harbour a grudge against the mafia but that is because as a child she witnessed the slaughter of her mafia family at the hands of a rival, she then travels around the world while training with her bodyguard. I don't see how after the murder of her fiancé she could suddenly think "I'll ride on a bike, kill everyone all my father's men and then him", I am just not buying it; it is just like Diggle said she is just a plain murderer in this. Not to mention her methods are sloppy when she kills and there's no explanation to how she became so good a fighter. Lastly I just think the acting of Jessica De Gouw was just poor; her best moment was during the dinner with Oliver not when she is The Huntress because then she is melodramatic and too emotionless really.
Big epic reveal!! |
Now Malcolm Merlyn is a comic character that has been done right and looks to be an intriguing villain this season. I won't say now who he will be (wait till future episodes) but lets just say it could have been him or Tommy however Malcolm has already been seen as being involved in a conspiracy with Moira and seems to have impressive fencing skills. I have already liked Malcolm since he has been introduced (knew he was Malcolm Merlyn then but didn't say) because the guy just seems like he is going to be a great villain and I hope he is revealed to be the main antagonist.
Yay Walter's back! |
As for the rest of the episode because I have said already that I hate the version of The Huntress and the storyline involving her it was something I really didn't care for. If I am honest I found the subplot involving Tommy and his no money predicament more enjoyable to watch and that didn't include any fighting. I just really liked how the playboy Tommy now has absolutely nothing and I think this will really develop his character into more than just Oliver's friend. From this we can also see that the relationship between him and his father isn't on the best of terms and hopefully we'll find out more about it.
"So this is how the poor live.......I'm not going to make it" |
Overall I am glad that we have the first two - parter in Arrow but I hate that they had to ruin The Huntress and the short re - appearance of China White didn't really do anything. The only things I liked about this episode was the scenes involving Tommy and his father and Walter coming back to Starling. Also they didn't have any Flashbacks in this which was quite the change but I kind of wished they did have some since they provide some of the best moments.
SCORE: 4/10
Highlights: Tommy's character development
Malcolm and the moment he had with Tommy
Let - Downs: The Huntress and the casting for her
Didn't really care for the anything else in this episode
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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