Now that is a really awesome costume |
Adam Hunt, who was recently taken down by Oliver, is on the phone but is interrupted by an unseen visitor. Hunt seems to know who this person is but his killed by three arrows to the chest before he can say much. While sparring in their hideout Diggle reminds Oliver that it is Christmas and that he should have a break, Oliver considers this after remembering how his family spent Christmas. In a Flashback Yao Fei has returned and has brought Fyers as a prisoner and says that they can use him to get off the island. In the present Oliver goes back to the manor and finds Malcolm Merlyn and Police Commissioner Brian Nudocerdo having dinner with Moira and Walter; Brian of course is against The Hood but Walter and Malcolm seem to show support. Walter is soon called away by Felicity who says that Dr. Doug Miller, the head of Applied Sciences at Queen Consolidated, is on the journal list while Brian is called away because the police have found out about Hunt's murder.
There's a new archer in town |
Oliver listens in at the crime scene while Quentin tells Brian this was not The Hood; the arrows are black and since Hunt was already dealt with, he suspects a copycat. Oliver and Diggle try to work out who the copycat is and enlist the help of Quentin by slipping him a cell phone and speaking with a voice filter, however Quentin isn't interested in working with The Hood. While out with Thea, Oliver finds out that his family have been avoiding Christmas and their annual party for the last four years but Oliver wants to have one now. In a Flashback Fyers explains to Oliver that the island was a prison and when his men purged the island they only spared two; Yao Fei and Billy Wintergreen, the man in the mask. Oliver is still distrustful of him because he had Wintergreen torture him but Fyers argues that Yao Fei is guilty of slaughtering innocent people and needed to find him. In the present Malcolm voices concern that Walter is finding out too much (having already contacted Miller) and wants to call his "associate" to deal with but Moira says she will handle it.
"You calling to wish me Merry Christmas?" |
Later a businessman is killed by the Dark Archer and while at the scene Brian want Quentin to accuse The Hood of the two recent murders however Quentin refuses believing this really isn't The Hood. When Brian takes Quentin off the case he phones The Hood and agrees to give him one of the black arrows used for the murder. Oliver gives the black arrow to Felicity and she works out where it came from meanwhile Tommy asks Laurel to Oliver's Christmas party. Oliver goes to the place where the black arrow was made but is almost caught in a bomb blast. Later at the Christmas party, except for talking with Laurel, things don't go so well; Walter confronts Moira about what she is involved in and says he won't stop and Oliver finds Thea about to get it on with her boyfriend and of course she tries to stupidly justify every stupid thing she does. He then has to leave the part when he finds out the Dark Archer has taken hostages in a warehouse and threatening to execute them.
Awwww a nice family portrait |
In a Flashback Fyers has led them into a trap and Wintergreen arrives to battle Yao Fei; Oliver manages to escape but Yao Fei is captured. In the present Oliver as The Hood has arrived at the warehouse, freed the hostages and does battle with the Dark Archer however just when things look even the Dark Archer gets the upper hand and shoots two arrows in to Oliver's back. He moves in to unmask Oliver but his stabbed in the leg with an arrow and flees, Oliver then radios Diggle for help. Oliver wakes up in a hospital where Thea says she is sorry elsewhere the Dark Archer removes his hood to reveal Malcolm Merlyn. Walter is later kidnapped and when Moira confronts Malcolm about this he says he will be freed after his plan is done though Moira argues that it will cost thousands of lives. The episode ends with Oliver believing he has failed the city this time and resolved to find whoever wrote the list of names.
So will we see the real Deathstroke soon? |
Took a long time to go over this episode but there was a lot of points to cover with the most important one being that there is a new archer in town and that it is Malcolm Merlyn. I am really glad that it was him because in the comics he his a master archer and arch - nemesis of the Arrow who calls himself Merlyn. As I mentioned when Malcolm was revealed to be Tommy's father Merlyn could have been him or Tommy since they both have been Merlyn in the comics. I don't know if this means that Tommy may one day take over the role since right now he doesn't even seem to be any good at fighting. However I am happy as Malcolm as the Dark Archer for now because he was a badass; everything from is awesome black costume to his fight with Oliver on the roof, it was really cool seeing two archers fight each other. Since this basically confirms Malcolm is the main antagonist I hope for more showdowns between him and Oliver.
"Let's let the two archers fight it out" |
Another great thing was the great Flashback that surely makes up for it's two episode absence and proves that the Flashbacks are one of the best things about this series. I really didn't believe Fyers would have been captured that easily and that's good because we had an epic battle between Wintergreen and Yao Fei. I am surprised that he wasn't the real Deathstroke (Deathstroke's real name is Slade Wilson) so I guess this means Wintergreen might be an apprentice of the real Deathstroke or his apprentice his Deathstroke? (seriously thought that at the time and it doesn't sound that bad of an idea). I guess Oliver is on his own now and I wonder how long he will last without Yao Fei or how long Yao Fei will last under torture. We also learned more about the island and it is interesting to know this really isn't just some random spit of land but has a lot of backstory.
Look behind you Walter! |
As for the rest of the episode once again the subplot involving Walter was good but I don't like how he is now taken out of the story. It almost feels like the writers don't know what to do with him or his investigation with Felicity so they decided to get rid of him for now which is a shame. Quentin was really great in this one because he actually stood up for The Hood when Brian wanted to blame him for the murders, I guess Quentin is getting around to seeing that The Hood isn't all bad. Lastly Thea has been a let down again; I said it before but I'll say it again the writers are trying to make her out as some troubled, rebellious, rich party girl but do we really care? Why does she have to justify the stupid things she does at the end of the episode why can't they give her an interesting subplot like Walter.
"I should have expected this!" |
Overall this is one of the best episode so far and that is thanks to Malcolm and the great Flashback we had. You might have noticed I am speeding up my Arrow reviews but that is because I do want to catch up to season three but don't worry; there won't be any drop in quality because every review of old episodes I write are done at least a week in advance before upload so I got lots stored. Of course currently airing series like Gotham and The Flash have to be written in a day.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: The Dark Archer and the fights with Oliver
The Flashback - Yao Fei vs. Wintergreen
Let - Downs: Thea
Walter now out of the story
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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