The episode begins with Bruce creating his own investigation board which includes information on the crime families and Arkham, he also wants to speak to the board members of Wayne Enterprises. Meanwhile a man with a messed up ear gives a vial of green liquid to a guitar player who inhales it which turns his skin pale and his veins green. The guitar player than causes havoc at a store where he drinks lots of milk and uses superhuman strength to break a baseball bat and carry a ATM machine on his back, Gordon and Bullock are on the case. Falcone then calls a meeting of his street bosses, which includes Fish, and even though most want to retaliate against Maroni, Falcone says its not the time. Gordon and Bullock find the location of the guitar player but he dies when he tries to lift the ATM machine and it crushes him. Later the man with the messed up ear is giving out more Viper.
Now that had to hurt! |
Alfred tells Bruce he is invited to a charity event and Bruce accepts because he might be able to question board members there. At GCPD numerous Gotham citizens are being brought in under the affects of Viper and dying as well. Nygma has analysed a sample and says that Viper gives the user superhuman strength but feeds off the user's calcium (hence the addiction to replenish with milk and cheese) and eventually their bones break down and they die. Gordon and Bullock question a member of the medical company WellZyn (an offshoot of Wayne Enterprises) because they have the best equipment to make Viper and they learn of a former employee named Stan Potolski who could be behind it. Later Gordon is later brought before Don Maroni to save Cobblepot's life because he told him he used to work for Fish.
"I'm sure there is a riddle for this" |
Gordon and Bullock question an old professor of Stan who says Stan helped created Viper for WellZyn but had a breakdown when realizing they wanted to use it for warfare (and have even created Viper's successor Venom). He says that Stan will contaminate the WellZyn/Wayne charity event before injecting himself with Viper but his killed by Gordon and Bullock. They race to the event and manage to stop Stan who commits suicide off the roof after breathing in Viper but not before telling Gordon to check a certain warehouse, he goes to it but finds all the evidence gone. The episode ends with Alfred finally helping Bruce with his investigation, Cobblepot back in Maroni's good graces by helping rob Falcone and Falcone himself meeting Liza in a park.
At least make some tea Alfred, you both got a lot to read |
Gotham has taken it's first step to being not that grounded after all with the use of the drug Viper, like with Arrow I didn't want this series to be too realistic and this is a good start. I did really like the Viper drug because it was a really cool effect when the victim's face goes all pale and their bones crack and fail. However I kind of felt that it was wasted because we barely got to see any action from it; Gordon and Bullock just witnessed the guitar player being crushed and I expected Stan to act like some boss but he just jumped off a roof. I know there are limits to how Gordon and Bullock can approach the villains because they are not vigilantes but that doesn't mean we can't see them put up a fight. Also I am glad they mentioned Viper's successor Venom because it is possible we could see Bane in the future or Venom - enhanced soldiers.
Maybe they should but a restaurant like Maroni? It would be a better place to meet |
Another part of the episode I liked was how Bruce got a lot more involved this time and actually stepped out of Wayne manor. The way he made that investigation board and then questioned one of his own employees was really cool. I want to see more of Bruce and Alfred like this; taking a more active role in the story instead of waiting for Gordon to come to them. Speaking of Gordon I did like the scene in the restaurant when he is talking to Maroni on behalf of Cobblepot, you really got the sense that a wrong word would have got them both killed. I also wonder why Cobblepot told Maroni who he really is but like I mentioned in my last review I'm sure he has a big master plan.
"The one time I leave the gas masks at home" |
Other things worth mentioning is that I found it funny how Nygma was more fascinated with the effects of Viper and not seeming to care that much about people dying. Reminds me of the Riddler from comics and Arkham games where he only thinks of others as a means for his riddles. I didn't care much for Stan because he was even less developed than Gladwell I think and since it was more about Viper in the end I didn't care much for the guy who was giving it out. We also see that Wayne Enterprises might be as corrupt as the rest of Gotham and I want to see how Bruce tackles this problem and finally it seems that Fish has put her plan in to action at the end, lets she if Liza succeeds.
"Like how I treat my guests?" |
Overall this was a good episode but we barely got to see the superhuman part of Viper and even thought they exist in separate universes it kind of felt they where copying Arrow's Mirakuru.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Bruce having a better role in this episode
The effect of Viper was really cool
Let - Downs: Viper felt wasted
Didn't care at all about the villain
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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