"Now I'm here for more than just a cameo" |
The episode begins with Meta Human Roy Bivolo AKA Rainbow Raider (Paul Anthony) robbing a bank and using his eye powers to induce people in to a murderous rage, luckily The Flash gets there before things get too out of control. Eddie decides that The Flash is a menace and wants to start a Task Force to catch him much to Iris's dismay who then warns The Flash. The police then go to arrest Rainbow Raider however he uses his power on one of them but The Flash and Arrow get there in time. Barry then meets with Oliver, Diggle and Felicity who are in Central City to follow a lead on Captain Boomerang, Barry then takes Felicity to S.T.A.R labs who then gets a warning from West and Wells that they do not trust Oliver because of his darker methods. Felicity then convinces Oliver to help catch Rainbow Raider and he agrees but first wants to train Barry because he notices that despite his speed he never cases a scene before fighting and thus is ignorant of dangers in his surroundings. West then later tells Barry of how the Arrow interrogated a suspect to get Rainbow Raider's name and Wells asks Felicity to tell him who Arrow is but she refuses. Barry later goes to catch Rainbow Raider alone, sick of everyone saying he needs the Arrow, but is infected by Rainbow Raider's powers however there doesn't seem to be any immediate effects.
"Too bad I don't surf I rainbows" |
Over the course of the day Barry becomes more and more angry, shouting at Caitlin, police Captain Singh (Patrick Sabongui) and even West who notices a red glow in Barry's eyes. Barry, as The Flash, then attacks Eddie and Iris but his stopped by Arrow before he can kill them. The two then fight and it is mostly even but The Flash has his speed but Arrow uses The Flash's earlier weakness to get the drop on him long enough for West and Wells to cure him with multiple flashing lights, having figured out earlier that colours is the key to Rainbow Raider's powers. Rainbow Raider is then put in the prison and the Team Arrow thanks everyone at S.T.A.R. labs who agree to keep his secret. The Flash then goes to apologise to Iris but she never wants to see him again, now siding with Eddie who has now started a Task Force. Before Oliver leaves he gives Barry some advice about Iris and even runs into his old girlfriend who was pregnant with his child many years ago however he was never told. The episode ends with a homeless man being attacked by thugs but he is revealed to be a still alive Robbie who surrounds himself with fire.
Speed vs. Precision |
We finally got the first crossover episode between The Flash and Arrow and I admit when I saw the episode's title "Flash vs. Arrow" I was wondering why would they fight because they are friends? However they really come up with a smart way to make them and the result was something epic. Talking about the fight first it was everything I wanted to see and it was never really one sided at all, despite Arrow having no powers he shows that experience is more important. Also it wasn't some stupid or far - fetched way he won either; it made sense to take advantage of a weakness we never really realised The Flash had until now. The fight really was cool; you got the Arrow using different kinds of arrows and martial arts and then you got The Flash using his speed to keep dodging and landing those multiple punches. This is will be a truly standout moment in The Flash and Arrow universe.
It was funny that Felicity never told him |
Now on to the Meta Human of the week, Rainbow Raider, and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. I knew he wasn't going to be the main focus of the episode but I feel the writers didn't do his character any justice. We never even got a backstory of how he got his powers or any really insight in to his personality; all we know is that he likes to rob banks. Something that really let me down was that his defeat happened completely off screen, I know they have time issues but couldn't we just get one minute of The Flash and Arrow taking him down. It is a shame because his power was really interesting and something different from the Meta Humans we have seen before.
"Smile for the camera Barry" |
As for the rest of the episode I really enjoyed the chemistry between Team Arrow and Team Flash; first their was Diggle and Cisco who where so funny together of arguing who would win the fight. Also I laughed out loud at Diggle's reaction to Barry's speed and Cisco making the Star Wars reference! Then there was Caitlin and Felicity getting along so well, I guess Caitlin is really grateful to have another smart woman to talk like she said. Then of course there was Wells and West's reaction to Arrow and I admit they have a point and it shows the contrast between The Flash and Arrow. The Arrow is always going to feared more than loved, that is just how it is always going to be because of his darker methods and the kills he has attached to his reputation. The Flash on the other hand is more of a hero and symbol of hope because of the feats he can achieve with his speed and doing this in the daytime doesn't hurt either lol. However did anyone else notice that Oliver felt something was off with Wells? Maybe if someone like Oliver was unnerved maybe Wells is more sinister than I thought. Plus it looked like Wells knew the identity of Arrow all along and I'm guessing it has something to do with his future, super - computer.
Awkward |
What annoyed me however was that Eddie is starting a Task Force to stop The Flash; even though this is typical of the police in comics I didn't want them to go this route in The Flash. Maybe it annoys me because, despite Eddie's recent experience, it should be obvious The Flash isn't a menace. Besides in the end those who start a Task Force are either going to realise in the end that they are wrong or get killed never knowing. Since we are on this topic Iris continues to bug me and that is now she has completely changed her mind about The Flash after this one incident that was explained in the end. Characters like Iris and Laurel (especially Arrow's first and second season) get on my nerves because even if they are or where the main love interest why do they feel their opinions matter so much? Like with Iris at the end, why does she have to act all bloody high and mighty with The Flash because she is against him now when not that long ago she acted like his biggest fan girl.
"I got a name and it is not the Human Torch" |
Overall the first major crossover was a big success and the ending reveals possible future plot points for both shows; Felicity asking for help on Black Canary's murder and that Robbie is still alive and a Meta Human. I know which Meta Human he is and what powers he has but I'll wait until next episode to go into more detail on them. Lastly I know I am behind with the Arrow reviews but I might review the next episode because even though it is season three it is still part two of this crossover.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: The Flash vs. Arrow
The interactions between Team Flash and Team Arrow
Let - Downs: Rainbow Raider was underused
Iris and Eddie where annoying
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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