Possible Black Mask cousin ? |
The episode begins with two masked men in suits fighting each other in an abandoned office which ends with one being killed by the other while someone watches on camera. The body of the defeated is later found washed up and is investigated by Nygma, Gordon and Bullock who finds a severed thumb in the man's mouth. Cobblepot later meets with Fish to go over the terms of peace between Falcone and Maroni however Fish stabs Cobblepot in the hand which his mother notices when he visits her. Meanwhile Bruce is being sent back to school by Alfred who thinks it is best for him however Bruce is unsure, at the GCPD Bullock is disgusted by the cowardice of the police force to which Essen agrees. Gordon and Bullock later talk to a black market doctor who had a patient with severed thumb and gives them a business card the man dropped however Gordon then arrests the doctor which angers several other officers because they have deals with him.
"If you've got another riddle for this, then I swear to God....." |
Gordon goes home and find that Barbara is still shaken about being kidnapped by Zsasz but he assures her everything is alright. In the morning Nygma performs an autopsy on the body while Bruce is again at school and is bullied by Tommy Elliot (Cole Vallis) however he seems to be doing alright with the girls! Liza visits Fish who wants her to steal important documents from Falcone after knocking him out meanwhile Gordon and Bullock go to Sionis Investments and immediately become suspicious because of the amount of injures the employees have. They then question Richard Sionis (Todd Stashwick) and Gordon suspects he is behind the murder but is unable to get anything out of him however they do arrest an employee with a severed thumb. Elsewhere Cobblepot brings in one of Fish's men and has him beaten for information while Bruce is beaten by Tommy which angers Alfred when he finds out.
"My maths teacher gave me a B.....lets beat him up next!" |
After questioning the man with the severed thumb Gordon and Bullock find out potential employees must fight to gain a position which sometimes ends in death and Nygma has found out that similar murders have happened before. Gordon and Bullock later split up to investigate Sionis's properties to find out where they could be staging the fights however Gordon is knocked out by Sionis. Bruce then beats up Tommy after Alfred gives him his father's watch to wrap round his fist and Gordon wakes up in an abandoned office surrounded by three masked men who have to kill him for employment. Luckily Bullock manages to round up some of the other officers to save Gordon before he can be killed by Sionis, Gordon thanks Bullock for this but says he will never stop fighting corruption. Cobblepot later finds out that someone close to Falcone is working for Fish while Lisa wants out of her job but Fish convinces her to continue by spinning some BS story. The episode ends with Barbara leaving Gordon, Bruce asking Alfred to teach him to fight and Selina once again arrested by police and asking Gordon for help.
Great fight |
What an episode! last one we had the arrival of Zsasz this time we have a possible reference to one of my favourite Batman villains; Black Mask. Obviously the real Black Mask wasn't in this because he has a skull mask, his name is Roman Sionis not Richard and Richard died at the end in any case. However this makes me hopeful for the real Black Mask to appear soon as maybe a relative of Richard, shame that Todd Stashwick wasn't the real Black Mask because he was really good. I liked his mask and his obsession with killing and power and the cool fight he had with Gordon using a sword. His method of hiring new staff was really interesting and maybe it is another nod at the bad economy in Gotham but anyway those fights where really cool and I laughed when Gordon said "oh crap" when Richard put 1 million on his life.
Hopefully soon Fish the Penguin's going to kill you |
However if Richard Sionis really is a relative of a comic book character we at least got the introduction of a real comic book character; Tommy Elliot. I have thought for ages that Tommy would be a great addition to the younger cast because in the comics he is a childhood friend of Bruce who becomes one of his most dangerous foes. It was a good take how they made Tommy in to a bully in this and I really hope that Tommy isn't just a one time character and we see more of him. Also he was part of a good subplot for Bruce this episode; of him learning to stand up for himself and wanting to learn how to fight. Again Alfred just continues to impress me when he encouraged Bruce to beat Tommy's face in with a watch.
"I was never going to stay away for long" |
Other things I liked in this was Bullock being more and more of a good guy with backing up Gordon at the end and getting the other officers to help. He was damn right; the cops in the GCPD are cowards and Gordon is a constant reminder of their cowardice because he is an honest one. I did like how all the cops did the right thing in the end and I hope that is just the start of them being good officers. Lastly Nygma is really assuming in this because it again shows how he really doesn't care much if people die because their deaths are more curiosities to him then anything else.
At least it's less painful than an interview |
Now for what I didn't like and it one again involves my two least characters; Barbara and Fish. I know I mentioned that Barbara was good last episode, well she completely ruined it in this one by walking out on Gordon. Overall she has become a really weak character with no interesting subplots in this series, kind of hope she has walked out for good now since she has already done it twice. Then there is Fish and I just absolutely hate her; Liza is right she really has no reason to get more power since she already has everything. She tired to explain it with that story but that was a load of BS anyway; I just hate her plans, her character and basically everything about her. Also I have had just enough of her injuring Cobblepot and getting away with it, she just deserves to be killed off.
Guess who Tommy becomes |
Overall the majority of this episode was really strong and I seriously hope that we get a real Black Mask soon and Tommy has more roles in future episodes. Oh yeah I am finally up to date with the UK releases of Gotham and The Flash, so now that I only have to do one review of those shows a week I'll start reviewing Arrow and more anime.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Richard Sionis's fights and possible connection to Black Mask
Tommy Elliot and Bruce and Alfred's subplot with him
Bullock and Nygma had some great moments too
Let - Downs: Fish and her stupid plan
Barbara with a weak subplot
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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