At least the costume for The Huntress is good and that's the only good thing I'll say about her |
The episode begins with Helena leaving Oliver in bed to track down the Triad but is stopped by Oliver who followed her as The Hood. Helena agrees to go to dinner with him but is not swayed to change her ways, Diggle thinks this is a good things because he believes Helena cannot be saved. Oliver then visits Helena in the cemetery and tells her about Sara Lance which convinces her to listen to him, Oliver then brings her to his hideout which annoys Diggle. Meanwhile Laurel wants Tommy to ask Oliver for a job and Felicity tells Walter she has found more information but he doesn't want to hear it. Later Oliver equips Helena with a crossbow and costume and takes her stop a drug dealer who works for her father, Oliver says this proves she can seek justice with killing innocents. Walter then searches through Moira's things and finds a blank journal with the same symbol Felicity had found.
"I just love going through other people's things" |
Oliver, Helena, Tommy and Laurel have dinner but Tommy storms out when Oliver makes fun of him wanting a job (Oliver does not know Tommy is cut off yet), Helena then leaves when she realizes Oliver may still love Laurel. Tommy however later apologies to Laurel and Oliver admits to Diggle that Helena may really be beyond saving and he is proven right when she kills the head of the Triad and frames her father. China White leads an attack on Frank's house but Oliver is there and manages to get him out however Frank is then shot in the leg by Helena. She and Oliver then fight however Frank shoots Helena from behind but is arrested sooner afterwards. Oliver treats Helena's wounds but an ungrateful Helena is furious at being cheated out of revenge against her father and tells Oliver not to follow her before leaving. The episode ends with Felicity, after being asked for help again by Walter, discovers the journal is written in invisible ink and Tommy apologizing to Oliver and asking for an actual job after turning down his money.
This fight could have been a bit longer |
This episode was better than the previous one, mainly because The Huntress actually had a cool looking costume and the fight scenes where good, but again I just can't stand her or her attitude towards Oliver. I really wish that she changed her ways when she teamed up with Oliver because she could have been a good character then but no they had to let her still go on her stupid vendetta and kill more people. I just felt like any hype that was felt when The Huntress was introduced just didn't live up to it; her character and backstory was just poor and Jessica De Gouw just was not convincing at all as the badass Huntress. Also once again it is a subplot that involves another pair of secondary characters, Felicity and Walter, that was far more interesting. I'm glad that Felicity is given more and more stuff to do in the series and I liked how she didn't back down from the investigation even though Walter said it could be dangerous. Things are also getting more interesting for them since they have found another journal and I wonder what Walter will do with the information he finds? However I guess I should be more worried with what Malcolm might do when he finds out Walter is still snooping around. Speaking of Malcolm it is a shame we don't see him again in this episode however I am still really liking Tommy's subplot about his financial situation.
"One of these days Oliver you'll fall and I'll be there with my camera" |
Overall I am just finally glad that Huntress plot is finally over and I hope we don't see her for a very long time and if we do then they kill her off and introduce a new Huntress. Tommy had some good scenes but it is a shame Malcolm wasn't in this episode and as I said the fight scenes involving Oliver and The Huntress where really good. I know I haven't said much in this review but that is because like last episode not much happened in it because it was largely focused on The Huntress.
SCORE: 6/10
Highlights: The fighting at the mansion was really good
Walter and Felicity's investigation/ Tommy continued subplot
Let - Downs: Again The Huntress
Again the main plot wasn't as good as the subplots
No Malcolm when we just found out he is Tommy's father
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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