They should team up at least once a season now |
I know I am still reviewing season one of Arrow but since this is Part II of the Arrow and Flash crossover I feel like I just have to review this one now
The episode begins with Arrow and Arsenal checking out the hideout of Digger Harkness AKA Captain Boomerang however it is a trap and the place is rigged with explosives. A.R.G.U.S agents then turn up which means they have an interest in Captain Boomerang as well, we then have a Flashback and Oliver is ordered by Waller to interrogate/torture someone who has planted a bomb in the city. Cisco and Caitlin arrive in Starling City and Felicity takes them to the Arrowcave while Diggle is at A.R.G.U.S headquarters to get more information from Lyla however the place is soon attacked by Captain Boomerang. Arrow and Arsenal arrive to fight him and The Flash even shows up so Captain Boomerang retreats, Team Arrow then hide Lyla at the Arrowcave for the time being. Turns out Captain Boomerang was a member of the Suicide Squad three years ago however during a mission that went bad Lyla made the decision to explode all the member's neck bombs however the one in Captain Boomerang must have malfunctioned and he wants revenge.
"Who needs guns when I got these!" |
Arrow and The Flash team up however The Flash soon regrets this after Arrow tortures one of Captain Boomerang's contacts for information but Arrow argues that this is Starling City not Central City, we then have a Flashback and the bomb has gone off because Oliver went easy on the torture. In the present Arrow, Arsenal, Diggle, Cisco and The Flash follow a lead however Captain Boomerang arrives at the Arrowcave while most are gone (tracing a phone they took earlier) and seriously injures Lyla before escaping. After Barry says to Oliver that none of this was his fault they then track Captain Boomerang to the train station however he has planted five bombs throughout the city. Arrow defeats Captain Boomerang while The Flash disarms the bombs with the help of the rest of the team, Captain Boomerang is later sent to the same island prison as Slade Wilson. Diggle and Lyla then decide to get married, Oliver gives Barry his own costume space in the Arrowcave and Oliver is given a stronger costume by Cisco and we then get a Flashback to Waller giving Oliver a second chance at torture. The episode ends with Arrow and The Flash facing off against each other in an empty warehouse, wanting to know once and for all who would win in a fight.
You now have a place of honour Barry |
What a awesome Part II to an awesome crossover of two great shows! This crossover has been a huge success because it had everything I wanted to see and it just worked really well. It is hard to decide which episode of the crossover was better but personally for me it would have to be this episode just slightly mainly because of Captain Boomerang. He is one of my most favourite members of the Suicide Squad and villains of all time and I think Nick E. Tarabay did a fantastic job and he played a more important role in the plot than Rainbow Raider did who felt underused in the second half of Part I. The fight scenes involving Captain Boomerang where just so good as well, with such great choreography and the skill with throwing those boomerangs. I mean that fight scene between Captain Boomerang, Arrow and Arsenal was just so epic; a two on three fight and Arsenal brings out those cool nightsticks, again just epic! I'll just mention this about Season One is that moments like this was rare in it because it felt so grounded; a fight that looked as great as this and a more comic book like villain. Of course this all changed in Season Two with additions like Deathstroke, Brother Blood, Mirakuru, League of Assassins and just more comic book stuff all round.
"You won't be throwing any Boomerangs for a while" |
Of course Team Arrow and Team Flash worked together well again with some great scenes of dialogue. For example when Barry was against the use of torture and Oliver replied something like; "This isn't Central City where it is always sunny." and then continues by mentioning the deaths of his mom and Tommy. This is further elaborated with Cisco and Caitlin saying that since they face Meta Human who use powers it all feels less real to them. All of this great dialogue between the characters really show the difference between the two cities and even though Team Flash does have Meta Humans, Starling City is a lot more dangerous because of the darker themes and events that have taken place in the Arrow episodes.
"If only you could bring yourself to cut a few fingers off this wouldn't have happened" |
I also enjoyed just about everything else in this episode from the Flashbacks which influenced Oliver to how he operates in the present (I haven't been liking the Flashbacks in Season Three so far, seem really slow so far but this episode was alright) to Barry being the one to tell Oliver that he still has his humanity and giving each other equipment. I really liked those moments because it proves that Arrow and The Flash are starting to rely on each other more and Oliver is realizing that he is hero and not someone to be feared. I also liked at the end that Captain Boomerang is now a cellmate of Deathstroke and it makes me wonder if the two many escape and team up in the future? It also opens the possibly that the current Suicide Squad may make a reappearance again soon (hopefully) and with Team Flash's help the murder of Sara may be solved soon.
Awesome! |
Overall this was simply an awesome episode and I can't think of anything wrong with it because I enjoyed watching every second of it. Plus really liked the Rocky III reference at the end!
SCORE: 10/10
Highlights: The interactions between Team Flash and Team Arrow
Captain Boomerang and the great fight scenes
Successful Part II to the crossover
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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