Monday 28 September 2015

Top 10 Arrow Season Two Episodes

Now for Arrow Season Two! SPOILERS
10. Tremors

Starting off is an episode that had Ben Turner AKA Bronze Tiger as the main villain which I really liked because he is one of my favourite villains in the Arrow TV series, it is such a shame his character has been possibly killed off because he has been in the comics. We also had some good moments with Oliver training Roy and revealing his identity to him and it was the start of a good subplot where Moira runs for mayor.

9. League of Assassins

The episode that introduced the League when they where only hinted at in Season One and they did a very good job. We had some awesome fight scenes between the League, Oliver and Sara but I really liked the emotional moments between Sara and Quentin such as when she first approached him and when Sara had to leave in the end. Plus this is probably one of my favourite episodes with Quentin because of the moments I just mentioned and when he teamed up with Oliver and Sara to fight the League, even doing really good against trained assassins.

8. The Promise

The episode of the season when the majority of it focuses on Flashbacks and we got a really entertaining one where Slade, Oliver and Sara take over the boat. Slade was really awesome in this when he wore his old Deathstroke mask and slaughtered everyone in his path also we got some tense moments in the present with Team Arrow trying to secretly take out Slade. What does bother my a bit about this episode is that is that Slade turns against Oliver because of Shado and I always found that reason to be kind of forced .

7. Streets of Fire

The penultimate episode of the season and a really good one where Slade unleashes his army upon Starling City. This episode had a lot of good moments such as Quentin regaining his trust with the police, Malcolm returning as the Dark Archer and a real standout is when Sebastian Blood decides to betray Slade because he truly did love the city. However while I also enjoyed the parts with Sara and Laurel I have just never liked that Sara keeps thinking she is so irredeemable because that was the flimsy excuse she used to leave last time and I never believed it.  

6. Broken Dolls

The introduction of one of my favourite DC villains which is the Dollmaker and he was really good here in live action. Another great episode with Quentin (see he is much better in Season Two than in One and Three) because of his past history with the Dollmaker and that he teamed up with Team Arrow. This was also one of the darkest Arrow episodes because of the method of the Dollmaker's killings, like the part when he tried to make Laurel into his new doll. This was also a strong introduction to the Canary (not just two minutes intro last episode) but I just wish she didn't have to kill the Dollmaker.

5. Unthinkable

Now I know the finale is a bit further down the list than even I would have thought but that is because Season Two has so many great episodes not just the finale. We have here an awesome final fight between Oliver and Slade which was made so much cooler with the use of Flashbacks during it and we have the massive battle between Oliver teaming up with the League (with debut of Arsenal) against Slade's army. However I just didn't like Thea's subplot of leaving Starling because as I have mentioned in my reviews the pay off in Season Three is lacklustre after so much hype.
4. State vs. Queen

This episode is a standout in Season Two and I enjoyed watching every minute of it! First off this episode had the return of the first Count Vertigo and while there was some who found him too over the top I've always like him. He had a really cool plan of poisoning the city with Vertigo, he is one of the few to work out the Arrow's identity and he had a great final confrontation with him in the Queen Consolidated building. Besides that the trial was entertaining to watch with many twists and this episode had a big WTF moment with the reveal that Malcolm is still alive and the father of Thea.

3. The Scientist

Yep I just had to put in the two episode arc where we get the debut of both Mirakuru and Barry Allen. First off I complained in my reviews of Season One that the show was too grounded but this two episodes where the start of Arrow being more like a comic book, like with a serum that can make super - soldiers which is a great start. Then of course is including Barry Allen who went on to become the Flash and have a successful TV show of his own and would introduce Meta Humans to both shows. Plus Grant Gustin proved that he was just the perfect casting for the speedster!

2. Three Ghosts

The second episode of the arc to feature Barry Allen and a great follow up it was too. Arrow's fight against Cyrus (like in the last episode) is so awesome but the real standout is the visions Oliver throughout that drives him into despair except for Tommy (always great to see him) that gives him hope once again. This also had an awesome ending where Barry struck by lightning and I was so happy when I saw that because I knew then they where really going to give us fans the Flash and not just Barry Allen as a scientist.
1. The Man Under the Hood

My favourite episode of the season and I think it has earned it! Slade was so great as Deathstroke in this with a big WTF moment when he appeared out of nowhere in Team Arrow's hideout and then attacked the STAR labs. This also introduced us to Cisco and Caitlin so this was kind of like the first crossover even before the Flash show and the moments with Team Arrow rescuing Roy where great. Finally this is one only Season Two of episodes where I really liked Laurel because of her investigation confirming Oliver is Arrow, her scene with an injured Quentin and blackmailing her boss which I give her props for.  

Worst episode

Heir to the Demon

While I do like Nyssa as a character this episode reveals she had a past relationship with Sara which I just never liked because it always felt forced to me. Also while Laurel has just been terrible the entire season this episode was the worst for her with her fit of rage against Sara in the end or the kind of person she was in Flashbacks. I'm just really glad she became a way better character in Season Three then she was now.

The great screenshots of these episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;

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