Friday 4 September 2015

Bleach Review: BABY, HOLD YOUR HAND 4 (When I Am Sleeping)

Just keep firing! Your bound to hit him soon
Mayuri and Nemu now team up to fight Pernida who continues to evolve and gain more abilities.

This chapter is a continuation of fight we have enjoyed recently and I just want to first say that while Mayuri is my favourite Captain and this fight is one of the best of the arc, I admit it should come to some sort of a conclusion soon. What I really liked about this chapter is the team up between Mayuri and Nemu because I liked how Mayuri has come to care more and more about his artificial daughter since they where first introduced and it really makes me want a Flashback about their past. Speaking about when they where first introduced Mayuri used his limb regrow serum on his arm which we have not seen since his fight with Uryu. As for the fight Mayuri is really good at dodging as he manages to evade many all of Pernida's arrows which is actually just a distraction to provide Nemu time to inject a drug into Pernida. However Pernida continues to evolve even further by taking on the personality of Kenpachi and using Mayuri's Bankai ability to shed it's skin and heal itself. Pernida does seem really overpowered but I guess this is to be expected of the Elite Sternritter and makes me think Mayuri, Nemu or both will die soon and while it would be a shame I hope it is a least a nice send off. As for Pernida it is interesting it takes on the personality of those it comes into contact with which makes me think "Pernida" is actually someone the Left Arm came into contact with before, we'll just have to see. Finally chapter showed some really awesome artwork such as the three Pernida's attacking Mayrui or the shadowed Pernida as it's talking, it's really cool Kubo can put that menacing expression on a hand and not a face lol.

"Been a while since I had to use this"
Overall still just a battle chapter but was a really entertaining one and again I liked this new team up of Mayuri and Nemu.

SCORE: 8/10

Highlights: Mayuri and Nemu vs. Pernida
                   Pernida's evolution and new abilities
                   Awesome artwork

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