Friday 11 September 2015

The Strain Season Two: Fort Defiance

Tensions rise as Palmer receives Bolivar as a bodyguard from the Master meanwhile Gus and the  Vaun make their move.

This review has come a bit late but better late than never lol, to start off I'll talk about the best part of the episode and that was with Gus and the Vaun. Gus is one of my favourite characters and I'm glad we got to see more of what he is up to starting with a really cool training scene where he is getting a lot better at killing vampires. We also get to see him and the team infiltrate the Palmer building which made for a really awesome heist part of the episode but it ended in a way I did not expect. It may have been too easy for Palmer to get the drop on this commando team so I hope they are not dead and we see them soon plus I hope Gus goes back to the other Vaun and continues to work with them. Speaking of Palmer I liked the interaction between him and Bolivar and it makes me curious as to how much Bolivar is like his old self; has he really got free will or is he controlled? Also really liked the opening with him and his attack on the cops, those poor sods. Another moment in the episode I really liked where the ones with Councilwoman Feraldo and her own way to exterminate the vampires. It is interesting to see others besides the main cast take up the fight but I just wish we got to see more of it which I will go into more detail later. Then there was the shocking secret of Abraham's long life revealed and I really liked the twist because not only did it make a lot of sense but adds more to his character in that he is getting help from the thing he despises the most.

As for everything else I again really hate the scenes with Zach and it has come to the point where I just want to skip all the scenes he is in. I know I've hated on him since Season Two began but he is not making easy with the stupid things he is doing like trying to run away on the bus or smashing all of his dad's work. I mean I forgot what age he is supposed to portray but I think he is old enough to understand what is going on and that his mom is lost; we really should sympathise with him more with what he has been through but he just keeps being the whiny, obnoxious brat and burden at this point. Also again it doesn't help that the new actor is just terrible and ruining everything good the last one did I'm not an expert on acting but he just comes across as being angry all the time nothing else, even in the scenes where he isn't saying anything. Another let down was the moments with Dutch and Fet because I found them to be completely irrelevant to the episode; the subplot with her friend was just a small call back to Season One and it didn't change Dutch's character in any way. All in all the biggest problem with this episode is that it should have focused more on the secondary characters; Dutch's subplot could have not been in there at all, heck even Eph, Nora's and Zach scenes could have taken a break. More screen time should have been given over to Gus, Feraldo and even Palmer's former bodyguard Reggie who was re introduced but we barely got any time with.   

Overall the weakest episode so far because we should have had more focus on Gus, Feraldo and Reggie but too much screen time was given to pointless moments with Dutch and Zach who you just want to hate at this point.

SCORE: 6/10

Highlights: Gus and the Strigoi team
                   Feraldo's infection free zone
                   Abraham's secret

 Let - Downs: I just hate that freaking kid!
                       No real point to Dutch's subplot
                       Should have focused more on the side characters this episode

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