Saturday 26 September 2015

Top 10 Arrow Season One Episodes

Now I am onto Arrow Season One, enjoy! SPOILERS

10. The Huntress Returns

I may not really like Arrow's version of the Huntress (her story and actress where both wrong) however this episode was good because the fight scene between Huntress and Arrow was really cool and I give Helena props for the arrow catching, I mentioned in my review that was awesome for her to do. However the best part of the episode was Dinah and Quentin trying to find proof that Sara is still alive, you see before this I didn't much care for the Lance family because Quentin was acting like an ass and I wasn't too bothered about Laurel. This episode though made for some really emotional scenes for the Lance family and created a lot of sympathy for them that I enjoyed watching and it was sad when Dinah's theory was proven wrong.

9. Legacies

This episode marked the first time Oliver decided he would do more to help the city than just cross off names in his father's notebook and it was thanks to the Royal Flush Gang. They weren't too big in the comics but I really like how they where portrayed in live action. I also liked how the gang was a result of the actions of Oliver's father and that Oliver tired to first talk the head of the gang out of the criminal life.

8. Pilot

The very first Arrow episode just had to be in this list because it is the one that started the DC TV universe. This proved that TV shows based on comics can work and this first episode did a good job of establishing the world of Arrow. It had great action, fight scenes and character development but the reason this isn't a bit higher on my list is because I didn't like some characters like Thea, Laurel and Quentin.

7. Lone Gunman

I know China White was in the previous episode but Lone Gunman was the first one to introduce a DC villain that more people would actually know about. Deadshot is really awesome in the Arrow TV series and this was a great debut for him; he was a match for Oliver, he had his cool gadgets (like his wrist mounted guns) and we get fooled into thinking he is dead. Also this episode showed us how great Oliver's detective skills are and Diggle finds out he is the Hood in the end; I'm glad they didn't wait too long.

6. The Undertaking

This episode didn't have any Flashbacks on the island but made up for it with Flashbacks showing the origins of the Undertaking. You know what makes Malcolm a great villain is the fact that he believes what he is doing is right and for the greater good and this episode shows how convincing his argument is. We also get the reveal of how the Queen's Gambit went down and a great plot involving Oliver and Felicity working together to free Walter.

5. The Odyssey

This episode was the one where Felicity became a member of Team Arrow completing our beloved trio! But the real highlight was that it was mainly focused on the Flashbacks which of course was great because who didn't love the Flashbacks in Season One? We had some awesome scenes with Slade and Oliver sneaking into the airfield to find a way home and then an explosive action packed finale where we had Slade vs. Wintergreen, Deathstroke vs. Deathstroke.

4. Dead to Rights

An awesome return for Deadshot and team up with China White who hired him to assassinate Malcolm. All of the scenes involving their attack on Malcolm was great and it's funny how Oliver is protecting is greatest enemy and this is also the episode where Tommy learns of Oliver's secret. Plus I liked how Malcolm was almost forced to reveal his identity as the Dark Archer to Tommy. Thought I'd let you know now these last episodes are all going to have a focus on Malcolm because he is my favourite character and in my opinion the best archer in the Arrow TV Series.

3. Darkness on the Edge of Town

This episode made for a really entertaining heist style one where Team Arrow infiltrate Malcolm's company for information. We also get the an cool fight scene between Malcolm and Oliver (with Oliver being WTF over the arrow catching lol) with it ending in Malcolm's victory and learning Oliver's secret. We also get an intense Flashback with Fyers killing Yao Fei but what I didn't like about this episode was Oliver and Laurel going behind Tommy's back because I never liked the possibility of them two together in these early seasons and it was a bad move for Oliver to convince Tommy to make up with Laurel then take her for himself.

2. Year's End

This episode was the first one to introduce us to more archers in the present day and a great one as the Dark Archer who is revealed to be Malcolm. I liked that this was Oliver's first real loss to a villain because it does affect him for ages afterwards and it had a great twist of Walter being kidnapped because of his investigation. I liked the introduction of the Dark Archer and everything else in the episode that it overshadows Thea's stupid spoilt  - brat subplot that thankfully was a small part.

1. Sacrifice

I just had to but the finale here because this is one of my favourite finales in any TV series. What I liked about it was that even though Oliver won he also lost because of the death of Tommy (such a sad scene done so well) and the destruction of the Glades. The finale showdown between Oliver and Malcolm was brilliant and the scenes/effects showing the destruction was so damn convincing and just perfect.

Worst episode


This episode did have a good subplot with Diggle following Moira to find out if she is part of the Undertaking but that is it. What is a real let - down is the villain Vanch who was just generic and uninteresting, I don't need every villain of the week to be some kind of super or over the top villain but Vanch was just boring for a regular one. Plus it's not like the rescue attempt of Laurel was that unique because all Arrow and Quentin did was break into the villain's house and take out his guards, that's it.

The great screenshots of these episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;

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