Wednesday 8 July 2015

Falling Skies Season Five: Hunger Pains

The second 2nd Mass now have to fend off the constant attacks by the Feral Skitters and deal with the crisis of a food shortage.

Wow, now this was one damn great episode for Falling Skies! Now to start off this episode was so action packed it was awesome thanks to the Feral Skitters attacking the 2nd Mass; I mean they where just fighting them throughout so it never stopped except for the end. The shootouts where cool and all of the actions scenes felt really intense with the shots of the hundreds of Skitters and them trying to force their way through the barrier. It also seems that 2nd Mass is continuing to take Tom's words to heart with Anthony torturing one of the Skitters which also brought a small conflict between Tom and Weaver. It is almost like their roles have been reversed since Season One because Weaver used to be more of the aggressive one, for example he tired to send the 2nd Mass on a hopeless mission without orders. So again I am liking that we get a change in Tom for the last season though of course it is through the influence of the new aliens who appeared to him in another vision. Now while I like suspense I do hope the show doesn't wait too long to reveal the true motive of the new aliens because I don't want them to barely have a role then take over all the final episode. Another standout during the fighting was Dingann who made that kick ass drone to stun the Skitters plus we got to learn a bit more about him. I do like his character since he is a useful inventor and I like his role but I hope this means he doesn't get killed off soon because I say again cool secondary characters get killed off all the time on this show to spare the main ones.

The other half of the story focused on the low food supply of the 2nd Mass and it was really interesting seeing starvation affect the characters because it hasn't been an issue before. We got to see how desperate the 2nd Mass got like the really cool and gruesome scene when someone ate part of a Skitter, did not expect that! We also got to see Pope, Sara, Maggie and Ben go on a food run which was also great because while I haven't cared much for Maggie and Ben lately it is great to see more of badass Pope and Sara. I am really liking the pairing between Pope and Sara because Pope has had his time as the detached guy from the group and this gives him someone to care for. This also makes me really want Pope to survive at the end (not just because he is my fav character) because after who he was and how much he has developed I think he deserves to be with Sara and settle in peace in new world if the Humans win. We also got to see another Human/Skitter hybrid and while it is a shame we didn't see more of it, it is not like it was the focus this episode anyway. Finally the fly at the end was really interesting and was probably a spy but I guess we will have to wait and see what the whole collection of flies and Skitters mean next episode. One more thing to say I am glad that damn love triangle took a back seat (with Pope and Sara even saying how silly it is) and it looks like Matt has a love interest now which I guess is alright because it gives his character more to do.

Overall I really can't find any fault myself with this episode; I enjoyed it all the way through,  there wasn't any part that I disliked and unlike last episode a lot more characters got some spotlight. This one is probably one of the best episodes of Falling Skies in my opinion which makes me think I should do a top ten when this season is over.

SCORE: 10/10

Highlights: The constant attacks from the Feral Skitters
                   Starvation as an enemy   
                   Great action scenes
                   Great character moments

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