Wednesday 15 July 2015

Falling Skies Season Five: Hatchlings

2nd Mass discovers a massive enemy force so Tom, with the help of the Volm, makes contact with the other Militia around the world and prepares to strike back.
Really Falling Skies? Freaking really!!!! They just had to kill off Sara another great secondary character and who only in my last review I said should survive until the end with Pope. I'm sorry but this again is another example of Falling Skies just too afraid to off their main cast; now I do really like everyone one of the main cast but why does the show constantly kill off their well developed secondary characters for the dramatic death scene? Also with the way Pope reacted afterwards I can really see him rebelling now and for all I know that could get him killed at the end. I am not just saying this because he is my favourite character but the way Pope was, what he has been through and how he has changed I just really think he could be one of the characters who survived and had a happy ending in the finale. I know this is supposed to show us that Tom has changed but sacrificing someone else to complete the mission is going a bit too far me plus I bet if it was one of his family he would have went because I guess all of the Masons have got to survive. I know this is quite the rant but it did bother me and the only good thing about it is that Sara's death was done really well at least; it was a sad last moment between her and Pope.
As for everything else it is annoying the Hybrid Skitter subplot is over already because I thought it was going to be a big thing but the shooting and suicide at least was pretty damn dark. I did however enjoy the main plot of stopping the massive enemy force and Ben and Maggie brain diving into the Overlord was really cool; see I don't them working like that just keep the romance out of it. Now Anthony continues to get some spotlight which is great because his PTSD condition isn't something that has been touched before on the show and makes me wonder if he will turn against 2nd Mass. My guess is that he will join Pope's rebellion (from what I saw in the preview it is happening) which again bothers me because we already have had Tom vs. Pope in the previous seasons, I thought they have gotten past that now and became friends. Finally we get some light shed on the mysterious new alien race and finding out they probably are extinct makes me wonder if this is some kind of Overlord trick? One last thing even if I have to mark this episode down it is still better than Season Four because all of this season has been action packed and really damn gruesome. For example in this episode alone we got a murder/suicide, Sara's eaten legs and Anthony shooting that Overlord in the face. Now I don't need my shows to be always action packed to be entertaining but Season 4 for just so, so slow and I didn't really like much of the plots they had, mostly about Lexi.   
Overall while this was still a great episode and we got a great reveal about the new aliens, Sara death does bother me because I found it to be uncalled for and the wrong direction for the show to take which could lead to Pope's death if he rebels.
SCORE: 6/10
Highlights: The main plot of stopping the enemy force
                   More info on the new aliens
                   Some good plot for Anthony
Let - Downs: Sara's death
                      Most likely Tom vs. Pope conflict soon
                      The Hybrid Skitter subplot didn't lead anywhere
                      Tom's change in personality went too far this episode

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