Thursday 14 May 2015

Gotham Season One: Under The Knife

"So what first?"
Gordon continues his investigation on the Ogre meanwhile Bruce takes Selina to a charity ball to steal something important and Nygma finally loses it.

This episode is a prime example that the show can move on normally without having a stupid Fish subplot just shoved in there and wasting a lot of precious screen time. Gordon still continues his investigation despite the dangers and it was cool to see him confronting the killer by making a statement on TV. I am really liking the Ogre because he has been a well developed character with an intriguing backstory; the mother issues, the killing of love ones and his plastic surgery. It has only been two episodes but he has been woven nicely into the lore of Gotham, so well done on this plot so far. Gotham is at it's best when Gordon and Bullock are working together on a case because I really enjoying watching them slowly put the pieces together, like linking the Ogre's old deformed face to the plastic surgery clinic at the beginning, it is a lot of fun to watch. Then there is Barbara becoming involved in the Ogre plot and while I still don't care or feel any sympathy for this whiny, drunken character I guess I am interested to see where this goes; will she aide the Ogre now? As for the BDSM that did come out of no where and I guess it might be little reference to Fifty Shades of Grey, at least that is what some people who commented on this episode think. Now I have never read the book or watched the film (which I have heard is so disappointing and not sexy at all) but it has been talked to death so I know the jist of it. So I wonder how far and how graphic they are going to go with this?

You know Selina when Bruce grows up he isn't going to tolerate stealing that much 
As for everything else again it is always great to see Bruce and Selina working together and I liked seeing them at the charity ball (probably a nod to The Dark Knight Rise). I also liked the talk they had about Reginald's murder because it is there mind - set as Batman and Catwoman; Batman will never kill but Catwoman will do it if she must. Then there where the scenes with Maroni, Penguin and Penguin's mom and it was cool to see Maroni taking a stab at Penguin in a way he didn't expect and probably hurt him more. Plus it was also funny seeing Penguin lose it with the delivery man and just kill him with that shard of glass lol. Speaking of murder it seems that Nygma has crossed over to the realm of insanity by killing the officer who was abusing Kringle. The whole way he reacted at the end was great because it was like he was glad but still shocked and horrified at the same time but still Nygma has been pushed around by cops throughout the season so I guess he just lost it. I hope in Season Two he becomes full on Riddler because he is a villain that doesn't have to wait Batman; he doesn't have super powers or ice guns he is someone that the police could realistically go after too.

Got a riddle for this Nygma?
Overall a great continuation on the Ogre plot and I hope it is a big arc that doesn't end any time soon.

SCORE: 9/10

Highlights: Gordon vs. Ogre/throwing Barbara into the mix
                   Bruce and Selina at the charity ball
                   Nygma killing the cop

Let - Down: Don't really care for the bondage stuff shoved in at the end because it is not like they are going to be able to show anything on an 20:00pm show lol

The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;

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