The episode begins Barry and Iris exiting a movies and Iris telling Barry that she is getting more intrigued with the red streak that has been spotted throughout Central City. Barry then uses his speed to intervene in a high speed chase and get back before Iris even noticed what had happened. Elsewhere one of the crime families is having a meeting but a man locks the door and then we see a green gas kill everyone in the room. West and Barry are then called to the scene, after West reopens Barry's dad's old case, and Barry suspects that the murders where done by a Meta - Human.
"Lets just admit it; all my cases now will involve Meta - Humans" |
At S.T.A.R labs West admits that they can't just kill every Meta - Human and Iron Heights can't hold them but Dr Wells suggests that they use the particle accelerator. We then have a Flashback to the night the particle accelerator was turned on and Dr Wells, Caitlin, Cisco and Caitlin's finance Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) are all there but they notice something has gone wrong. Ronnie and Cisco run down to the turn off the accelerator, Ronnie volunteers to go in, however Cisco was forced to lock him inside when he failed to return. In the present Iris and Eddie are still hiding their relationship but Eddie admits that he can't take much more of it. At CCPD Barry and Caitlin are analysing traces of the poison gas left on the crime family and are stunned to learn there are also traces of someone else's DNA. Elsewhere the same man who killed the crime family kills a woman in a mall elevator and this woman was surprised to find this man still alive.
Look on the bright side at least it didn't soak everyone |
At CCPD Barry comes to the conclusion that this Meta - Human actually becomes the poison gas, they then hear the killing at the mall over the radio and Barry suits up and gets there. He runs in to the man, The Mist, but is unable to even land a hit on him and is poisoned however he manages to race to S.T.A.R labs where they extract the gas in time. At CCPD Barry tell West he regrets not being able to save the woman but West says that, from experience, he can't save everyone. At S.T.A.R labs Caitlin has another Flashback where she races down to the accelerator but is unable to do anything to save Ronnie. Dr Wells and Cisco have finished analysing the gas and finds out that it contains a sedative only used in executions and after running a search on who was executed the day of the storm they find out it was a hit man named Kyle Nimbus (Anthony Carrigan). The crime family turned him in, the woman was a judge who sentenced him and the lead detective on the case was West.
"How many times have we had to heal him already? |
At Iron Heights West has gone to see Barry's father Henry Allen (John Wesley Shipp) but is poisoned by The Mist however Barry arrives in time to give West the antidote they managed to make and even hides his face from his father. Barry then goes to fight The Mist and Dr Wells tells him that he can't remain in mist form for too long and Barry manages to defeat him in the small interval when The Mist has to become solid again. Later at a hospital West admits he knew about Iris and Eddie's relationship but accepts it and at S.T.A.R labs the team has locked away The Mist and agrees it should be enough to hold him and any other Meta - Humans. The episode ends in a Flashback and Dr Wells uses his secret room during the explosion and watches through a camera of Barry being struck by lightning.
Now that is one fast gas cloud |
Every single episode of The Flash has been great so far, just like the Arrow we are getting some perfect quality superhero TV series from DC.
What I really like about this episode was that the Flashback was something different other than another look at Barry's childhood. Glad we got to see some more background on the night of the explosion and on Caitlin as well because it added a bit more depth to her character. I don't think Caitlin's finance died in the explosion, I think he became a Meta - Human because they'll probably like to have a big reveal that he is still alive. Now I don't know if he does live in the comics because I admit that I haven't read The Flash that much but I have read some of his storylines and I do know some of his villains (for example I know enough to suspect who was in the yellow light). Also we once again get Dr Wells doing something sneaky and that is he must have known about Barry for a while and it just again raises some more questions than answers. Also like that they have a prison now for the Meta - Humans and I can't wait to see how many they put in there.
And he never got to go to Italy |
As for The Mist just like Multiplex I am glad they have given us a villain with a bit of backstory and interesting motive. It was cool how he got his power; that he was struck by the lightning during his execution and now he is like a walking gas chamber. His fight with Barry was cool as well on that prison road, how Barry had to keep dodging the gas we got some really close shaves. I also like his weakness as well (all great heroes and villains need a cool weakness) of how he has small intervals when he has to re - materialize. I really liked The Mist but I still prefer Multiplex because The Mist didn't seem to have that much of a personality, maybe that's because he was a hit man.
"Forget about me man, I can't survive outside these walls anymore" |
Other quick mentions is that I liked the dilemma Barry had on whether or not he should bust his dad out of prison and if I am honest I kind of wished he did. I can understand him wanting to get him out the legal way but even if he finds the man in the yellow light will a court really believe him? I doubt Dr Wells or even West will think its a good idea to reveal the existence of Meta - Humans to the public. Also while I didn't really care too much for Iris dealing with how to tell her dad about her and Eddie (why not just tell him?) I am interested in her interest in The Flash and I wonder how long it will take her to figure out that it is Barry. I admit though that they are only really having her investigate The Flash because the need her character to be more relevant to the story.
If Barry knew it was poisonous beforehand why didn't he bring a gas mask? |
Overall this was a great episode with The Mist vs. The Flash being the best fight so far however if I am honest I do want some more answers about Dr Wells. I know its just episode three but they really got me intrigued, I guess the show is doing it's job right then lol.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: The Flash vs. The Mist
A better Flashback this episode
Really want to know more about Dr Wells' true agenda
Let - Downs: The Mist could have had a bit more personality
Even though its interesting to see where they go in it the only reason they are letting Iris investigate The Flash is to make her seem important and it's obvious.
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