The episode begins with Barry hanging out with Cisco, Caitlin, Iris and Eddie in a bar and he finds out that his high metabolism prevents him from getting drunk. Meanwhile a red haired woman has stolen some files and caused a powerful explosion in a building. Barry arrives in time to save the window - cleaner by running up the building, Iris also gets there in time to see Barry in his costume. West, Eddie and Barry investigate the scene the next day and Barry cannot find any trace of explosives but manages to find the folder with the missing file. At the CCPD the military has taken over the case and a General Wade Eiling (Clancy Brown) demands all of the evidence. S.T.A.R labs then finds out that the missing files belongs to Bette Sans Souci (Kelly Frye) AKA Plastique and Barry goes to her address but she manages to blow up his suit just by touching it.
Now this is really cool! |
Back at S.T.A.R labs West tells Barry that Iris's blog on The Streak is getting out of hand and Barry tries to talk her out of it but she refuses. Later Barry tracks down Plastique who wanted to kill a doctor who experimented on her and talks her out of it but not before Eiling arrives and one of his men shoots her, Barry takes her with him. At S.T.A.R labs the team tell Plastique that her powers is the result of the anti - matter explosion bonding the shrapnel in her body she received in Iraq with her cells however this is cut short when a tracker is found in her bullet wound. Wells stays to confront Eiling while the rest escape and it is revealed the two have worked together before but are not on the best terms. That night Barry visits Iris in his costume while changing his voice to convince her to stop writing the blog but she still wants to do it.
If she blows up whatever she touches then how could she get her clothes on? |
At S.T.A.R labs the team tell Plastique that her powers cannot be removed, Barry wants her to join the team but they say that may be impossible because of the extreme nature of her powers. Later Wells convinces Plastique that she should do one more mission and kill Eiling because he will keeping hunting Meta Humans. She lures Eiling to her and knocks out him and his men with her powers but Barry arrives to stop her delivering the finishing blow however Eiling comes to long enough and shoots Plastique dead. Barry then uses his speed to run on water and takes Plastique's body away from Central City because it was detonating. Later Barry once more tries to convince Iris to give up on the blog but when she again refuses Barry says they need to stop seeing each other. Eiling then visits Wells and thinks they should co operate but Wells refuses because he knows Eiling wants the Meta Humans as weapons. The episode ends in a Flashback five years ago and Wells refuses to perform certain experiments on an ape for Eiling, on the ape's cage the name read GRODD.
Like running up buildings, this was really cool! |
Finally we get a Meta Human who isn't hell bent on the destruction of Central City or killing those who wronged them before they got their powers. It is quite the change to sympathise more with the Meta Human who didn't even like the powers they where given. Besides from being the first female Meta Human she defiantly comes off as a victim of the anti - matter the way she is hunted down by Eiling and she did also give us some great scenes with her powers. It is actually a damn shame they killed her off because I wouldn't have minded seeing her again, maybe not as a main member of the team but maybe she could come back in certain episodes to help out. Also once again they gave the Meta Human a great backstory which provides the source of her powers and I liked how her corpse turned into a bomb in the end.
Good idea meeting on a roof........only Superman, Batman and Arrow have done it first |
I also really liked the confrontations between Eiling and Wells and their conflicting views and I hope this rivalry between them continues I future episodes. I hope Eiling comes back and maybe has a few Meta Humans on his side and also I like Clancy Brown he is a great actor and is in two of my favourite films; Highlander and Starship Troopers. Also really like the possible appearance of Gorilla Grodd on this because he is a great villain in The Flash comics. Those who doesn't know Gorilla Grodd is a super intelligent, super strong ape with telekinesis and I am looking forward to seeing him on the TV series. His broken cage was spotted in episode one but that could have been just an Easter Egg but this pretty much confirms he will be in it. I didn't mention it before because I don't want to spoil possible future villains or storylines they might use e.g. I haven't given you my thoughts on the guy in the yellow light yet because since there has been barely anything known about him in the TV series what I might say could ruin future episodes but since most people can guess what has happened to GRODD now during the ending I don't mind giving you bit of info.
She's evolving! |
What I didn't like in this episode was the overblown drama between Barry and Iris because I just think her blog and Barry not telling her is just a nuisance now. I know they need Iris to be involved in the story, and I did like the rooftop conversation they had, but this is really just creating an unneeded problem for Barry. I blame her because of her stupid blog and her stubbornness of not listening to West or Barry about removing it but I also blame West and Barry because it really would be just so, so easy just to tell her. I just hope they get this little sub plot resolved soon because I just think it is something the series could do without.
When will we see Grodd? |
Other quick mentions; I did really like that Barry's abilities to run up buildings and on water where finally addressed in this episode. It was awesome seeing him do both and it looked really cool; I was wondering when he will be able to do that from the comics and they finally brought it in. Lastly I found the scene with Barry and West funny because of West's reaction to Barry changing his voice.
"Forget asking nicely if we can use your powers, we're just going to force you" |
Overall this was a great episode because we have a different kind of Meta Human introduced and again it just raises more questions about Wells and they way he convinced Plastique to kill Eiling, it is kind of too bad she died before telling Barry about it.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Plastique
Wells vs. Eiling (with possible Gorilla Grodd)
Barry's new abilities
Let - Downs: Killing off Plastique
The Barry and Iris drama
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