The episode begins with Bruce purposely burning his hand however Alfred quickly puts a stop to it. In the streets of Gotham several homeless kids are kidnapped by a man and a woman, one gets away, a homeless war veteran is shot and this is witnessed by Selina Kyle. In the morning Gordon and Bullock investigate the scene and then question the kid who escape; Bullock is sceptical but the kid argues that more and more street kids have been disappearing. Meanwhile nine miles from Gotham, Cobblepot gets a ride from two guys but kills one of them when they call him a Penguin. At the GCPD Nygma confirms the kid's story when he finds traces of knock out drug his system, Captain Sarah Essen (Zabryna Guevara) puts Gordon and Bullock on the case but tells them to keep the press out of it.
She knows not to accept food from strangers |
At Fish's club Falcone has Fish's recent 'lover' beaten up over the allegations that she has been making moves against him while Crispus and Montoya question Cobblepot's mother about her son's disappearance. Gordon and Bullock ask Fish about the kids disappearing and she only says that there is a buyer for them overseas, later Barbara anonymously phones the newspaper when Gordon admits his frustrated with not be able to warn Gotham. Gordon and Bullock later go to a facility that stocks the knock out drug and gets into a fire fight with Patty and Doug; the ones abducting the kids. While those two get away they manage to rescue the kids recently taken. Mayor Aubrey James (Richard Kind) announces that all street kids will be under the care of juvenile services but Gordon is furious because it really means clearing Gotham of street kids and sending them to juvenile prison without a trial.
"Hope no one shoots my hat off" |
Selina is one of the kids rounded up to go to juvenile but their bus gets hijacked by Patty and Doug. Gordon and Bullock question the manager of the drug facility and succeeds in getting a description of the vehicle the kidnappers use. Patty and Doug prepare the kids to be taken to the Dollmaker but Selina escapes and Gordon and Bullock arrive to arrest everyone. Gordon then goes to Bruce to discuss recent events and Cobblepot is later seen trying to get money from the rich parents of one of the passengers in the car he was in but is unsuccessful. The episode ends with Selina telling Gordon that if he lets her go she will tell him what she saw the night the Wayne's where murdered.
Great follow up to the Pilot episode, I like it when the next episode continues to be strong, and it focuses on Selina Kyle which is what I wanted. First let me point out that once again they are not so subtle with characters from the comics because I was annoyed that they call Selina, Cat in this. It just bothers me that as if the fact that she is a thief and likes cats isn't enough they have to call her Cat, this is probably for people who don't know much about the comic but still there was no need. Moving on from that I am really liking Camren Bicondova she is such a great actress; so energetic as Selina, really like her attitude when dealing with the cops and I really liked how she tired to comfort the one kid about scratching out an enemies eyes and then doing the same thing to the guard and that was pretty gory.
Wayne manor must only have that one room because its the only one we see |
Got some good gun fights involving the villains in this episode, Patty and Doug, however I kind of found them a bit too goofy. I just couldn't take them that seriously because even though what they where doing was serious they kind of felt like comic relief. However I really like the mention of the Dollmaker in this because in the comics he is usually portrayed as a gifted surgeon who makes dolls from the body parts of his victims. I know the Arrow already had their version of the Dollmaker but I hope Gotham's version, if he does appear, is closer to the comics.
"Arrest all the kids in Gotham, that's my policy" |
I also liked that this episode introduced another one of Gotham's problems which is it's homeless kids, last episode was police corruption. Gotham is almost like a character itself with a whole mess of problems so I look forward to seeing them addressing more of it's issues later on. Also even though it wasn't a huge part Cobblepot remains as great as usual and probably the best character in the series. His change in attitude sure is terrifying; the way he joked with the people who offered him a lift one second but slices the neck of one of them the next just because they called him Penguin. We also got to see is mother in this episode and she was pretty weird I must admit lol.
Maybe she went too though |
Something I didn't like was the them just putting characters in this when there wasn't any need for it. Even if I did like Fish I don't think she had to be in this episode, the same with Barbara because both of their roles didn't feel too important and they where barely in it for long. They don't have to show every one of their main cast in every episode so I hope they don't force them on us in all the future ones.
"If a puppet asks us to play a game then we are screwed" |
Overall I did like this episode because of we got to see more of Selina but I wished Bruce could have got a chance to interact with her because I thought when he said he wanted to help be might have got more involved.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Selina Kyle
Reference to the Dollmaker
Cobblepot scenes are always great
Let - Downs: Didn't like Patty and Doug too much
Some characters didn't have to be involved in this episode
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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