Took me long to get round to reviewing this.
The episode begins with Barry using his new found power to rescue people trapped in a burning building, Cisco is all for helping him but Caitlin feels he is being too reckless. Barry is then called for his job to investigate a gun shop robbery and believes it was done by six people wearing the same shoes, we even have a Flashback to Barry's childhood and we find out he was living with Detective West after his mother's murder. Later at a university gathering to honour a scientist Simon Stagg (William Sadler), which Barry and Iris are attending, six masked gunmen storm the event, Barry saves a guard but faints in the process.
Try to guess who the real one is |
Later at S.T.A.R labs the team discovers, using a modified treadmill, that Barry needs to eat massive amount of calories or he will continue to faint. West then shows up at the labs to try and convince Barry to stop endangering himself but an angered Barry refuses to listen to him. That night it is revealed that the gunman AKA Multiplex is Danton Black (Michael Christopher Smith) a scientist who worked for Stagg Industries and had his research stolen from him. He tries to kill Stagg again at a warehouse but is stopped by Barry but Barry is overwhelmed by Multiplex, who can create perfect copies of himself, and his beaten up. This disheartens Barry who thinks that it is best if he should quit now.
"Kick him while his down!" |
Dr. Wells then visit's West and convinces him to stop putting so much doubt in to Barry's mind because that is why he loses, meanwhile Iris tells Barry that she wants to investigate the mysterious blur that is seen around Central City. Later Barry finds out that Caitlin has made a clone of Multiplex from his blood and figures out that all the clones require a lot of energy to maintain so the best way to fight Multiplex is to take out the Prime who controls them all. Dr. Wells believes Multiplex was working on this clone technology when stuck by the lightning, thus giving him his powers. West arrives to tell Barry that Stagg is being targeted again and gives Barry his support and admits that the police can't handle the Meta - Humans.
"Your the hero this city needs Barry" |
Barry arrives at Stagg Industries in time and fights Multiplex and finds out that Multiplex wants revenge on Stagg for stealing his research just before he could have healed his dying wife. Despite being almost overwhelmed Barry manages to take out the Prime but his unable to save him when he commits suicide out of a window. Later Barry and West reconcile from their past disagreements and Cisco and Caitlin are both fully on board with Barry using his powers to help Central City. The episode ends with Dr. Wells killing Stagg when Stagg wanted to find Barry and study him for science.
What is Well's agenda? |
Usually it is hard for second episodes to be better than a Pilot because Pilots always have a larger budget to draw in the audience so its a lot more "bigger" however I think this episode topped the Pilot. In my opinion this is largely to the way better villain Multiplex because unlike Weather Wizard his character was a lot more fleshed out. They gave us just enough backstory on Multiplex to make him a great and more meaningful character; like how he specialized in clone technology, was working on during the lightning strike so it defined his powers, that really worked. Also him trying to avenge his wife was a better and more tragic reason than Weather Wizard starting off as a bank robber and still just doing it for the sake of it. It is a real shame that he died after just this one episode because I wold have liked to have seen him in future ones.
Now that is really cool! |
Continuing on from that the two encounters Barry and Multiplex had where awesome and really well done. I was unsure how someone who can just multiple himself can stand up against super speed but I really underestimated what overwhelming numbers can do against The Flash. The end fight between them was really cool as well, with Barry speeding through the copies in slow motion to get to the Prime. These to fights where a lot better than the ones with Weather Wizard and I hope that they continue it with other villains.
Bet they had a good laugh at that! |
What I also enjoyed was them introducing Barry's metabolism weakness from the comics because I thought they would have found that out in episode one. Might have been resolves really quickly but it was funny seeing Barry run on that treadmill; I hope this comes up again in future episodes and I also hope that there is a villain who exploits it. Another thing that was a surprise to see was another use of Flashbacks in this about Barry's childhood, it makes me think that they are going to have them in each episode just like Arrow. I like them from Arrow but if they continue to do it I would like them to not just use Barry's childhood because how much can they really get when he was ten?
I don't like any of those topping |
There was really anything I disliked about the episode because like I said it is better than the first but I guess the attitudes of West and Caitlin was annoying at the beginning. It wasn't that bad because they where just generally worried about Barry but they where both resolved at the end so quickly that I wonder was there any point spending three quarters of the episode mad at him in the first place? Also I feel like Barry's doubts of being a hero didn't need to be there either because wasn't that the whole reason he visited Oliver Queen in the first place, to erase the doubt he felt?
"Your lucky I'm faster than a bullet" |
Overall this was a great episode and makes me look forward to what other villain Barry will face and it again raises about Dr. Wells. He obviously has his own plans in mind and even though he killed Stagg he doesn't come off as an evil guy so it could be his doing bad things for the sake of Barry.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Multiplex
The two great confrontations
Including Barry's weakness
Let - Downs: Barry doubting himself again when I thought it was already resolved
West and Caitlin against Barry so much in this.
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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