The episode begins with Barry testing is multitasking skills against Caitlin, Cisco and Wells; he beats the first two but loses in chess against Wells. Meanwhile a armoured truck is being robbed by an unknown group and Barry quickly rushes to the scene, he manages to stop the robbers but they get away because Barry was busy getting a guard who was shot to the hospital. When the police arrive Barry says to West that he saw the leader's face and West identifies him as Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller), son of a dirty cop and professional thief. Later Iris tells Barry she has started a blog on The Streak but before Barry can talk her out of it they run in to Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) who has arrived from Starling City to check on Barry.
"Do you really think you can beat me at table tennis now?" |
Snark meanwhile kills a member of his gang because of his slip up in killing a cop but says he has figured out The Streak's weakness. Barry shows Felicity is power and even takes her to S.T.A.R labs which is permitted because she works with the Arrow, elsewhere West is still having a hard time accepting his daughter dating his partner. Snark later receives a high powered flamethrower and a cold gun from a janitor who works at S.T.AR labs and kills him with the cold gun, now becoming Captain Cold. Iris and Eddie later invite Barry and Felicity to trivia night and are surprised with how much they have in common however back at S.T.A.R labs Cisco discovers that the cold gun is missing which angers Wells who orders him to find it. Captain Cold later uses his cold gun to break into a museum to steal the diamond at the beginning of the episode, Barry arrives but is shot by the cold gun that slows him down and makes him fail to save a guard.
Badass! |
At S.T.A.R labs it is revealed that the cold gun can slow down Barry's speed and regenerative abilities and that Captain Cold isn't a Meta - Human. However Barry is furious to learn that Cisco designed the gun to stop Barry in case he didn't become a hero, Barry can't believe they never trusted him. Captain Cold later steals the diamond and Barry rushed to stop him, West and Eddie arrive first with Eddie managing to save West. Captain Cold then destroys a train and Barry uses his speed to save all of the passengers but is shot by the cold gun. Barry is saved however when Cisco and Caitlin, after a pep talk from Felicity, arrive to save him with a fake cold gun, Captain Cold still escapes.
Really like it when they slow - mo for his speed |
Later when Felicity says her goodbyes Wells tells Cisco to never create anything like the cold gun ever again while at the police station West accepts Iris seeing Eddie. While Felicity is on the train Barry speeds in and they discuss the reason why they aren't together, he then leaves after they kiss. The episode ends with Captain Cold meeting an old accomplice and pyromaniac Mike Rory (Dominic Purcell) asking him for his expertise. He gives him the high powered flame thrower and Mike accepts becoming Heat Wave.
Now this could be the best team up of villain in live action ever! |
Even though I know that there is a crossover episode coming soon called The Flash vs. The Arrow I guess you can call this the first one because of Felicity who played a larger role in this than Oliver did in the first episode (that was really just a cameo). I am really glad to see Felicity in this because she is such a great character; like Barry she is just a really likeable nerd and she is funny and has a sense of light hearted humour. She also plays a major role in this episode, she wasn't there just for the sake of it, and I liked how she compared Barry and his team to her, Oliver and Diggle. Also I just want to point out that Barry has made a major mistake not wanting to be with Felicity, I mean did you see her in that black dress!!
You should guest star more often Felicity |
For another star in this show is Captain Cold and he is one of my favourite DC villains and they have truly done him justice in the show. He is just really cool in this and he puts up one hell of a challenge for Barry and great casting Wentworth Miller for him as well, he was great as Chris Redfield in Afterlife. His cold gun was just awesome as well and it is great that someone now has a weapon that is a TRUE weakness against The Flash, just like Cisco explained cold beats speed. Plus the end of this episode has me super excited for future ones since Captain Cold is recruiting Heat Wave, they usually partner up in the comics and I know they are going to cause mayhem here.
"The only thing that can save you now Flash is if a team of nerds show up" |
Another part of the episode that I really liked was the conflict between Cisco and Barry and the fact that the cold gun was created as a counter measure for Barry. I kind of agree with both of them on this; on the one hand Cisco did have to prepare in case Barry did go crazy with his power but then again he still never told Barry about the gun even though he proved wasn't crazy and it cost a guard his life. I am glad they patched things up in the end, all thanks to Felicity who uses her own experience working with the Arrow.
"Forget The Streak my name is The Flash!!" |
Small other things I want to mention is that I am glad the issue with West being okay with Iris dating Eddie is resolved because you see that in everything about cops, partners and their daughters and I didn't want it to drag on. Also Wells can be damn scary in this in the way that he kind of threatened Cisco about the cold gun. Since Wells has a way to see the future maybe he has already seen the damage Captain Cold will do and is angry at Cisco for allowing it to happen. One other small thing is that when they tested Barry's multitasking at the beginning and he lost against Wells, will that be significant in future episodes?
They learned now never to p*** Wells off |
Overall this is defiantly my favourite episode so far and just proves that The Flash is off to a fantastic start. It had a great guest appearance by one of the best characters in Arrow and a great villain who isn't even a Meta - Human yet still beat The Flash. I am going to give this a perfect score because there isn't anything in this episode that I didn't like.
SCORE: 10/10
Highlights: Felicity Smoak guest appearance
Captain Cold and possible team up with Heat Wave in future episodes
Everything else
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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