"Flame on.........everyone is going to think of Marvel" |
Team Flash realizes that Ronnie AKA Firestorm has become out of control and decide to stop him which leads Caitlin to continue to investigate project F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M and Dr Martin Stein (Victor Garber). Meanwhile Joe asks for Cisco's help with Nora's murder and General Eiling returns to Central City.
Finally we got an entire episode dedicated to Firestorm which actually turned out to be the first of a two parter. I admit I thought they would have brought in another Meta - Human for The Flash to deal with as a small subplot but I am really glad they didn't and the focus was just on Firestorm. The whole story round Ronnie and Stein as part of the Firestorm Matrix has been handled really well so far, especially the tragedy surrounding the two; that it is Ronnie's body yet Stein is the one in control so they are unrecognizable to the people they love. I'm glad that the Flashbacks where about Stein (his meeting with Barry and first waking as Firestorm) so we got to learn more about him and that for the later half of the episode, thanks to several drugs, we got to see him not crazy for once. Hats off to Robbie Amell (real life cousin to Arrow!) for playing a role where he was Ronnie but also not Ronnie. Caitlin also had a strong role in this episode as well such as the awkwardness to talking to Firestorm at S.T.A.R labs, standing up to Wells when he wanted to kill Ronnie to the goodbye at the very end before Firestorm blew up. Lastly while this episode wasn't too action heavy (which doesn't really matter because of the strong material of Firestorm) the small fight between The Flash and Firestorm was pretty awesome as well as the massive explosion at the end.
Good start but I wonder if he will have the rest of his costume from the comics soon |
As for the rest of the episode we got a really great team up between Cisco and Joe which I wasn't expecting because the two really haven't interacted much with each other yet. They did really work well together with some great serious and comedic moments and I liked how Cisco stood up for Wells in the end but his curiosity and wiliness to help got the better of him. Of course when they first mentioned that their was two speedsters in the vortex that killed Barry's mother I knew it must have been Reverse Flash and an older Barry because this plot has been used in a Flash comic. I do find this awesome because this proves that time travel does exist in the show and that opens lots of new possibilities; hopefully this proves Booster Gold could be in the show in the future. Also unless Cisco was covering for Wells this also proves that there really is two Reverse Flashes and while Wells does do questionable thinks he doesn't seem to be a bad guy because it is all to protect people. I also don't think he is the Hunter Zolomon Reverse Flash because he seems more like an original one for the show but I still think the second one is Eobard Thawne (Professor Zoom/Reverse Flash) who is either Eddie Thawne from the future or his descendent. Lastly while we did get some nice moments between Barry and Linda I do wish they would expand Linda's character a bit because of how important she is in the comics (Wally West) and I didn't like that we have a jealous Iris now. After choosing Eddie over Barry she really has to play the jealous game here? Plus Barry was right she did interfere when she had that talk with Linda.
So which one shall be coming back to that house? |
Overall this was an awesome Firestorm episode and I am looking forward to part two where we get to see General Eiling again who I really liked last time and who is played by a great actor. He obviously must be who Rush was scared of last time because of his knowledge of Firestorm so I can't wait to see what trouble he will cause now.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Strong Firestorm focused episode
Cisco and Joe team up
Time travel revealed!
Let - Downs: Linda could be fleshed out more and a jealous Iris
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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