"I am the real Weather Wizard" |
Mark Mardon (Liam Mclntyre), the new Weather Wizard, comes to Central City to avenge the death of his brother who was shot by Joe. Meanwhile Cisco investigates the time Reverse Flash was temporarily captured and begins to suspect Wells and Eddie and Linda begin to feel that Barry and Iris still have feelings for each other.
Now this is what I call an episode and it probably had one of the biggest WTF moments in the Arrow and Flash universe so far, I will talk about that later though. First off I really enjoyed watching the new Weather Wizard because Mark Mardon was way better than Clyde and is supposed to be the original one anyway. The Flash has always impressed me with it's great special effects when it comes to the Meta Human powers but this one was really perfect in showing the Weather Wizard powers such as that awesome tidal wave and the speed images of Wells. I also liked the Flashback at the beginning because it added more backstory on the brothers however I really wished there was more because even though Mark explained why he was missing for a year I think more Flashbacks on that would have been interesting. There was also a lack of fights between Weather Wizard, The Flash and Joe because Mark having a personal vendetta against Joe also gave Barry a more personal stake in the fight but overall I felt it was really underutilized (however I really liked that they showed the wand). This may be because a lot of screen time was given over to a Barry and Iris subplot; see I don't really mind if they get together or not, I just mind if too much of the story is given over to it. I just feel in comparison to Weather Wizard and Wells the whole romantic subplot didn't feel too important, they just seem to address this at the wrong time.
I thought an older Barry was following him when I first say this |
Now for the most important moment this episode was Harrison Wells revealing himself to be Eobard Thawne, my favourite Reverse Flash!!!! When that happened I was really like W T FREAKING F, it really took me by surprise and that is mainly because quite a few of my assumptions about Wells has been wrong. For example I really thought Wells would be an original Reverse Flash created for the show and I also thought there where two Reverse Flashes in this timeline but Cisco revealed that there isn't. The only thing I really got right was that Eddie Thawne could be the ancestor of one of the Reverse Flashes because of his name. Now the reason why Wells is stuck in this timeline is that maybe his connection to the Speed Force has been damaged in some way which would explain his fall when Piped Piper escaped, getting the device and wanting Barry to gain more speed. I have to say that Well is such a great actor as the good guy because in the comics Eobard is more of a psychopath with a strong hatred against The Flash. I also liked the moments he had with Cisco because it does seem that despite killing Cisco he regrets it because he came to think of him as a son, so this Eobard isn't all that bad in my opinion. Speaking of Cisco he has had some great material lately and I liked how it started off with him and Wells watching a film yet Cisco just felt compelled to investigate. You can really tell that Cisco was hurt when Wells was Reverse Flash because of how much he, respects and owes him.
Talk about overkill to get revenge |
The other important reveal was time travelling which they did a good job of showing; Barry seeing a speed image at the beginning and then was back there at the end. I think it is a really sure guess that next episode Barry will change the timeline in a way that Weather Wizard will get captured before the tidal wave, his captain won't lose the use of his legs and Wells won't have to reveal his secret to Cisco now and be forced to kill him. If they do all of that then for a little while longer Eobard will continue to be Wells in the wheelchair and help Team Flash. Still now that they have opened the door to time travel I'm sure they will explore more of it and the people behind the show have said they are adapting a major Flash comic which it looks to be Flashpoint. I also hope that if Barry does meddle in time travel more it will even affect Staring City and Arrow and that there will be a massive crossover arc where Barry has to set things right.
"My next trick will involve a member from the audience..........Cisco" |
Overall even though there are some negatives in this episode I just have to, HAVE TO, give it a perfect score for the reveal of Eobard Thawne and time travel alone. This whole episode felt like it could have also been a finale!
SCORE: 10/10
Highlights: Well's identity and master plan revealed!!!!!!!!!!!
The new Weather Wizard/special effects
Great Cisco subplot
Let - Downs: Needed a bit more focus on Weather Wizard
Not enough Weather Wizard vs. Flash
The romantic subplot
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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