Finally get to see him in costume! |
With Ronnie and Stein separated Team Flash believes that everything is all right now however they are in jeopardy once again when General Eiling targets Firestorm. Meanwhile Mason tells Iris that something is going on at S.T.A.R labs which leads them to investigate it and Joe tells Barry about his mother's murder.
SPOILER WARNING BELOW FOR FLASH COMICS (I don't care about holding back when referencing the comics anymore)
This Firestorm two parter was FREAKING AWESOME! Just like the three episode Brick Arc in Arrow these two episodes definitely rank as one of my favourite moments in the Arrow and Flash TV shows. First off it was really great that for the most part Ronnie and Stein where separated because we got some touching reunions between their love ones but also the realization that everything wasn't going to be fine now. It was interesting that Ronnie wanted to move away because while it is understandable it created a dilemma for Caitlin who believes she is doing good in Central City; thankfully she didn't have to make that choice but I wonder what it would have been? Their next problem was the connection that still exists between Ronnie and Stein which was really cool seeing how it got strong enough for craved words to appear on Stein's arm. Finally we got the return of Eiling which was great because he had some cool toys to take out The Flash and Firestorm but this also gave Ronnie and Stein the opportunity to perfect the Firestorm Matrix. I'm glad that we got to hear Stein's voice when Ronnie was controlling Firestorm because that is how it is supposed to be like in the comics and I enjoyed the banter between them.
That was a cool toy, I wonder if the military will keep using it or Eiling's successor? |
As for everything else I liked that Joe decided to tell Barry now about the truth behind his mother's death instead of keeping it to himself and that we are learning more and more about time travel. Now Barry wanting to go back in to time to prevent his mother's death is similar to the plot of the Flashpoint comic (awesome read) however I wonder if Barry will realize he won't be The Flash if he saves his mother. Even none comic book fans can figure this out; If his mother was never murder he would never have become The Flash so Reverse Flash is right in saying his mother was destined to die that night. However I doubt Barry is really going to care about this so I am looking forward to episodes in the future where Barry creates an alternate timeline. As for the other subplot involving Iris that could have been way better because while it is interesting that she may uncover Barry's identity on her own it was barely developed this episode and felt out of place with the Firestorm plot. Hopefully we will get more of this next episode but they should have saved this until then and gave us more of it. Finally what I wanted to mention was that we got some great comic relief between Joe and Cisco referencing Terminator and Back to the Future; those two have been great in their scenes together so far and I hope they keep it up.
"You don't want to mess with a perfect Firestorm" |
Now for the major end scene at the end I just want to say first that it is a shame Eiling could be dead because I liked his character (even though I admit it was a typical army guy looking for powerful weapons) and I said when he first appeared that it would be cool if he did form a team of Meta - Humans working for him, oh well the road not taken. But at the very least we got to see Gorilla Grodd properly now and see Wells in his Reverse Flash costume. I don't know why Wells and Grodd are working together now but this is another reason to say that Wells isn't the Hunter Zolomon Reverse Flash/Professor Zoom because in the comics Grodd crippled Zolomon in the first place and Wells isn't a cripple anyway. I still think Wells is an original Reverse Flash created for the show but was heavily influenced by Hunter Zolomon because of his wheelchair and friendship with Barry. As for Grodd he is getting more epic every time he appears and I'm glad we got to see some of his mind abilities and I can't wait until he gets an entire episode as him as the villain (plus his voice was cool!).
"Not God, Grodd" Epic line! |
Overall this Firestorm two parter was just so epic and I hope Firestorm isn't absent for too long.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Firestorm
Grodd and Wells as Reverse Flash
Barry investigating time travel
Humour from Cisco and Jow
Let - Downs: Iris's subplot could have been a lot better
Eiling is now most likely dead and I liked his character and actor
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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