So freaking awesome!! |
When Malcolm is captured by the League of Assassins, Oliver considers saving him for Thea's sake. Meanwhile Felicity fears for Ray when he becomes more and more obsessed with finishing the ATOM suit.
What an awesome episode, this one aired in America just before a three week break (hope we don't have that over here) and left the audience with such an unexpected cliff hanger. First off I actually really liked Laurel, Thea and Nyssa for the way they dealt with Sara death in their own way. Laurel for example did let her emotions get the better of her and attacked Malcolm, sure that was a stupid thing to do but I think she knew that and I liked her bonding with Nyssa over Sara's laugh. Thea betrayed Malcolm to the League and told Laurel and Nyssa the truth but it was good seeing her admitting that she did feel guilty after having a great moment with Roy. Just thought I'd point out that it was cool how they went back to Roy killing the cop in season two and his guilt over it, until this episode I thought he just moved on. Finally there is Nyssa' whose feelings for Sara has probably now cost her being the Heir of the Demon and I am interested to know how this turns out however I do hope she finally moves on from Sara and hating Malcolm soon so they can add something else to her story. Malcolm was also great in this episode because of how he had to deal with everyone against him (except Oliver it seems), I liked how he never took Laurel seriously in their fight and it shows how dangerous Ra's actually is since Malcolm was afraid. There was a lot of awesome action sequences from all these characters as well; especially Diggle and Oliver's assault on the League, however I am a bit disappointed in that because the episode was a bit slow paced so we only got the last five minutes of the episode with it and after so much hype.
Just like the good old days of the beginning |
Now as for Ra's offer to Oliver that was something I really didn't expect and even though I think Oliver will turn him down he will definitely be considering it next episode, he can't just turn it down straight away. You know I have read some people complaining that Arrow is being too much like Batman because of this Ra's story adaptation but since the writers have confirmed there will be no Batman in this I praise them for weaving it in the Arrow story so well and they do put their own original elements in it as well. Also I am positive now a Lazarus Pit exists because of I don't think that was just any pool Ra's was in at the beginning and how he said he met a magician all way back in the 1850!! You know I am really liking Matt Nable as Ra's al Ghul because the guy is just so imposing whenever he is on screen, you can really feel that this guy is the most dangerous man in the world. I just hope that from this point on we see a lot more of Ra's and that he takes a more active role in the story but since we are over the half way point in season three I'm sure we will.
"Your father is never going to care about Sara's death so............GET OVER IT!" |
As for everything else Diggle defiantly deserves some praise because after not being that active the last few episodes he was right in the thick of it now. He had some really great talking moments with Oliver such as in the club or when they where captured and I am so glad he went with Oliver to save Malcolm. When that happened I just thought "Good old Dig; the constant rock of the group who will always have Oliver's back", luckily I hear there is a Suicide Squad episode soon and that always focuses on him more. Now we also get the big reveal of Ray as ATOM and that suit looked so freaking awesome!!!! I just really love that design and it was so epic when he flew; I know people may say that it is a knock off Ironman but we haven't seen what it can do yet and for all we know it could get his shrinking powers soon (seen him and Felicity in a Flash trailer so maybe then?). I liked the moments with Ray and Felcitiy as well because I have always enjoyed the chemistry between them (I prefer them two together than her and Oliver) and they brought in some much need humour. Finally while the Flashbacks where short and not too important they where not the big focus anyway and they where entertaining enough.
"Since there is no Batman you will have to do" |
Overall this was an epic episode that was only brought down by it's slow pace and the Diggle and Oliver attack on the League didn't pay off as much as I wanted it to. Plus I do hope Thea's hatred of Malcolm doesn't last for too long because even though it will be understandable that she doesn't forgive him I just want her to work him again like before.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: ATOM!!!!!!!!!!!
Laurel, Thea and Nyssa subplots
Malcolm and Diggle played an important role
Ra's al Ghul continues to be awesome
Let - Downs: Slow pace
Oliver and Diggle attacking the League could have been longer
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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