It would have been interesting if Malcolm took over Team Arrow |
With Brick becoming more powerful than ever Malcolm offers his services to Team Arrow and while Diggle, Arsenal and Black Canary consider the proposal Felicity is strongly against it. It is revealed Malcolm has more of a personal vendetta with Brick than anyone thought as Flashbacks reveal how he became the person he is today.
What an end to an awesome three part mini arc in the Arrow TV show; I have said it before and I will say it again I have immensely enjoyed these three episodes and if I did a top moments in Arrow this will be in it. This is probably my favourite of the three episodes because finally my favourite character in the show has the spotlight; Malcolm Merlyn who I have been complaining about lately is too much on the side lines. Finally he got an episode focused on him and I have to say that the writers seem to be trying to redeem his character a bit (such as sparing Brick), I don't think he will ever be a good guy but he is has never been entirely evil in my opinion. It is just as Roy and Thea said, in his own twisted way he protects people and just wants to save the city. Plus we got to see him again as the Dark Archer which is also awesome because his costume is the best and he is the best archer in the show in my opinion. What was also a nice addition was that the Flashbacks where about his past and we definitely needed this and it was good seeing his transformation from a good man to The Magician. I only wish there was more than what we got like him training more with the League because the scene with young Nyssa was just cool but I wanted to know more!
"I'm back!!!" |
As for everything else it is good that Oliver is back now and though I think is entrance could have been more grand his speech to the citizens of the Glades was epic. Speaking of the Glades the showdown with Brick at the end was done really well and I enjoyed the massive brawl in the streets, also we got to see two characters again we haven't seen in a while; Sin and Ted Grant. Firstly I have always liked Sin's character and I'm glad to see her again I just wish that she didn't just pop up out of no where and they gave more explanation to where she has been. As for Ted I wanted him to be Wildcat again and he did not disappoint and it was awesome when he fought Brick; he really kicked his ass more than anyone else and I don't even mind he lost because I'm just going to chalk that up to the fact he has been retired for ages and Brick has almost superhuman strength anyway. Another character that was great this episode was Quentin, it was just so funny that he knew Roy straight away as Arsenal and how his joke about how Team Arrow choses names. Seems like he is going to realize Sara isn't the Black Canary soon because of Sin and since next episode is titled Canaries I'm guessing it's in that episode.
WILDCAT!!!!!!!!!!!! |
As for Team Arrow they have been great during these three episodes; Roy has really matured in the absence of Oliver, I think Laurel becoming the Black Canary has been handled really well and Diggle is always just great. However the real let down has been Felicity because I think she just become a weak and whiny character lately. She completely ruined Oliver's homecoming and I don't get why, Oliver is basically using Malcolm to train him it is not like he is making him a member of the team. I just really miss the light hearted Felicity before who is super smart but can also cheer up the team and raise their confidence in any situation with her wit and one liners. I just hope they change her back to how she was before because right now I don't look forward to the scenes she is in since she is just a downer. Before I finish I know this episode was similar to the Dark Knight Rises but that doesn't bother me since the people behind the show have said before that Christopher Nolan's Batman has been inspiration for them and it isn't like their completely copying them.
Magic tricks work on everyone; kids or even assassins |
Overall great finale to the three part episodes and I am glad that Brick is still alive to appear in future episodes. We got some great action and I actually liked the Flashbacks we got this time and I am looking forward to Oliver being in Star City once again.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Epic three part arc
Wildcat and Sin
A Malcolm focused episode and Flashbacks
Great showdown with Brick at the end
Let - Downs: Felicity has been a constant negative in these last three episodes
Wanted to see Malcolm's training in the League
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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