No Meta - Humans this ep again |
Well's former protégé Hartley Rathaway (Andy Mientus) returns to seek revenge after being affected by the particle accelerator and becoming Pied Piper. Cisco recalls his first day at S.T.A.R labs and Iris is hired by the Central City Picture News but gets off to a rocky start with reporter Mason Bridge (Roger Howarth).
This episode saw the introduction to a really great villain from the comics, Pied Piper, and I was really impressed with how he was portrayed; Andy Mientus did an awesome job. First off I liked how closely weaved in he was to the origins of the particle accelerator and the staff at S.T.A.R labs which was seen in the Flashbacks. This also gave Wells and Cisco a character who was close to them in their past which is good because unlike the other characters we don't know anything about their friends and family (especially Cisco). Back to Pied Piper I really liked his sonic based weapons, that he was affected by the explosion in a more negative way because of his hearing and how much of a challenge he posed to Team Flash because of his genius and the cool mind games he played with them. It is also good that he is the first gay character in the series and they didn't go overboard with that and made him a gay comic - relief. If there is a negative to say it is that while I liked his weapons and his plan I didn't like the way he was defeated because the whole cars with satellite radio was too convenient and a weak way to defeat him.
Finally the Speed Force is confirmed! |
The other highlight was Wells who continues to be more and more interesting and we actually got to see him use his speed but that he couldn't use it for long. That was really interesting and it could be that like some other Reverse Flashes from the comics his speed did not naturally come from the Speed Force and he acquired it through other means. I am really glad they finally mentioned the Speed Force which is (keeping this spoiler free) a form of energy that grants a Speedster their powers and Barry plays a really large part with it in the comics. A Reverse Flash from the comics used technology to grant him powers from the Speed Force which could explain Well's wanting the tacion device, like with everything Wells does I want to know more and more about him. As for his role in the rest of the episode it does seem he generally cares for Barry, Caitlin and Cisco which still makes it hard to believe that he is a villain and I liked his confession about the particle accelerator because he also seems to regret ruining the lives of the citizens of Central City such as Caitlin. I tell you if this is all an act by Wells to hid his evil intentions then it is a really good one.
You should really wear a suit to your first day Cisco |
As for the rest of the episode I wanted to first mention that the cameo of the Royal Flush Gang that appeared in Arrow was really cool, obviously it isn't the same gang but they could have inspired others and I kind of hope they touch on this a bit more. Iris actually had some strong material to work with this time and I enjoyed the scenes she was in at her new job. It isn't anything new (new reporter trying to prove themselves at the job) but it is something good for her character and now she will either want to find more information on the Flash or prove she can write other stories all the while trying to impress Bridge who I did like as well. One thing I didn't like was the moment between Joe and Barry when Barry says how good he was at raising him which I felt came completely out of no where. It's always good when we get a heart warming scene from these two (like in the last few episodes) but it just felt really out of place this episode because they had no conflict or anything throughout. As for Joe seems he is back to not trusting Wells but I wonder if his investigation will lead him getting killed in the end?
"Your time is over Bridge" |
Overall great introduction to the Pied Piper and I hope he becomes a regular villain like Captain Cold. Looks like next episode could focus on Firestorm or not; I'm sure the Americans would know because their three episodes ahead of us! You know how hard it is to resist the temptation on reading what happens on Arrow and The Flash every day!
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Pied Piper debut
Wells and the Speed Force
Iris had a good plot for once
Let - Downs: How Pied Piper was defeated
Barry and Joe's scene was just out of place
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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