She should use her sonic weapons more |
When Brick kidnaps the city's Aldermen and threatens to kill them all Arsenal, Diggle and the new Black Canary try to stop him despite the former two wanting Laurel to stop. Ray decides to help the police with this problem and Malcolm tells Thea that they have to leave the city because of the League.
Another solid episode from Arrow this week and I have to first say that I am really enjoying this three episode arc without Oliver. Don't get me wrong Stephen Amell was born to play Oliver Queen and is one of my favourite TV protagonists but like I said last review I like that we get this time to focus more on the secondary characters, namely Laurel. Those who have read my previous reviews know I don't like her; she was useless in season one and an annoying weak character in season two but she has gotten a lot better and stronger this season and I am really liking her as Black Canary. I think this is largely do to the fact that she isn't going to be as good as Sara for a while and they do a good job of portraying that; for example she landed badly on the truck, took a beating a few times and chose to run from Brick when she realized she couldn't win. She still has a lot to learn to be a proper vigilante and I am glad she is aware of that as well with the moment where she thought of quitting and the fact she teams up with Team Arrow because she knows she needs the help. Laurel also got some great material when not fighting and that is the way she is handling Sara's death with Quentin; I still think this will end badly but Laurel did have two heart - wrenching scenes when she used Sara's voice to fool Quentin. All in all if I did a top ten Arrow characters Laurel with probably be in it now because she has become a great character.
"I good sure use my bow and arrows right now" |
As for other highlights Brick continues to be a great villain and I like how that even though he isn't the final villain of season three he isn't just some one off villain either. They have created a really strong story arc for him and he has become a real threat to the city and probably still would have even if Oliver was still there. Vinnie Jones continues to kill it in the role and he had some cool scenes with Ray where they both threatened each other which makes me think they might have some future showdown. Roy was also great this episode because it feels like he has matured with Oliver gone and has taken some of the leadership responsibilities such as confronting Malcolm and leading the attacks on Brick. I liked that Felicity is over her giving up phase because I would have hated that to continue for ages and has I mentioned above Ray is just always awesome when he is on screen. Plus we had some awesome action sequences this episode such as the attacks on Brick (that helicopter jump by Black Canary was some epic stunt work) and in the night club in the Flashbacks.
Maybe future ATOM vs. Brick? |
Now for what wasn't as good was first I am glad that, that I liked how that annoying DJ is in the League because now he is relevant and Maseo and Tatsu had some great moments together in the present. I think it is obvious that their son is dead and you can see how much that has changed Maseo in the present and why he is so committed to the League. Now the stuff in the present between them was good but again I am not really enjoying the Hong Kong Flashbacks; the action is good but I just don't care much for the overall story. While I did like China White before I just don't care much for her now because I think they wasted the opportunity to expand her character because now she is just in the Flashbacks for the sake of having a recurring villain there (it could have easily been anyone else or a new character). Plus unlike other one off villains like Vertigo and Clock King she isn't as interesting as she used to be because she's just so stiff, bland and un - unique. Then there is Malcolm and Thea and while it looks like they will get more involved soon whenever they get a scene now I just feel like they aren't doing anything.
"So it's you and me now, Dig didn't work out" |
Overall Laurel has really surprised me with how much they have improved her character and this three episode arc without Oliver has been amazing so far.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Laurel is off to a good start as Black Canary
Roy, Brick and Ray
Some awesome action scenes
Maseo and Tatsu moments in the present
Let - Downs: China White and the Flashbacks
Malcolm and Thea
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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